camp CODES AND KEYS — o, casual thread

Slate had emerged from Orangestar's den that morning without a second guess, choosing to stick his nose up to any nosy onlookers who raised their brows at the sight. He didn't care what they thought or speculated; it was none of their business, anyway.

The bulky Maine Coon approached the fresh-kill pile, only to frown at the sight of a bright pink-colored mouse at the top of the stack — a toy. Was this some sort of joke? "Ha ha, so funny. Keep your kittypet trash outta' the fresh-kill pile, yeah?"

  • challenge: try to keep your posts under five sentences >:3
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  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

As slate looked over those in camp, ever-anxious amber eyes reflexively focused on the ground, hoping to sink into it as the other approached the prey pile. Eggshell had brought something from home to camp, a toy that often calmed him down, and hoped to make someone else happy by leaving it as an anonymous gift, but now it risked being destroyed.

Eggshell wanted his precious toy back, but he didn’t want to out himself as its owner for fear of Slate flaying him, so the boy simply shuffled awkwardly towards the center of camp, trying to act natural. “Um - maybe whoever, you know, put it there - maybe they had good intentions…” He offered meekly, not doing well to hide who it belonged to.​

The humourless tom stared blankly at the mouse atop the fresh-kill pile, his tail lashing behind him as he stalked towards Slate and Eggshell. It would've hardly been a good joke at the best of times, leafbare made it worse, less of a mistake and more of a taunt - 'I am so well fed by my Twolegs I don't need to bother looking at the pile as anything more than a plaything'. Eggshell claimed good intentions, and the Lead's fur bristled at the naivety. "Good intentions or not, it doesn't belong there. It's smug aura mocks me." With unsheathed claws, it was only a matter of time before the spotted tabby removed it himself.

Most of the cats he looked up to were once kittypets, so one can imagine the words falling out of Slate's lips made Fireflypaw's eyes roll into the back of his head in annoyance. "You both are delusional, if you don't like it then just push it aside and keep your biting words to yourself." Fireflypaw snaps crankily as he trudges through the snow, nudging the toy with his nose. "Maybe the kits will like it?" He thinks aloud, sitting up straight. ​

Even as a new cat to the clans, Harmony is more or less entirely unfamiliar with kittypet life, even if his family - or his father, at least - had been a kittypet once, many, many moons ago. The sight of the bright pink color is more confusing to them than frustrating - they don't want to interfere, but they pull a little closer to get a better look, whiskers twitching with at the remnant twoleg scent. They don't really have a strong enough opinion on the situation to want to interject, but they turn their face away from the toy mouse with some slight degree of distaste, even as they linger to watch the other cats. After all, this could be a useful situation for learning what attitude they're expected to have in this situation, though it seems like there's no real consensus even among the current clan cats.

Shock was evident on Softpaw's face at Slate's outburst. Was it really necessary? Why not educate the daylight warrior on why this was wrong rather than bash them? At least Fireflypaw is brave enough to say something about it. I wouldn't risk my hide over Slate's temper for speaking against him.

"What even is that? A hairless mouse? I doubt a real kit of the forest would want anything to do with that... disgusting thing." Scornful tone cut through the gathering crowd, adder's venom coursing through unalloyed vein. Mismatched gaze caught upon the strange toy, a facsimile of the real animal, as if the Twoleg who created it had never seen such prey before. A sneer crossed his countenance, a familiar face for one of explosive ire and fiery rage. "Let's bury it. Or let an owl eat it."
"Enough," Orangestar warns Chrysaliswing with an annoyed twitch of her ears backwards, appearing nearby him with a frown. She should be unsurprised that the warriors most disdainful of kittypets would be turning their noses up at the presence of the toy.

"Kits will play with a scrap of moss for moons on end in leafbare if you don't change it from under them. Do you really think they'll turn their noses up at something different?"

Since Greeneyes has seen his fair share of daylight warriors bring in strange things from their twoleg nests, the young lead isn’t too phased by the oddity placed within the fresh-kill pile. He thinks the pink rendition of a mouse is strange, sure, and it’s placement odd, but he looks at it with an amused gaze, rather than the disgruntled one of his fellow lead, of Chrysaliswing too. A dismissive look is sent to the latter, before bright eyes shift to Orangestar.

I can pop it over to the nursery? “ he suggests. Perhaps his youngest kin will find some entertainment in the kittypet object. ​
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    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Silversmoke's gaze flittered to Orangestar at her interruption, blinking slowly in his leader's direction. A firm nod was offered before he reclined on his haunches, tempted claws retreating into their sheathes. "Fine... put it in the Nursery," he agreed with Greeneyes, offering an evil eye to the soulless mouse. 'How can anyone get enjoyment out of that?'


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- "For warriors, we sure do crumble under a pink toy" They mused from their spot beside the fresh kill pile. Having idly listened in on the topic of the pink mouse and what to do with it. At least someone had a good idea of putting it in the nursery. She was sure that itd be tossed out but hopefully Sangriakit or Fluffykit like ot at least. A little pink thing never hurt no body!

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.