Cloudy Days || Raining

Jul 28, 2022
Rainy Days: cozy, reflection, creativity, wet

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

The feeling of droplets gently falling down on Ravenwatcher's fur made the she-cat hummed as she lifted her muzzle to feel the rain pour down onto her. Droplets bouncing off her long fur while the tip of her tail swished calmly. Normally days liks these are when the others curled closer to each other but to Ravenwatcher this was a time to think of how far the clan has come since the harsh leaf-bare. They had survived, and now were able to see life grow once more within the forest, which brought a small smile tug at her lips, a drowsy look on the warriors face.

She knew that the youngest of their members will take this time to perhaps play in the puddles, while the elders would complain about the aches and pain they felt due to the weather, some warriors going as far as hide in their nests all curled up in the comfort and warmth of them. Despite this, the young warrior did quite enjoy the rain albiet its wetness, she found of comfort from it. Shaking her pelt, Ravenwatcher slipped back into camp feeling the drowniness that wavered over the place as she scanned the clearing to find someone to have a chatter to, pawsteps taking her to whomever her blue gaze had settled on first before settling herself down. "What do you think of this weather?" she questioned in a monotoned voice while water droplets fell off her whiskers from her recent ventures.
"bothersome. i was trying to sunbathe but i guess i'll have to wait until this passes." came the curt response from geckoscreech who had taken shelter beneath a nearby tree, it was not a permanent solution to staying dry but it will work for the time being especially since the rain is merely a gentle casacde at the moment unlike other days where it feels more like a storm. there are times where she can appreciate the pitter patter that comes with these rainshowers but today was not one of them.

// very short ;_;

Dreary is the day, all rain-filled and muddy. ShadowClan's shadows are darker than usual, with the dark clouds blanketing the sky above their home. Night-like, really, the sun nowhere to be found.

Eeriepaw likes this weather, when the day suits his dark fur. He can hide even better under the guise of rain, can lurk through the forest in further silence as the rain sings its song. Though, it comes with its downfalls - a nest he had to move back into the ever-crowded apprentice den, for one. No longer was he able to sleep outside with infinite space, that is, unless he wanted to sleep in a water-logged nest. He was sure Friend didn't like the rain anyway, the bird skull settled back in the shelter of the apprentice den.

He shakes the water from his dark pelt as he hears Ravenwatcher's voice arise - yet another question asked from the warrior. An opinion on the weather, she requests. Geckoscreech doesn't seem to like this weather, calls it bothersome. Eeriepaw supposes, hoping the rain breaks for long enough for him to not have to sleep in the apprentice den tonight.

Eeriepaw nods to the two in acknowledgement. "Good," he shares his answer, tail twitching behind him, "Rain is good." ​
can we leave it behind? One might have assumed rain would have made the bitter warrior simmering in irritation. Maybe surprising to some, Sabletuft enjoyed the warm rain in the summer. His muzzle turned up at the sky, eyes closed as the drops beaded against his fur. His wiry pelt wasn't easy to get wet, the rain rolled right off his back as long as it remained light. At least, it had been at the beginning of the weather turning- now he may have been mildly drenched.

"I think of how often my parents warned me I'd catch a cold for staying out in it." He mused. If one could hear over the rain, they might even catch the older warrior purring. A rarity among the emotions Sabletuft often expressed. "Rain brings more growth to the forest. More herbs for the medicine den, more prey for us. Better preparation for the winter... just hope it won't flood anywhere too much." — tags