camp CLOSE TO ME &. staring


Jun 14, 2024

he's bored. he's bored and painfully so. normally, he'd wake puddlepaw up for his nighttime shenanigans but he wants her to get some sleep so he leaves her. besides, he's still in camp. they'd be okay away from each other for a little bit– they have to do it all the time anyways when sharpshadow and ternstar put them on different patrols. how annoying. but that's not about that. his tail is standing stock still in the air, nose sniffing at the cold gust of wind blowing through camp. his gaze moves to the warrior den and suddenly he gets filled with an urge. he blinks but a few times before he simply makes his way inside. it's different in the warrior's den and he finds nothing really all that exciting about the prospect of being in this den one day. his tongue draws across his muzzle before he finds the one cat he, suddenly, has been looking for.

she takes a moment before crouching right in front of the tom cat, so close that the glow of her eyes can be only seen by him. he is sleeping. has he always looked like that? weird. he's weird. but she likes him, so what does that make her? she cares not. she doesn't care about a lot of things but how she is perceived by anyone other than her family is certainly high upon the lack of care list.

"h...ey. why d...o you l...ook like that?"

// please wait for @Amberhaze
  • Haha
Reactions: Sloane

Truthfully, Amberhaze didn't sleep much. Plagued by his own deluded fear of what could possibly whisk him away in the night paired with the much more real possibility of reoccurring visions of the life he left behind ravaging him in dreams causing rest to be something he dreaded. Tonight may have been the first time in who knows how long that he allowed himself the opportunity to close heavy eyelids and drift off into shallow emptiness. He would remain as finicky as ever, even in what could have been presumed to be peace, his extremities twitching sporadically alongside his perpetually clenched jaw and a furrowed brow. A light sleeper is what he was, always on alert like an owl only half awake, it was no wonder his instincts began to send alarm bells ringing throughout his head as it sensed the presence of something- or someone- that should not be there.

Had he remained still for a moment longer, perhaps he would have come to of his own volition, and perhaps that would have made the sight awaiting him a bit less jarring- wishful thinking, really- his reaction would have been the same regardless. But the broken voice split the silent air like crackling thunder, the face attached only inches away from Amberhaze's own. With a gasp, the pathetic excuse of a lead warrior would scramble to his feet with a scream- if you considered the squeal of a molly a scream- almost falling square on his back in his panic. "W-What the hell!?"

It would take some time for his quivering eyes to adjust, his mind rapidly piecing together the puzzle pieces strewn about his already jumbled brain. His voice was hoarse as he spoke, the result of nightly misuse and...overuse, much to his displeasure. "Buzzardpaw? W-What are you d-doing in here? Th-This is the warriors den...A-And it's the m-middle of the night!" His question was lost on him, Amberhaze's only concern now being to get this fiend out and remedy his embarrassment.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
21 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane



Though he values his sleep when he seeks it out, Screechstorm's efforts to do so are often labored. Plagued by talon-struck nightmares, the warrior drifts in and out of sleep. It's a restlessness that has him nearly giving in as he lays there with his eyes closed, wondering if the night was meant for a solo jaunt around the marshes instead.

Before he can decide between drifting back to sleep and rising to his paws, a voice breaks the warrior den's silence. A red-rimmed eye blinks open at its familiarity — despite being an intruder to his sleeping grounds — and he only just finds Buzzardpaw's silhouette as Amberhaze breaks into screams. Oh, how Screechstorm would've been mad, had he made his decision to fall back into his slumber!

" He is strange looking, isn't he? " the warrior answers with a snort. Especially now, all wide-eyed and frightened (or, more so than usual.) " Always has been. It's a shame, really. " With a stretch, Screechstorm rises to his paws and assesses the situation.

The kid seems more awake than her last night-trek around the camp, and finds himself wondering if Buzzardpaw's antics are more akin to his days as an apprentice. " Can't sleep, kid? " Screechstorm doesn't think he's going to find sleep any time soon: perhaps a walk is in order, an excuse to do so forged in the warrior den's intruder.

Screechstorm is a lithe, scruffy-furred tom, who appears almost as a shadow, save for red tabby markings appearing as light filtering through branches and the scars at his sides. His eyes, each a different shade of green, carry a mischievous glint — often in tandem with his crooked grin.

- Forestshade x ???⋅ Single
- Sibling to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
- Mentored by Chilledstar † ⋅ Mentor to no one
- Penned by Abri

  • Haha
Reactions: Sloane
lostpaw knows that it's just a bit on the edge of too late to be wandering around disturbing her clanmates, but she had a question about their plans for tomorrow and amberhaze had the vibes of an insomniac anyways so she reluctantly let her paws carry her over to the warrior's den. just a peak, she promised herself, just to see if he was still awake, and then she'd go back to sleep too. it was just, efficiency, she'd just pop in and ask real quickly-

"W-What the hell!?"

the apprentice startled, then quickly pushed into the den, following the sound of her mentor's panicked voice. was there an intruder? had they been invaded? she was by amberhaze in an instant, panicked blue-green eyes flitting about anxiously, only to find -- buzzardpaw?


once the initial adrenaline hit died down, she flushed a little in embarrassment, because now she was the one intruding, and she wasn't really, well, supposed to be in here. "er...sorry. i heard you yell," she hastily explained. " everything ok?" screechstorm was making comments about amberhaze's appearance, which, well, rude, but surely buzzardpaw hadn't bust in here just to tell amberhaze that he looked weird. surely.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a six moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and is being mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.


As if being scared out of his fur wasn't enough, now he had to deal with the barrage of insults from Screechstorm. He wasn't entirely surprised, and yet he still couldn't stifle the disdain creeping onto his terrified face, the creasing of his brow causing his features to twist into something that was- admittedly- pretty ugly. But that wasn't the point, was it? The biggest issue still stood presently- literally, right in front of him- and he was suddenly in a rush to nip this whole ordeal in the bud. It was embarrassing, but beyond that, he wasn't all too happy with being torn from one of the only semi-peaceful slumbers he's had in who knows how long.

"Uh, Y-Yeah. Thanks f-for your opinion, Screechstorm." There was a cold nip to his words despite his fumbling, and the oriental would shake out his thin pelt in an attempt to smooth his fur. He hoped that nobody else but him would be able to hear the torrent of blood still roaring through his floppy ears as the remainder of shock still had yet to fully subside. "I-If you're both having t-trouble staying asleep, m-maybe you should g-get some fresh air or s-something..." His voice trailed off, a sentence remaining unfinished. ...And leave the rest of us alone.

Instead of the crowd fizzing out, yet another voice would breach the already claustrophobic air- though admittedly, this one much more welcome. "Lostpaw- um...Y-Yeah, everything's fine. It's- It's okay, sorry for s-scaring you." Was she even scared, or just concerned? How much of that did she see? Some mentor he was. Is she embarrassed of me, the way Talonstrike probably was? Oh man...I'm already messing up again!

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
21 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane