private code red \\ crowpaw

Apr 21, 2023
Her tail sweeps across the ground. SkyClan's camp isn't unwelcoming by any means, but it's still not her home. Brookpaw has complicated feelings of what home means, as its traditional definition never meant much to her. Regardless her paws step into a dry grass den, and she wanders close to the nest made for her. Blazestar and his Clanmates are only repaying a debt, as far as she understands it. That truly only makes this situation harder to digest.

Her ear twitches when she hears another enter the den. There are so many apprentices about, now that two Clans are housed into one camp - yet she is pleasantly surprised to turn and see Crowpaw. An odd talking tomcat, but a kind and curious one regardless. She offers him only a partial smile.

"You SkyClan cats don't decorate your nests as much as we do," she says, her tone terse with frustration, though her demeanor is largely unoffending. "Back in RiverClan, we put stones and shells in our bedding."
When he had become an apprentice, so did many others. He thinks about ten of them became apprentices, so a full apprentice den was no stranger to him. However, he now learned that what he believed then was not too much. Riverclan themselves had a great deal of apprentices that the apprentice den was cramped. For once, he regrets complaining about Skyclan having so many apprentices. As for Riverclan apprentices? They're different? What he means to say is that they're not bad, but different in the sense of the air they carry themselves in. Of course, if an outsider were to compare him and Otterpaw for example, they would think they were just apprentices from the same place. However, if he stood beside Otterpaw he wouldn't say they were the same. Otterpaw had aside from scent a different air to him compared to those in Skyclan.

Interesting, are his thoughts towards the Riverclan apprentices. With a long day of training, he is ready to unwind in his nest while he can, but he blinks in surprise when Brookpaw offers him a partial smile. It's enough for him to forget what he's supposed to do. He is slow to offer a smile back. She doesn't order him like Cherrypaw to keep her company, yet his smoky paws find themselves stopping next to Brookpaw. Taking a seat, he listens to her intently. He senses frustration and in turn becomes offended not at her, but for her. How come Skyclan doesn't have these shells?! He's heard murmurs of the word, but has no idea what a shell is. He knows what a stone is but those are just big rocks right? Why would they make a nest look pretty?

His answer to her is a slow blink before he opens his maw, "I decorate." As if to prove to her that she is not among the boring with no decorations, he goes off abruptly in search of his nest. When he does find it, he drags it over to her. His nest is without a doubt not as pretty as Riverclan's, but he has lined it with an array of feathers and flowers. It's no stones and shells, but the flowers cause his nest to have a pleasant smell.

Crowpaw is uncertain why his paws move before he can even think about why, but he ends up plucking a bluebird feather from his nest and offers it to Brookpaw. He gives her no room to question her or reject him when he mews "What's a shell? Is it some... No, not stone. If stone would have not said shell. Can't be a bone... Brookpaw? Do you have a shell?"