coastline [☼] coyotebite

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

While there is no tension in the air, Roeflame finds the silence between her and her assigned patrol mate uneasy.
Coyotebite was a respectable warrior, her work ethic one to admire, but the tabby held loyalty on a high pedestal, and remained biased and tucked into Stormywings corner.
Still, the tabby couldn’t deny her curiosity, her nosiness making its way to light in a tentative side-glance towards the other.
Sending Lightpaw on a faint trail, the two warriors were now alone, and she could pry.
"So uh, what’s your deal? You know, with Stormywing." Spoken casually to conceal her true prodding intentions, Roeflame makes a point to look in a different direction than Coyotebites, maw slightly parted as though looking for her own scent trail to follow.
