private close your eyes ҉ fallowpaw

doepath ࿔

the poison stains my mouth
Jan 4, 2024
Getting riled up isn't really amongst her common interests... small, meek, quiet... trying not to draw attention or take up too much space, she's a natural opposite, a mirror to her more confident, loud siblings. Her tail lashing in agitated whips is enough to be considered out of character and she looms with a glower so souring you'd be surprised to hear the cause is not from eating lemons- her eyes match the citrus in its color and tongue-twisting disgust both. "You smell awful," she starts, pursing her lips, thinking to chew on them to ebb some of the bubbling frustration that winds and unwinds itself along her back in tense knots. "Like... blood." And this is articulated with a tone far quieter and sheepish, as if saying the thing might summon it in droves, might release a flood of sticky crimson enough to slaughter more than already had been.

"I'm... I'm gonna fight you myself! If you... if you want to exchange claws so bad," she insists, digging her own nails into the dirt as if in preparation for Fallowpaw's more coordinated strikes to come swinging the moment the gauntlet is thrown in front of her. "I won't...." she stutters again, losing her stubborn will, the steam that had kept her fiery frustration pushing her forward, "Won't stand for this. If you pick a fight on the borders and Gentlestorm can't get to you fast enough...."

Her voice trails off, blinking as punctuation of her pause.

"So are we... fighting or what," she whispers, folding her ears back in distaste for the idea but knowing it a necessary threat (or at least, believing it is).


ˏˋ*⁀➷ The sight of Doepaw angry is a strange one. Her sister has never been the type for it; not like Fallowpaw, not like their mother. She and Antlerpaw are gentle. Innocent. Good. Everything that it is not. Its throat pours nothing but venom, teeth seeking the copper taste of blood. Violence sinks deep through its fading scars, seeping into all that it is. The one solace is in knowing that that violence can be protective. The world is as cruel as Fallowpaw is; it bloodies its claws so its sisters do not have to.

Doepaw doesn't understand. Her anger is ill-fitting, her accusation timid. "Just a scuffle," her sister murmurs in explanation. Because that's all it was, really; a few wrong words that spiraled into a few traded blows.

The explanation does not satisfy. She threatens a fight with none of the confidence to back it up. Something runs cold inside its chest. Her voice is halting, her claws unsheathed. Is she... scared of Fallowpaw? The thought makes her a little sick. Does Doepaw truly think they would ever attack their own kin? "'M not gonna fight you," she murmurs carefully, still as stone. "Wouldn't wanna hurt you. Not ever."

It takes a moment to register. No, she's not scared of it, she's scared for it. Scared of Fallowpaw getting hurt. They ease a bit, eyes darting to the side. "'S not a big deal, Doe, don't get all ruffled up." She's not scared of getting hurt; better her than her sisters. "Not picking any fights I can't handle." The words don't quite feel true, but they're placating enough that it doesn't really care.

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  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw, doepaw, fawnpaw, & elkpaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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