collide — yuhwa , kavan , mason


i can and i will
Feb 19, 2023
.if i can still breathe ———


——— i'm fucking fine.
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KEANE STOOD, LEANING UP AGAINST THE TREE WITH A DISGRUNTLED expression, darkened lips thinned into a line, watching Kavan. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. It felt too sudden. He wasn’t sure what to do. Hell. He was happy to have him back, but why did it feel so easy?

His gut churned, shaking his helm with an annoyed huff, reaching to rub a paw across his face. Damn. “Mason!” He snapped, watching the brute wander absently into view. “Where the hell have you been?” He hissed, pushing off from the tree to stalk towards the other. “You look awful.” He remarked, staring at the dazed expression. “Earth to Mason.” The tri-colored brute shortened the distance, staring down at the raven-furred brute.

Keane frowned, willowy tail twitching as it rested lazily on the ground, the tip curled briefly. Something’s not right. Sharp yellow optics narrowed. “Mason.” His tone left no room for argument, reaching to press himself against the other’s hide. The heat radiating from his frame sure to help the other relax.

thoughts speech
.you save everyone ———


——— but who saves you.
———————— ————————
THE RAVEN-FURRED BRUTE SHUFFLED INTO THE CLEARNING or rather, their make-shift camp, blinking once to clear the haze and twice to see a pair of yellow optics boring into his own unblinking ones. Fuck—Mason stumbled back, optics widening a fraction at the proximity. “Shit. Sorry—” He groaned, reaching to press a paw against his throbbing temple.

He huffed, shaking his helm to clear the cotton from within his mind. “‘M fine.” He muttered. “Just been in my head.” He glanced up, cracking a cheeky grin in Keane’s direction.

“Yuhwa here yet?” He changed the subject, not wanting to talk about his own well-being. No fuckin’ thank you. He huffed, ears twitching against his helm at the thought. Some idiot, I am. He thought with a grumble. He had no intention of telling the group that Chi was here. It was what got them into this mess. Mason wouldn’t repeat that again. Hell no.

thoughts speech
.a knife ? are you ———


——— flirting with me ?.
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HE HUMMED, REACHING TO CURL HIS BIGGER BUILD AROUND MASON’S prone form. “No need to hide your feelings, sweetcheeks.” The brown tabby trilled, head cocked, gaze flickering to meet Keane’s before returning to Mason’s azure-tinted hues, reaching to cuff the tom over the head.

“Come on.” He untangled himself from the other. “Yuhwa should arrive soon.” He purred, ushering the raven-furred brute closer to their make-shift camp. His own yellow optics met the sharp gaze of Keane who frowned, worrying swirling within the pair so much like his own.

“He’ll tell us.” Eventually. Kavan frowned, glancing over his shoulder to watch the other sit, leaning heavily against the tree trunk. With a sigh, Kavan offered the grumpy brute a grin, bumping his shoulder. “You’ll get wrinkles the longer you scowl like that pretty boy.” He cackled at the offended snarl, dancing away from Keane’s lazy swipes at his hide.

thoughts speech
.you're a little ———


——— tragedy, aren't you.
———————— ————————
THE CHIMERA BOUNDED INTO THE CLEARING CARRYING A MOUTHFUL flowers, tail flickering excitedly behind him. With a high-pitched trill, Yuhwa made himself known to the larger brutes, dumping them unceremoniously on the ground. “I figured we could—” He began, offering a sheepish shrug. He knew they weren’t as agile with their paws as he was, but it was the thought that counted, right?

“Oh!” He wiggled about, slithering up to greet them with a touch to their cheeks, purring happily. They weren’t all together, but it was a start. He frowned, reaching to touch the necklace that rested hotly around his neck, ears tucked against his helm. I miss you every day. His darkened lips wobbled, blinking several times, realizing Kavan had made his way closer, curling around the smaller feline with a soothing purr.

Yuhwa giggled, tilting his head to grin up at the other in thanks, snuggling closer to Kavan’s welcoming heat. “Thanks.” He hummed, leaning heavily against the other. “Oh! Flower crowns!” He pulled away to grab various flowers, intending to make a few while they lounged about in the parameters of their temporary home.

thoughts speech