coalfoot's heart chart :)

Nov 5, 2022
note: if i already wrote one for ur character, feel free to come back later on for an update!

c o a l f o o t ' s . h e a r t.. c h a r t

IC: At the mention of Coldsnap, Coalfoot seems to perk up. "Oh, Coldsnap! He's- well, there's lots I can say, really, where do I start? He might like to be gruff and stiff, but I know he's a good cat. He works hard, and I know he cares about his Clanmates, even if he isn't the type to really say it. He's good at what he does, and knows how to stand his ground when it comes down to it. He has good intentions. I'd like to think we're friends." He lets out a nervous laugh. "Am I just being silly?"
* * *​
OOC: coalfoot likes coldsnap lots rn!! there's lots of respect and gratitude mixed in there, since not many seem to take him seriously, especially with his condition - he feels that coldsnap treats him as an equal and sees the efforts he puts in. he really appreciates that he doesn't really bring attention to it or think less of him for any issues/episodes. they both have the common ground of hyacinthbreath, with the added bonus that he was her apprentice. coldsnap is one of the only bastions he has left in the clan rn, so he might come across as clingy at times, but he does genuinely enjoy his company even if he's a bit of a stick in the mud now and then


s o o t s t a r .
IC: Coalfoot's smile fell away, if only for a moment. He seems to measure his words before he speaks. "Sootstar... She... Well, she's a powerful leader with a powerful presence. She knows what she wants. I- I respect her and her efforts. She's very forward in her approach to things. She has WindClan's best interests at heart." For a moment he stares, then chuckles nervously. "After all, she was chosen by StarClan for a reason, right?"
* * *​
OOC: coalfoot fears for himself and his place in windclan rn. he doesn't have undying loyalty for sootstar and her actions, and he worries about how long it'll be before his luck runs out and he's either driven out like emberfang and hyacinthbreath, or killed on the spot. he's doing his best to bite down on his thoughts and keep from acting out, as he knows it's the fast track to either. he can only hope the clan doesn't actually go to war, especially against riverclan


v u l t u r e m a s k .

IC: He seems surprised at the question. "Vulturemask...? Oh, right! He changed his name at his warrior ceremony. I'm not sure why, but based on what Sootstar said, he had his reasons. To be honest, I don't think I've ever really personally talked to him. Maybe I should? Although I'm not sure there's anything we could really talk about... He doesn't seem especially friendly. On the surface, at least."
* * *​
OOC: aaa coalfoot and vulturemask have like. never met. so there's really no thoughts to share about him other than basic first impression, which is more or less just exactly what he said. he at least knows he doesn't seem to be a bad person, even if he is grumpy


n a m e .

* * *​
Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Uneasy / Unnerved by
Nervous towards
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Envious of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Cares for
Enjoys being with
Finds entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Feels safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic love
Puppy crush
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic love
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