cocoa and embers // comfort circle&open



Inconsistent paper stars

A single month has passed. At least eight phases of the moon have come and gone, and it was uncertain how well it would be. The leaves had started to change color from a bright green to that of warmer oranges and red, the air was just a bit chillier and there was frost across the grass during sunrise now. It was a rather wild concept; that only a month ago the world seemed to bleak. Like there was no reason to exist at that point as the world outside the concrete walls of that horrendous place. Where they insisted on feeding him, stabbing him multiple times and being kept behind silvery bars. If that faithful day hadn't happened, it was unknown if he would've lived to see the next green leaf. A content sigh left a scarred muzzle, a singular yellow eye looking out over the clan as cats milled about. Kits played amongst each other, warriors lazed about in the sunlight and everything felt- peaceful. If not for just a moment. Like all that had happened lately was but a nightmare now and they could move forward with their lives.

A bare half of a face turned a good eye towards the leaders' den, then the medicine den, before the tom settled down just past the elders' den. With everything that has happened, he felt like the clan could use a good day. Something relaxing, something fun and comforting, so he had set up the idea of a talking circle. The cats of his pervious kittypet home had taught him this. It was a good way to talk to those in the clan, make friends and get things off the chest without judgement. Therapy is what they used as a word, but he felt like that wouldn't fit right in the clan setting. A naked tail tip flicked back and forth as Burningspirit moved his head around for a moment.

The cream tabby tomcat had spread the word a few days ago that he would be holding this circle today. Two sunrises he had said, and anyone was welcome to join no matter their rank or relationship with the clan. The plan was for this to be a judgement-free zone, and he hoped that Emberstar or Howling Wind could join them today- even Berryheart or Roepaw. A cat that had been close to the situation with Cinderfrost, with the gathering announcement and maybe even their own personal life issues. Burningspirit gave a hum and the heavily scarred tomcat flicked a half-naked tail back and forth; now it was just time to wait.
( ) It seemed that she was the first to arrive. The red tabby would offer the scarred tabby a friendly nod in greeting, and slowly sit down. Her emotion wounds were still healing, so she didn't see any harm in sitting in during this talking session. The day one of her clanmates had pressed her to share her history, she realized that she hadn't really fully healed from the tragic death of her mother. Just a few days ago, she had helped defend the camp from a stray dog. The sheer terror had almost made her run instead of fight. In the end, she had fought, but if she hadn't...? The thought made her feel sick. Would she ever get over her intense fear of canines? After the fire, her dreams had been haunted by flames. It had taken time, but she slept peacefully now. She could only hope that with time maybe she wouldn't freeze when she heard barking.
Inconsistent paper stars

"Afternoon Flamewhisker, how are you this morning?" The burnt tomcat greeted the warrior with a dip of his head and offereda warm smile. At least one cat seemes interested in that of his little therapy circle idea. Burningspirit gave a flick of his naked tail tip before shifting in his spot on the ground, "While we wait for other to arrive, do you wanna start us off? I am all ears for you and your feelings" He gave a gesture with his missing paw to his one good ear and gave a light laugh in response. Burningspirit felt like this would be good foe the clan, a chance to talk about everything and get thinga off ones chest.

Jaypaw isn't sure what a talking circle is and so he's trailed after his mentor in curiosity to find out. However, at the sight of the extensive damage to the host of this gatherings form, he can't help the brief stare. This time he's quicker to look away than he was when he first saw Berryheart and while he felt guilty for it and does too now, it's still a wonder for him. He came from a neighborhood of perfect cats gifted to twolegs in ribbons with silver bells and his mother's studded rhinestone collar prefectly cleaned and grooming appointments even though they could take care of themselves. The closest he's ever seen to injury or imperfection before Berry was a cat with a limp and strays outside the upstairs window, always held at bay by the tall garden wall. The burns this cat has suffered is far more extreme than anything the young apprentice has ever witnessed and questions swarm his mind. 'What in the world happened? How did you survive? Does it hurt a lot?' These questions are probably painful and he's too scared to blazenly ask anyway so Jay just blinks them away and offers a smile.

The orange and white tom settles down near his mentor only to make a slight face when he realizes what this is. Feelings talk? He's scared to talk about stuff like that, especially with his history. What if someone used it to make fun of him? He doesn't want anyone to know how stupid he was or know about his kittypet life in detail. Is it too late to leave the circle? "Uhm... do we have to do that?" He murmurs before quieting down for his mentor to speak. Maybe he can just talk about something else...