Coffee for your head - Intro


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023
As a kitten, flower loved everybody. Her heart was bigger than herself, a small gal besides the layers of orange and black fluff around her skin. Her grin was as bright as the sun, or so she thought herself.

But no one was there to cheer herself up but herself. As far as she remembered, and was told, she was picked up one day on Skyclan border, and brought here where they kept her safe and fed.

That didn't help with the empty void beside her where many other kits had warm bodies to cuddle up against.

And then there was Crowkit. A speckled black and white tom that acted almost like the big brother she never had. She always looked up to him. He would play with her, and when a couple kits would say mean things to her, he would be there to defend her. He was her best friend.

Through apprenticeship she would train hard with him. And the look of awe in her face would be charmed by the males goofy grin and warmth that he had. He would tease her fragileness.

Eventually, it seemed the teasing would change to a more cold view after Crowpaw lost his own mother due to a sickness. He became more distant to the female. Their walks and adventures would come to an end. Her warm pelt wouldn't help calm him down, and she couldn't help his angry outbursts anymore.

"Why do you cry so much anyways? They're right you know. You are a crybaby. Maybe you'll be FlowerCry as a warrior." He scoffed as she tried to talk to him on a patrol. Her ears flattened and her tail drooped. That's when she decided to hide her tears. Her fragile self would not be shown to another soul. "Wh-what happened to you Crowpaw? You're my best friend.." She murmured, her voice faint. "Were. We were best friends. Not anymore." He'd turn away, going off in his own direction, and shed be left alone.

She'd watch him grow from a distance, learning to control his own emotions. But deep down, she'd knew her heart would never be his. She'd learn to grow on her own. Make a few friends here and there, and eventually earn the name of FlowerCloud.

She'd always have an ear to listen to others and try to brighten their days and push them towards finding their confidence and happiness. Whatever they needed to see their smiles again.

Flowers large frame would be basking in the sun, although fluffy, the amber point loved the feeling of the warm rays on her pelt.


Johnnys own life had been a good one, for the most part. He couldn't even remember his life before his twolegs took him in as a little kit, and his 'family' had always consisted of him and the human couple who looked after him. They were kind people, and they'd given Johnny everything he ever could have wanted out of life; a safe home, a full bowl of food, lots of love and a cat door that let him come and go as he pleased. The only that ever 'hurt' Johnny was the moving. His twolegs tended to pick up and move a lot, and so he'd had to get used to leaving the cats he cared about behind eventually. That was okay, though. His humans had given him literally everything.

In return, Johnny had tried to show his loyalty and gratefulness by staying close. He befriended the kittypets that lived nearest to him, and while they would wander as they pleased, he patrolled the fencelines diligently, protecting the yards from stray cats, rats, or other critters that would cause trouble in the gardens. It was a job he'd taken seriously, acting as a protector and guardian, and it was only when Thistleback had shown up at his fence that he realized there were worthier causes to dedicte his time toward.

It had been a difficult decision, not one made lightly by the bobtail. Johnny loved his humans and his loyalty wasn't a thing that was shaken easily, and the patchwork tabby had been racked with guilt at the thought of leaving his post unmanned to go spend his days in the forest instead. But in his heart he knew it was a decision his humans wouldn't hate him for. They had never expected him to stay on the fence and guard the yard to begin with, and so eventually he'd made the decision and joined Skyclan as a daylight warrior.

He was always home before dark, though.

"Hey Flowercloud!" greeted Johnny as he caught sight of the shecat basking in the sun, heading over to flop down and join her. "Think I'll join ya in catching some sun- it's the perfect day for it. "

Blazestar knows the pain of unrequited love, though he'd never quite been in a situation like Flowercloud's. He'd watched Crowmask and Flowercloud grow together as apprentices, teasing but friendly, but it seemed to him their relationship had changed overnight. There's a sadness in the amber she-cat's eyes now, though she is still gentle and sweet. She reminds Blazestar of his former apprentice Butterflytuft -- a heart so gentle it could bruise with a breeze.

He watches Johnny approach her, friendly and inviting as he usually is towards his Clanmates. The sun is out today, warm even for newleaf, and the Ragdoll's body screams for the same relaxation his warriors are enjoying.

Perhaps only for a moment. After all, fretting isn't bringing his lost cats home. Sitting alone, isolated in his den, dreading closing his eyes lest he see Howlpaw in a pool of blood, her throat bubbling like Morningpaw's had --

No, better to not. Better to not worry about Fireflypaw, still in the medicine cat's den with his injuries.

Blazestar pads slowly to the pair, giving a tiny mrrrrow in greeting. "It almost feels like greenleaf today," he murmurs, settling beside the two warriors. "Time goes by so swiftly these days."

Her ears perked up and her eyes opened to meet Johnny's and give him a warm welcoming smile as he joined her. "It is, darling! How are you this morning?" she asked to begin a small talk, stretching her legs out underneath her and laying her cheek on the cool dirt. Soon enough, she knew too well of the time it would take to pluck her fur clean of the wads from shedding season.

Her eyes would then meet Blazestars, just as bright. She never understood the dislike others had for him, and all she cared about was that he was taking care of himself and the clan, making sure that he wouldn't overstress the clan before himself.

"Alas, it does. Though the prey is still just waking up from hibernation, still." A pause, before the golden tabby would lift her head towards Blaze. "Oh, and before you get too comfy, Blazestar, if you haven't already, march your butt over to the pile and grab something to eat. You need the energy." she was trying to come off stern, but the gentle honey in her voice could never be covered. Green orbs would glance between the two of them, hoping that they had already done so so she could avoid giving the lecture of self care and how important it was. "You too Johnny."
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.°☀ I'll believe it all

The young warrior had walked into camp with a small bundle of flowers in their white jaw. They where mainly dandelions with a few other random flowers that they didn't know the name of but they knew they where pretty! Purple, yellow and reds adorned their jaw and the tawny warrior looked to see that Blazestar was talking to Flowercloud and Johnny. This made them brighten in response and adjust the flowers in their jaw as they trotted over with a muffle greeting. Bananasplash then set down the flowers and coughed slightly as there was a breath of a leaf for a moment and then recovered quickly.

"Hello, hello all! I brought flowers from my garden!" She brightly spoke with a smile at Johnny then Blazestar before finally landing on Flowercloud, "They're mainly dandelions, but thats okay! They're still pretty," Bananasplash gave a small shrug of their lithe shoulders before bouncing in place excitedly, "I plan on bringing them to most cats in camp! A little treat for the whole missing cats thing and stuff," She just wanted to brighten cats' days.


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Blazestar isn't used to being spoken to like Flowercloud is now, but he smiles at her concern. "I'm not terribly hungry. Perhaps Johnny and I can share something." He blinks at the tabby daylight warrior. "If you'd like, you can pick something out. I'm happy to enjoy the sun for a few more moments."

Yes, sunlight to chase away the dark thoughts. Bananasplash bounces into camp, flowers dangling from her jaws. She states she brought them in to make up for the missing cats, and Blazestar's eyes widen. Perhaps the naive young warrior is only doing her best to lighten the gloomy atmosphere, but the Ragdoll can't shake the haze of misery that clings to his coat. His Clan is in shambles, and the helpless feeling that has been instilled in him will not vanish at the sight of a flower.

Still, he manages a small smile. "Yes. Well. Maybe Orangeblossom will like them for the nursery."