camp cloudnine-sublime ♡♥ pregnancy reveal

It was going to be her last patrol for a while and she was both delighted at being left off of them (finding the entire affair of watching her clanmates and other clans bicker like fools boring) and also very bored already of the idea of sitting in the nursery with only Betonyfrost and her kits for company until she had her own. But all the same, it was necessary. Halfshade was not so foolish as to risk her own health at the moment, especially not when it was not just her own life she was threatening and these kits were a long time coming. She'd wanted to be a mother for so long, since her first litter was killed...something she never really spoke of or told any cat and highly doubted she ever would, but a sharp-eyed queen might notice this wasn't her first time perhaps.
The torbie trotted forward, glancing around the camp with mismatched eyes wide in amusement, she didn't show too much yet but that was only because her long, glossy fur curled and draped around her like a veil and hid most of her stomach from view but while lying down it was much more obvious. It was a wonder no cat had pointed it out already, though perhaps that was wise of them. If they were wrong, she'd have been liable to take a paw off with a bite.
"Excuse me darlings, a moment?" She found Smogmaw in the crowd of cats and twined herself around him before coming to a stop, sitting with her paws happily kneading the ground before her and her tail a mock boa looped around the deputy's gunmetal gray coat.
"I'll be moving into the nursery today, Smogmaw and I are expecting kits!" While some queens, like the previously mentioned Betonyfrost, had made the entire move in subtle silence, she was not about to do the same. Halfshade was proud, happy, she wanted to share the news and she didn't care if it made her look self-important because perhaps she deserved it every so often. Besides, it was not just their news, but ShadowClan's news. Kits were the lifeblood of the clan and hers would be especially so, raised well and loyal and their father already a wellknown figure in the clan ranks.

tagging- @smogmaw but not a pafp <3
Prompt 6: Springtime Rituals: A celebration/announcement ! :D
More kittens in the nursery, more little squeak-squeak-squeaks. Needledrift purred as loud as she could in response to her clan-mate's words, hoping that her lack of a voice wouldn't be too much of an offense. She wished she could ask more - how many did Halfshade think she would have, had they thought of names yet, how far along was she? So many words, so many babbling questions that would be sure to annoy...

... but maybe somebody else would ask them and she'd get to learn anyways!
she smells like lemongrass and sleep

When Halfshade calls for attention, Dewfrost lifts her head. Her green eyes watch as Halfshade finds Smogmaw among the crowd and twinned herself around him before giving her announcement. Even before Halfshade announces it officially, Dewfrost has her suspicions about what is about to be said. Kits. They were expecting kits. "Congratulations!" Dewfrost purrs, nodding her head in acknowledgement to the couple. "What a wonderful blessing for the two of you." And the whole clan too she add silently. Kits were always a much needed source of joy for any clan, or at least for most cats. They were the future after all - future warriors, medicine cats, and leaders. She thinks of the delight her clanmates (though they weren't technically part of a clan at that point) had felt when she announced her own pregnancy many moons ago. Dewfrost focused on that rather than letting herself get consumed by the guilt and grief that shone in the corner of her memories. "Do you have any names picked out yet?"
It's always a nightmare in the making, being put between Smogmaw and his mate. That along, in the very same sentence, seemed wrong to her, a curse uttered. Her mind swims with the ramifications, the explanations, the looming confusion of love and war dripping thick at the idea. If someone like him could find someone like her, did that spell something good or bad? ...Sharppaw wasn't sure.

It's too confusing – too conflicting for him to want to be around. Only one is enough to suffocate the air she breathes; face she doesn't want to see, but both

No, they would not be spared. That much was clear as Halfshade nosed her way through the crowd to douse her mate in affection. Sharppaw half - hops away with a barely - repressed hiss, ears flattening as she scrambles to put herself as close to the edge as possible. Halfshade is the picture of happiness, in this moment, practically preening as she laid herself against someone who did not deserve her. Prickling jealousy settles its way along Sharppaw's spine. He can't possibly understand.

Smogmaw and I are expecting kits.

Sharppaw blinks, slow. She is perfectly still and unreactive, especially compared to Needledrift's purring and Dewfrost's words of enthusiasm. Did the two see nothing wrong with this? ( Was he the strange one, for seeing something wrong with this? ) He looks to Smogmaw straight on for what feels like the first time in moons. A different sort of discomfort pricks its way along her spine, and she doesn't know why. Did he fear for the kits? For Halfshade? ( Something else entirely? )

Uncomfortable. He's uncomfortable. Slowly, his gaze turns back to Halfshade. She was much easier to look at; to look too. Sharppaw's words a dull, but tone still rings a question – no ounce of sarcasm. " ...Really? " Half - grimace, half - plead, his face shows.

Ears twitch at Halfshade's call for attention, a green gaze lifting to look at the warrior as she moves to stand beside Smogmaw. An announcement that's no stranger to the season of newleaf is proclaimed by the calico - she is expecting kits.

More kits was a good thing, and it was even better that they would be born in the warm seasons, away from the struggle of leaf-bare. Ribbitleap looks to the duo, a small smile on his face. His home is thriving, and though he wishes Leaping Toad were still here to see how much their home is grown, he is glad for its progress.

"Congratulations," the brown tabby chimes in with a nod of acknowledgement. The future of ShadowClan is upon them, with Betonyfrost's litter and now Halfshade's too. Future warriors - Ribbitleap can't help but wonder if he'll be assigned to mentor any of them.
can we leave it behind? Perhaps it had been due to his complete lack of awareness in almost anything going on with his other Clanmates, but Sabletuft hadn't noticed any major changes with Halfshade. But he wasn't surprised that this result had come, the two of them reminded him much of himself and Rye. She had always been much more affectionate than Sabletuft was, so loud about how much she had missed him when he had patrols. Clingier than moss on trees, but he wouldn't have had it any other way. They worked well together somehow. He was happy for the pair, genuinely. Kittens were not the easiest for every couple, some struggled to grow a family. He wondered what kind of parents the two would be.

Sabletuft nodded his head in agreement to Dewfrost's excitement. "This is great news for you two, for ShadowClan. Are you already anticipating heading for the nursery?" He was inexperienced at the track which queens headed to stay in camp more longterm. He assumed as soon as one found out?— tags

Frostbite didn't often get involved in the lives of his clanmates unless he had to. He was a loner at heart, and even though he tried to be more social, more willing to mingle with his clanmates, he just couldn't change who he was. It didn't bother him much, he was fine with how he was. However, it was also what made him less observant of his fellows, figuring he should mind his business.

Which is why he hadn't noticed Halfshade growing bigger. She was going to have kits.....

"Congratulations." He said with a small smile.

He knew Halfshade would make a great mother. He wasn't sure about Smogmaw, but..... He couldn't be too bad, right?

He was happy for them, regardless.

The typical affairs in camp seeped with a mind-numbing insipidity that no amount of patrol-organising or casual conversation could reconcile, and this day is just about as drab as any other.

If he could break through the barrier of monotonous mind fog and introspect for the slightest of seconds, maybe the ashen tom would find the state of things to be a bit tragic. For moons on end had he carefully catered to Pitchstar's vulnerabilities, plucked at the strings of loyalty and obedience with shrewd gestures and calculated words. He had something to work towards, and the thrill of it pulsated within him like a secret flame. And, the fruit of his labour? An opportune elevation under the new leader's wing, thereupon able to project his influence, what little power he had accumulated, however he so pleased. It'd been a fulfillment of a long-enduring ambition—so, how is it that his days have regressed into a dull haze once again?

His mobility within the clan's ranks is hindered by Chilledstar's nine lives, and he held no desire to see anyone in ShadowClan removed for the time being. The fire of his ambition now flickers faintly, and besides his little ruse with WindClan, there was little to look forward to at this point, not a whole lot beckoning him forward.

Saccharine words pull Smogmaw from his self-imposed stupor. His line of vision skims from warrior to warrior in pursuit of his mate's figure, and upon spotting her, his deadpan expression is betrayed by a thin smile.

"Hello, lovely," he greets with a steely warmth, accepting her touch with an affectionate nuzzle. The mind needn't wander far to grasp Halfshade's intentions here. Their conversation from some nights back yet lingered in the deputy's memory, and her stomach has only swollen more since then. He thus holds himself with a poise befitting of a soon-to-be father, an air of solemnness and sobriety mixed with a hint of excitement.

Perhaps this is the spark that he needed, the push towards something greater.

When the admission comes, he inhales deeply. Charcoal-streaked furs shift into the molly's creamy pelt, and Smogmaw's expression softens as he considers his mate's words. It was one matter for her to disclose the news in private, but for everyone else to become aware, it added a new layer of complexity to the situation. He'd found himself sitting on edge about how the revelation would impact others' perception of him, especially in a fashion that devalues the image he'd strived to build. Does fatherhood make a tom appear weak to his clanmates, he wonders?

Fortunately, it seems as though the news is well-received, with well-wishes and joyful queries pervading the air around them. He sits a tad taller at this, and his tail sweeps around his lover's haunches in a pleased motion.

Amongst the crowd, he can glimpse the piercing gaze of his own apprentice—her input deviated from her fellow clanmates' pleasantries, in a manner which struck Smogmaw as that of denial. "Yes, really!" he replies to Sharppaw, nosey as to what oddities raced through his peculiar mind. "I'm going to be a father. I imagine you'll be sharing a den with our kits for a moon or so." But, he didn't want to think so far ahead just yet.

His attention shifts towards Dewfrost, his muddy eyes homing in on the silver-pelted she-cat at her question about names. "I'm sure that'll be figured out in due time," he returns, alloting a sportive nudge to Halfshade's shoulder. No, it isn't a matter of discussion they've explored in-depth, though he supposes he'll simply do what most parents do: work it out in the heat of the moment. "I'm leaning towards Bog, Willow, Crow... maybe Meat." Meat was a good one.

  • Sick

Luckily for the young warrior, Heathershade just happened to be hanging around camp for the time-being, content to aid the Queens- or more so queen, in changing out the nests.
Halfshade’s voice trills throughout, and the chimera’s attention is quickly caught by her former mentors announcement.
She picks her way over, practically floating in her light but deliberate gate, but her presence is a warm one, sunny optics aglow with delight.
"Oh my stars! Congratulations, Halfshade!" Heathershade purrs towards her former mentor, a plumed tail would gently brush against the others shoulder if allowed. Whilst Smogmaw was not present on her list of top five.. or even top ten favorite clanmates, as long as Halfshade was happy, she was as well.
At least, until the silly tom started lifting off his name ideas. "Meat?" She echoes in bewilderment, taking a seat to groom a fleck of mud from her silvery mane. Taking the moment for an idle thought, she finds herself smiling subtly, perhaps one day she’d be a mentor to one of these kits, how full circle would that be?
"I think Willow and Crow are beautiful… or Raven perhaps." She finally hums in a conclusive tone, not wanting to become too overbearing- if she entertained her own naming ideas for too long, well.. it’d be a long night for everyone.

❪ TAGS ❫ — The tom, at Halfshade's voice, turned his head and angled his ears as the warrior gathered everyone's attention for an announcement of sorts. He doesn't know what he expected to hear, but it wasn't this.

Roosterstrut is... stunned, to say the least. Pupils narrow, maw drops open ever so slightly like he can't believe what he's hearing. Hadn't Smogmaw and Halfshade just announced that they were mates not too long ago? They certainly wasted no time. It was hard to imagine Smogmaw having a partner and it was even harder to imagine him being a father. He almost feels sorry for their future children, and Roosterstrut could only hope that they didn't inherit much from their sire.

Still, Roosterstrut felt that it wouldn't be fair to completely ignore Halfshade just because Smogmaw now associated himself with her. She would make a wonderful mother in spite of who she chooses as a mate, he thinks. "Congratulations." The orange tabby tom murmured, short and simple, to Halfshade while avoiding eye contact with her better half.

Not caring to stick around for talk of names and parental anticipation, Roosterstrut ducks his head away in an attempt to mask an uncomfortable grimace and heads off.