c'mon DOWN ⚘ climbing(?)

This climbing thing didn't look too bad and his leg didn't hurt as much as it had a few days prior. Dandelionwish stretched it out, waved his busted paw and tested its weight on the ground a few times before nodding to himself. Dawnglare was, frankly, sick of him being in his den so he took to laying outside whenever he could to not press the red tom's ire anymore than he did just by existing but mark his words; he was going to be a right thorn in the medicine cat's side moving forward. They got to be clanmates~ Wasn't it delightful?
The chocolate and cream tabby wandered up to the nearest tree with a grin, choosing to stay in the camp in case his foolishness sent him tumbling and wouldn't that be just the worse thing ever to have to stay in Dawnglare's den even longer? A travesty. It was fine though, he didn't exactly plan to climb so much as he wanted to practice how to place his paws and dig his claws in to learn more properly later; Dandelionwish had no intention of going particularly high at all. At least not right now, though the idea was a bit offputting altogether. He doubted he'd ever be really good at climbing, so many moons spent racing across the moorland and developing a knack for high speed chasing meant he had little faith his form was fitted for scaling anything much higher than just the lowest branch but it was a task worth trying all the same.
Claws hooked forward, stuck sharp into the pliable bark of the tree before him and he attempted to haul himself up, hindlegs giving a good kick from the ground to push him up a tail-length or so where he clung fast and tried to adjust his weight more comfortable. So far this wasn't bad. A few more attempts to wiggle upward, claws readjusting to each climb ahead and he glanced back to find he was significantly higher than expected; it wouldn't kill him if he fell but he also didn't think it would be too pleasant.
It was at this point he realized climbing a tree was one thing...how did you get down from it? He couldn't very well turn up here, did he just have to reclaw his path back to the ground? Loosen his claws and let his paws grip to allow friction and slide?
Dandelionwish found himself getting worked up, ears pinned back, but after a moment he attempted to drop himself in a slow and gradual slide down that he lost grip of thankfully before the tree and fell backwards with a loud thump on his tail end.

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It had been a moon since Chrysalispaw has chastised a clanmate for being unable to climb a tree, proclaiming that if she could not do it then she might as well be a WindClan. He'd admonished the chimera for it to the full extent of his ability at the time, but he cannot help but hark back to that damned day upon seeing a familiar figure climb up a tree as if he'd never seen one before. The technique was, to be expected, not a SkyClan one, and a crueler part of the Lead Warrior hoped to see the ex-medicine cat fail. His eyes watched Dandelionwish like a hawk as he scrambled up the tree. Up and up he went until... he decided that he didn't want to go up any further. The silver tom's head cocked curiously as the chimera tried to shimmy down the same way he came back up, his body briefly tensing at the loss of grip in the other's claws. Luckily for everyone (because Silver would be positively bereft if he had to witness another head injury), Dandelionwish fell directly onto his ass. A pathetic noise came from the other and an amused 'hmph' aired out from behind the Lead Warrior's smirk.

Chrys was right about one thing, WindClanners definitely couldn't climb trees. Caring out of necessity rather than genuine intrigue in the other's wellbeing, he briefly assessed the other for injury from a short distance away. "An interesting technique. It's a shame our code never mentioned flattening our opponents with our rumps else you would be SkyClan's finest by now," he mewed, his sarcasm like venom. Silversmoke moved a few steps close to the other, his ears warily touching the back of his skull. Narrowed pupils told of his distrust of the ex-WindClanner even when he didn't speak, regardless of Blazestar's choice (and Silversmoke's approval of letting the kitten join), he still held little sympathy for the older of the pair. "Your ideas are fine but your execution is terrible... not that I'd expect excellence from someone who's probably never seen a tree before. Keep trying."

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( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw still doesn't quite know what to make of the WindClan joiners. They don't harbor the same burning hatred for the Clan that many of their Clanmates do; perhaps they should, what with WindClan's attempted herb-stealing. But it was to heal sick cats, right? Nothing wrong with that... The tensions between the two Clans are something Termitepaw feels estranged from, though her wariness remains.

Still, watching WindClan's former medicine cat attempt to climb a tree (with some success, though getting back down is another matter), it is hard to feel anything but sympathy. He does pretty well, all things considered. It's awkward, though -- clearly he is unaccustomed to such things, moor-cat that he is. Termitepaw keeps her distance as he climbs, choking the self-loathing that rises when the WindClanner of all cats seems to be doing better than she can. She feels a bit better when he stops, slides down awkwardly, ears pinned against his head. She knows the feeling. Termitepaw's never actually made it much higher themself.

Dandelionwish's final fall is unceremonious and Termitepaw cringes a bit before approaching. She feels no need to keep her distance; clearly, this cat is of little threat. Silversmoke's sarcastic, venom-laced words ring in her ears, and the apprentice feels the need to add her own thoughts, perhaps soften the blow. "'S pretty good, for a fi-irst time." They smile lightly at him, hoping it's encouraging. Their words are soft. "Be-etter than mine, a-and I'm fo-rest born. Silversssmoke's right, yes, ke-ep trying."
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Silversmoke’s harsh sarcasm coaxing an amused chuckle from Thistleback in passing, paws thudding on dirt and nettle as the piebald makes his way across camp with a hovering silver sideye on the brown and tan warrior who had crashed to the ground just shortly after the lead warrior’s calm witness.

The child chimes next with modesty, tentative and gentle as the humming song of their namesake’s wing. Termitepaw wields a good soul, offering light in the shadows. Thistleback was fair enough to acknowledge this despite his tendencies to prefer the dark.

" you overcorrected yourself too much. " Thistleback chimes in lastly, sides heaving from his return from the pine jungle canopy himself. While fully capable of being cruel and simply threading in his own brand of malicious words in favor of his silver furred companion’s, he doesn’t.

" dust yourself off " he offers his own, try again before settling with a upward nod of greeting to Silversmoke.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Perhaps predictably, Twitchbolt was soon on the scene upon hearing even the tiniest thump. Even with a new name, such ingrained attitudes were hard to shake- his entire life he'd never been persuaded away from his natural, spiralling sort of pessimism, and by now he would be a fool to think it'd ever fully leave him. The claws of nature grasped many a freak accident- though, upon rushing to the aid of whatever it had been bu bursting out of the undergrowth, Twitchbolt faced the thankful truth that this was no disaster.

Stunned eyes flicked between Dandelionwish and the tree, a frantic blue of pupils. Could it have really been that bad, if Thistleback, Silversmoke and Termitepaw seemed wholly unworried for his health? And yet- well, he knew falling out of a tree could never be that pleasant. "You- didn't hurt yourself?" His question sounded almost incredulous, and the witness of his olivine gaze did nothing to dampen that demeanour. He'd fallen out of a tree, once or twice... even with natural talent it was hard to get the hang of. The former Windclanner was likely lucky he hadn't fallen from further.
penned by pin ✧

Though he remains unsure of the former WindClanner's presence, Greenpaw still watches the pointed feline's attempt to climb from afar. While the apprentice isn't the greatest at climbing himself, he finds the scene to be amusing. The thought of a moor cat trying to climb pine trees? Fascinating!

Though... The awkwardness of Dandelionwish's technique aside, it does look like the moor cat is getting the hang of tree climbing faster than Greenpaw's been and... that's not too amusing, is it? His attempt at getting down however, isn't much more graceful than the orange tom's own - a scene that has the apprentice bounding over.

"You didn't catch him," he points out to Termitepaw in jest, remembering the last time he'd lost hold of tree branches. Greenpaw looks to Dandelionwish, head tilting.

"You okay?" he asks. A fall is a fall, after all! Greenpaw would be one to know, of course, having carried his own bruises from his tree climbing endeavors before. "You know, you didn't do too bad! Soon you'll be hanging upside down from the branches!"

If he knew Silversmoke was being sarcastic and pointedly hostile he showed no signs of it, Dandelionwish rose to stand and shook the dirt off himself as he faced the pale tom and the only response he gave to the not-to-subtle references to his intelligence and skills was a placid smile and a curt nod, "Real nice of ye to believe in me so much." Real neighborly, real friendly-he was going to respond to any cat giving him sass the same way with his usual calm and cheerful indifference because taking things personal when he was the stranger here just didn't suit him. The hostilities were warranted, no matter what some might say, and a few sharp words weren't enough to phase him anyways; he'd lived through the more cutting variant of being rejected already.
A small, stuttering apprentice adds in as he rolls his shoulders, she briefly reminds him of another cat back home and he stares perhaps a little too hard at her words of encouragement before laughing. "Don't sell yerself short now, this is real hard. That ye can do it so youngs a wonder to me!"
The black and white form of the other lead warrior approaching might put off another cat but, he'd already made up his mind how to feel about Thistleback and so the very stern and almost authoratative order is met with a smile.

His mismatched gaze drifts from Thistleback to Twitchbolt-a bit of a wavering cat but seemingly friendly enough and the odd spot on his eye was rather charming if you asked him, but then again he really liked strange eyes on cats. Bias, if you will. The other cat, friendly little orange thing, also chimed in a worry and it was really surprising to him to have so many cats either maintaining politeness or just neutrality. They had every right to hate him and maybe they did deep down but he'd never get over how calm it was here. It was appreciated.
"Naw, but thank ye fer the concern. Just a lil'bump on the tailend, ain't no big deal."

An almost grimace crossed his maw at the mention of hanging upside down, now he didn't think he'd enjoy that part at all. Just getting up the tree would suffice, "Rather leave that to the possums! Think ah'm fine just getting on top o'the branch as it is." With a pivot he turned back to the tree, now with a small audience in tow and if he fell again then oh well-just more practice. Eventually he'd be decent enough at this he could teach Daisypaw since he was getting to mentor her after all.
With a spring he was heading back up again, a little quicker this time but his uneven footing meant he was having a bit of a time keeping on a straight direction and had to recorrect himself before finally reaching the lowest branch and despite his form being a bit clumsy and having to spend a solid minute deciding how to go about it; he managed to spring onto the branch without falling and busting his tail bone a second time.
"YEEHAW, now that's a VIEW!"


Bump on the tail-end, no big deal- right, well that would have to do. It didn't quite quell Twitchbolt's crawling feeling of worry, but it at least numbed the sensation a little bit. His lips pursed, locked-together fangs latching free and sitting apart once again. Tightening of the jaw was an irritating and painful reflex, but one he'd never been able to shake. Even wen he fretted for no reason, apparently! How would he know better the state of an injury than someone who used to be a medicine cat? These... idiotic conclusions he always managed to get to...

Despite all the de-spiralling he was trying to wrangle, the bicolour tom could not help but let a grimace of fear occupy his features as Dandelionwish prepared to jump again- again, and what if he fell again? Surely you'd end up breaking your tail-end if you bumped it more than you should./ or, or, he could fall wrong. Twist a leg, crick a neck- it was only as his breath started to quicken again that he noticed Dandelionwish had already managed to heave himself to a lower branch. A small and quavering smile crept its way across his maw. "Hah, uh- the view is what makes it worth it," he fumed, voice soft and a little hoarse, squeaking a little in his throat.
penned by pin ✧