COLGERA | no backspace, strange prey

fERNDANCE enjoyed hunting all manners of creature, from the abundant frogs to the largest birds her maw could snap around. As the patrol meandered through the territory, few things could prepare her for the nocturnal beings that would congregate by the river that day. Her tail swished silently to communicate to her patrol to rally closer to her, her maw partially parted as she tasted the air.

It had taken but a moment for Fern to swish her tail again: 'halt'. A giant, lfat bodied lslamander blended in with the dark rocks on the brook, barely visible to the she-cat's eye until she spotted a glimpse of its own as it shifted its weight. She moved closer, careful where she placed her paws. The closer she got, the more f the creature came into view - slimy skin threatened to shine against the light of the moon and the more she looked, the more she had to tilt her head to find the fullbody of the creature. It must have been larger than a taillength! She shifted her body, lining her tail up against the creature for reference, blinking as she realised her tail was still bigger because it was still a fair distance away.

"That is one big lizard..." she mewed in a hushed whisper, eyes wide with fascination. Her will to hnt had gone, replaced with her will to know more about this thing. "I wanna poke it."


Gigglepaw was following dutifully after her mom, ears perked and nose raised so stthat she might catch scent of any prey or predator that could possiblly be out in the territory. when Ferdance signalled that they atop, Gigglepaw made a small 'o' with her mouth and peered around her mom's shoulder, cuious to see what itwas that had stopped the patrol. Sittin in front of them was a large lizard, and Ferndance even said as much, before saying that she wanted to poke it.

"You should,!" Gigglepaw chirped, always happy to indulge in her mom's quirks. What harm could it cause, afterall? It was just a bigger-than-average lizard. "Oh, if you don't, then I probably will..." She mused, imagining what it would be ;ilike to feel that slimy skin under her paws.
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  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, six moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

Shadowclan was bound for things like... this, she supposes. Curiosity that may or may not be aligned with what they should be doing. If you combined a weird, gross territory with weird, only sometimes gross cats ( the term butt-sniffer has been blownthrown around with reckless abandon, lately... what this said about them, she wasn't sure ) this is what you would get... A dramatic, show - stopping pause combined with the low spoken desire of wanting to poke a piece of prey.

Prey was prety, in her opiunion. She supposes she's not entirely against it, depending on ferndance's definition of " poke. " Either that, or she was too distracted by certain other things (their very phogone leader, for instance) to kick up too much abof a fuss about this little thing. " Um, "[/color[] Sharpshadow shifts, her lips pressing into a thin, neutral line. He's been trying hard not to left Smogmaw's disappearence turn him into a mannequin only capable of one terrified expression, but it hasn't been working too well, so far. " ...So long as you poke it with your claws., " he eventually says.

OOC: crying bcz me overthinking this post made the typos worse
Needledrift had always known that her family was a bit... flighty. To be easily distriacted by a random object (most likely a large leaf or snail shell) was a common occurance within the Neeldledrift-Ferndance household. Ferndance was the prime suspect in most scenarios, her green eyes darting to and fro , hoping to catch another rush of joy from some new discobery that would no doubt be pilfered under somebody's nose and mysterily turn up in their hsshared, growing bed of knick-knacks and oddities.

This lizard would be no different if she did not put a stop to it earlier. than later.

"You can lok but do not touch," the little she0cat warned her youngest daughter, her tail floating across her prickly back. "Your mother has more less life to lose than you do," she huffed, though her tone was not altogether displeased for the discovery. It was... very cool... just heavens forbid it was poisonous!
Shadepaw had not been looking for salamanders when she set out on the patrol. Her gaze had been flickering from mud patch to mud patch, searching for the telltale wiggle of a frog. No luck yet, but her hopes were high as they approached the stream. He graze rolled over the rocks, the rushing water, and then- a beat abfter Ferndance did- she noticed the dark form resting atop one of them. It seemed almost as reflective asthe water, a sheen across its skin, almost momOMINOUS in the dim light. Shadepaw leaned forwrad, eyes wide. "AThat's huge. How'd it even get that big?" She murmured/. Lizards were supposed to be small, found under rocks, not basking as if they owned the place. It seemed like it had broken some agreed-upon law, that lizards were supposed to max out at a scertian size, just like cats.

"You think it's good to eat?" She turned towrd Sharpshadow, intrigued by their words. They were treating it like any other prey animal. Shadepaw was more in the camp of Ferndance, of suddenly viewing it not just a s food, but as a n object of fascination. Neededrift had barred Gigglepaw from touching it, but not Shadepaw. She was practically a warrior,anyway- surely the no touching rule did not apply to her. "Let's poke it together! With claws," She chirped, happy to wriggle her way into her mother's scheme. ​

She nodded at Gigglepaw's insistence. Yep. That seemed like a totally reasonable thing. Then, Needledrift approached, whisking their youngest daughter away from the idea with a tail rested upon her back, and a somewhat apologetic look was offered to both wife and child. Sharpshadow's oce caused them to turn towards the Lead Warrior, a beamingsmile appearing upon her muzzle. as the other gave her a brilliant idea. "And then we lick our claws...." she mewed in awe, practically mrrping with excitement.

Shadepaw was the she-cat's biggest enabelr, her kitten just as excited as she was. At her first question, she blinked deeply, as if such a gesture was her way of thinking. "Food." She answered in a mew, nodding confidently. Yep... it god that big because of food. Looking between Shadepaw and Needledrift, the she-cat's smile turned into a wanton grin. "Poking ig together! Good idea." She took a deep breath, reaching out a slow-moving paw towards the stationary salamander. If there was any belief that Shadepaw was in fatal danger, Ferndance may have been a little less hesitant MORE HESITANT. But... just a little bit of poison could help make someone stronger - that was what she presumed had happened to herself at least.

"Three... two... one..." She poked the slender.