private CLOSE YOUR EYES, HAVE NO FEAR | rainbowpaw

Harnessing his newfound ability to summon the living to his shadowy residency, Snakehiss makes haste in invading the minds of his children... or the ones who would listen to him, of course. The older ones would not give him the time of day, surely. Ternstar's kits on the other paw... perhaps he stood a chance to provide them with the education that he could not give his elder brood.

When the apprentice awakens, surrounded by a hollow and dreary forest, the wiry tom is standing across from him. Snakehiss takes a moment to fully take in Rainbowpaw's presence, admiring how colossal his stature is at his age. The warrior can imagine how brutal he would be on a battlefield with those thick limbs and strong muscles. "Greetings, Rainbowpaw." He meows.

"You do not know me, but I have been watching you for a little while now." Snakehiss would have cast his lifeless gaze over his youngest children many moons ago had he known of their existence. At least now he can try and step in while they're fresh apprentices. They were naive, their minds able to be sculpted, their strengths begging to be unearthed. "Your training has only just begun, but I can see that you have the potential to be a strong warrior..."

A ghost of a smirk tugs on the corner of his maw. "... With the right help, of course." Regarding the brown-eyed youth with his own singular emerald hue, the ivory-patched tom paces to the side while claiming, "I can teach you skills that your mentor does not have." It was true. ShadowClanners did not possess the skills that WindClanners did. If Rainbowpaw knew the secrets of how a moor cat thought and fought, he could be an even stronger warrior. "You want to be able to protect your mother, don't you?" Snakehiss casts a line that hopefully the apprentice would nibble on to. This was how he would hook him. The anticipation of being able to train with his own son, to shape him into the warrior he's always wanted to be... Snakehiss feels excitement mount within him.

  • ooc: @RAINBOWPAW
  • 90548638_68iFUKEt3B2rLbj.png
    ✶ snakehiss. warrior of the dark forest ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab male, he/him | bisexual, mated to no one
    ㅤdied 10/19/24 at 23 moons
    ㅤformer windclan deputy & exile | mentored rivewhisper
    ㅤsh black w/ vitiligo, green eyes & a single white patch on chest, torn-out left eye & a torn left ear w/ heavy scarring
    ㅤfather to rowanpaw, viperpaw, wasppaw, laurelpaw, & privetfrost ( with berrysnap ) & cornflowerkit, rainbowkit, ivorykit ( with ternstar )
    ㅤwritten by beatles, ic opinions | tags
He stirs in his sleep with a six-toed paw twitching though whatever dream that he's having is interrupted by a voice and it causes him to shift from where he is, Rainbowpaw blinks his dark gaze at the marred warrior that stands before him and the fur along his spine seems to prickle. How did this stranger get into the apprentices den? How hadn't any of the warriors kept this creature away from camp or chased him off? Several questions form in his mind but he pauses to hear that the other older tom seems to know his name which doesn't make him relax in the slightest "And who are you?" The two-toned apprentice demands as he rises to his paws wondering if he should alert anyone else but that's when he realizes that he isn't within the apprentice den and the bodies of his denmates aren't around him, it causes his eyebrows to knit together.

"Where am I?" Another demanding question after the first though he stops altogether when he hears that the other has been watching him and he can't help but grimace at the thought of this one-eyed freak observing him from wherever like some sort of specimen. Before Rainbowpaw can insult the other its then that Snakehiss mentions that he has the potential to be a strong warrior that manages to pacify him even if its temporary, his ears angle themselves forward to silently show that he's listening to what the others saying. The potential to be a strong warrior, well, wasn't it obvious by his mere stature and the way that he seems to tower over his denmates? This tom must've been born yesterday and not observing well enough to know that he's being trained by his very own mother, Ternstar, the leader specifically selected by the stars themselves.

Did Snakehiss not see that he could achieve greatness without the help of this stranger? He has to refrain from the scoff that wishes to leave him when the white speckled tom mentions with help, of course, he would be a good warrior and that there's skills that even his mother doesn't seem to possess. He isn't so certain of that but then again... A small bit of help wouldn't be all that harmful and surely, if Ternstar said his increasing growth and swiftness in learning then he could possibly graduate a lot quicker than the rest of his clanmates. There's a sick sense of satisfaction of overpassing his own sister and Puddlepaw despite their alliance, maybe, if he played his cards right then he would be able to graduate alongside the chimera.

"You want to be able to protect your mother, don't you?"

"I do." He answers much too swiftly without much of a thought and it causes him to inwardly wince at the thought of agreeing to training with someone else that wasn't his own mentor, he feels as if he betrays her in some way but tries not to linger on it. The words 'don't disappoint me' ring within his mind and ears remembering what she had said to him after she picked him as her apprentice, a heavy honor and heavier on his paws since he has big pawsteps to fill. He remembers the conversation that he had with Puddlepaw and how she asked him what he wished to excel in, it makes him wonder if Snakehiss would be able to assist him to be great at both those skills "I want to be a strong warrior... one that can finish a fight and be able to provide for my clan." His hardened gaze focuses onto the lone emerald pool that watches him and his large paws shuffle for a heartbeat, a foolish wish really but if the stranger could do it then Rainbowpaw would bite further into the hook til his own blood dripped onto the ground.

"Could you do that?"

☄. *. ⋆

ㅤcis male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤasexual biromantic, taken by n/a
ㅤ6 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
ㅤapprentice of shadowclan for 0 moons
ternstar x snakehissㅤ/ㅤbrother to cornflowerpaw & ivorykit
ㅤmentoring n/aㅤ/ㅤmentored by ternstar
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses his large size to try and overpower his enemies, he currently doesn't have a set fighting style
a large, longhaired black maine coon moggy w/low white and a pair of brown eyes
He can sense a fire burning beneath the younger black and white tom's skin, a sharp tongue that was wielded and at the ready. Snakehiss is not offended in the slightest at Rainbowpaw's confusion and demanding inquiries. He only sees a youthful version of himself. It's only a shame that the name he bears isn't more... powerful.

"I am Snakehiss." He is tempted to tell Rainbowpaw more, but refrains. In due time, this apprentice would know the truth. Right now, though, Snakehiss does not want to risk upsetting the youth and potentially scaring him off. He needed to gain Rainbowpaw's trust first.

As such, the one-eyed tom would have to tell him something in order to maintain his attention. Snakehiss opts for a rather vague explanation, "I have been dead for moons now. This place is not quite StarClan, but rather... somewhere else." Hopefully the boy would leave it at that.

The wiry tom has his son wrapped around his claw now, seeming to be completely consumed by the promise of being able to protect his leader. A ghost of a satisfied smirk tugs at the corners of his lips, though it quickly fades. He strides forth now, a narrowed eye staring forth at the longhaired tom. "I can. But... on one condition, my apprentice." Snakehiss comes to a halt, thin tail curling slowly behind him. "You mustn't tell a soul about our meetings. If you do, then I may not be able to summon you here again." They wouldn't take too kindly to Snakehiss' "teachings" and would probably try to intervene somehow. He would not want Rainbowpaw's slimy clanmates to stick their noses in business that wasn't their own. This was his time alone with his son... one that could still bring honor to the bloodline.

  • ooc: text
  • 90548638_68iFUKEt3B2rLbj.png
    ✶ snakehiss. warrior of the dark forest ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ㅤamab male, he/him | bisexual, mated to no one
    ㅤdied 10/19/24 at 23 moons
    ㅤformer windclan deputy & exile | mentored rivewhisper
    ㅤsh black w/ vitiligo, green eyes & a single white patch on chest, torn-out left eye & a torn left ear w/ heavy scarring
    ㅤfather to rowanpaw, viperpaw, wasppaw, laurelpaw, & privetfrost ( with berrysnap ) & cornflowerkit, rainbowkit, ivorykit ( with ternstar )
    ㅤwritten by beatles, ic opinions | tags