Jan 3, 2024

Darkness is slowly encroaching upon the green land as night comes- swift, like a cape drawn over the blaze of the sun, which has painted... no special picture on the horizon tonight. Clouds are crowding close, end-of-greenleaf rains threatening the warriors who were to sit vigil. Eyes were drawn near-close, but the cinnamon furred she-cat sat in camp with her head lifted high and shoulders squared- not that she was really that large, compared to some of her clanmates.

The vigil was a sacred thing, something that was instated to bestow the knowledge of their importance on their first moments as warriors. Antlerbreeze still wasn't used to her name, a whirlwind of a thing she had been given, but she was settling into the new role quite well. Protector. Guardian- to those weaker then her, to those who needed help. Elders, kits, queens. The sick and injured. Antlerbreeze blew a breath then, orange eyes turning towards her sisters silently- giving a small, reinforcing smile to Doepath and Fallowbite- before shifting her eyes along the gorse walls of camp.

How was she to be still, knowing that the murderers were out there? That the cat who tried to murder kits still lingered in camp? She supposed, perhaps, the nightmares were good to stave off by being awake- but she needed her strength. She tasted ash again, swallowing her saliva and closing her eyes against covered moonlight, ears slowly dipping down.
  • "speech"
  • GealYnG.png
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: Houndshade

bayingkit likes when warriors vigil. they’re not supposed to say nothin’, which makes it even funner to try and make ‘em. this moon, there were a good bit of them, and there is more coordination to her wide paws as they skip over towards where antlerbreeze was settled. the fawny she-cat was nice enough, despite being one of her elders that liked to stare at her a little — not how she stared at the emerging stars now, a calm but thoughtful crease between her brow. it was a stare her siblings ( unbeknownst to her ) and even their deputy, flamewhisker, all bore from time to time . . she doesn’t understand it. she tries not to notice and doesn’t, most of the time — too young, too eager for positive attention to understand it’s her name that draws such negative, glaring emotion.

so she tries, lowers her head as she approaches and swivels her neck to gnash her teeth in a way she hopes is endearing, letting her haunches sway along with the rapid lash of her tail . . tries to get them to like her. when she gets close enough, she realizes antlerbreeze’s eyes had been closed, bathed in milky moonlight, and her show had been for nothing. with a brief huff, the kitten rounds her — crouches, shifts her weight into her heels the way her papa had shown her. stalking like it’s alive, slow around her back until she reaches the white - tipped thicket of her tail. eagerness shakes her haunches and, with a dualtoned glance back towards where the other warriors had been lined, tough and guardlike against the thistle wall. they look official, and scary, and strong enough to whack some sense into anyone brave enough to set paw in their camp again. she hopes coltkit and ivorypaw have the same, somehow. impossibly.

they are keeping camp her safe here, looking out for the bad guys that stalk the outside of thunderclan’s ravine walls. they were going to keep camp safe tonight, while she slept peacefully at her mothers side. she still throws a wolfish, long - toothed grin towards anyone watching — then, with another wag of her haunches and a wild blow of pupils, she pounces onto the new warriors tail. should it lift, she will roll onto her back and bap at it with both white dipped paws, writhing dark - cloaked spine against the dirt beneath her.

  • i.

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  • ” speech “
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

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Reactions: Marquette

a warrior. they're a warrior now. they don't... know how to feel about it or why it still feels like it's not good enough. instinctively they do look around for their parents but they're no where to be seen. they thought maybe they'd heard them chant their name but... they're not that delusional. they know better. they will always know better, even if they don't exactly want to admit it. they would much rather not think about it. and yet their mind rings with one single question.

am i finally enough?

houndpaw– no. houndshade, now, says she always was enough. always would be enough. but how can she be when her parents won't even congratulate her? smile at her? what more must she do? what can she do to prove that she is good enough? there had to be something. she looks over at houndshade and her brows furrow. they look even more beautiful now that they've become a warrior. had they always been? she doesn't know. she doesn't even know how she truly feels about houndshade but all she can say is... she's glad that theyre here. with her. unknown to her fully, they mean more to her than her parents ever could. their opinions matter little when compared to houndshade.


In all honesty she thought it was cruel that they couldn't speak tonight, not actually- she understood the importance as to why they couldn't speak and the importance of the vigil. Still, she wishes she could howl in laughter as Bayingkit attempts to pounce on Antlerbreeze's tail. Instead they glance at the kit and grin before turning her attention back to the surrounding comfort and supposed safety of the camps walls. Despite knowing the importance for this event a bitter doubt creeps into Houndshade's mind. How important is this job really when threats were slipping past even the most seasoned of warriors, how can a vigil work when the threat was also within the clan not just outside? It compounded that worry that she wasn't ready for this, that all consuming feeling of self doubt, what if the murderers tried anything right here right now?

They shouldn't, since the ex-kittypet's had been evacuated, leaving a hole in the community that she could feel ache of in consequence. Would Houndshade be powerless to do anything if these killers were still out for blood?, what good is to be given a warrior name when she worries that they can't do anything with it. They glance to the stars hanging overhead, StarClan had overseen this, so this was also their decision right? When had StarClan ever been wrong? And how self important did they really think they were if she thought they were wrong over this decision?

That self doubt quiets with that thought, though this new chapter was daunting and the memory would be forever soiled by the new deaths etched within ThunderClan's history in the wake of this she would try. Stars she would try to live up to the fact that the clan, the stars, deemed her ready to protect them. With that they roll their shoulders and sit up a little straighter, face pinched in thought and concentration. They were curious how everyone else felt in this moment, sometimes she thinks it would be cool to read others minds. She looks around at those surrounding her, gaze flicking past Stagpaw- no, Stagsnarl and lingering there. Did they finally feel worthy? Would she stop running herself into an early grave through overworking now that they had their warrior name? She hoped so, they really did.

They can't help but smile at the chimera before looking back to the world, no matter what happened things would be okay. Things would be okay because because everyone here at tonight's vigil cared for their clan, everyone here would try. She will try, for once in a long time. It's not a fix-all but maybe it's enough to improve things going forward.