In aim of a much needed distraction from his home's glooming atmosphere and his own grieving mind, night-shaded paws move swiftly in his mission, eyes locked on the camp's exit ahead of him. The apprentice walks along the outer ring of the camp's barrier, close to the bramble wall but not close enough to catch his fur in thorns that he'd already confronted in his kitten days. It's a means of keeping out of the way, an attempt to not be caught leaving in his usual departure across the open camp.

It's a plan that Screechpaw thinks is working, his heart pounding in anticipation as he draws close to the camp's exit. Soon he'll make his escape and be free from his day of apprentice-tasked chores. Soon, he'll get to tend to his explorative nature and get to wander through the marsh's fresh snowfall.

His plan falters like his paws, stumbling forward as his disappointment-struck form collides into another. He should've been looking, sure. Screechpaw should have been making sure no one was in the way of the path he takes, observing in the way a natural-born hunter like himself should. Though, perhaps the cat he tripped over shouldn't have been in the way in the first place. Perhaps the cat shouldn't have ruined his plans.

Frustration — and, admittedly, embarrassment over his trip up — washes over him, burning hot in narrowed eyes. He is caught now, he's sure of it: spotted carrying out his plan by the warrior in front of him. His freedom, his distraction, is taken away. All over a warrior stuck in his path.

" Hey, froghead! " Screechpaw hisses as he looks up at Bonefang, sun-struck fur puffing up as he regains his balance, " Didn't you see me walking toward you? You... You should've moved! "​
  • // please wait for @BoneFang to post !
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack

he knew the need for distractions from a haunted mind of memories, turmoil and thoughts that wouldn't stop running. his lone wolf hunting trek had gone uneventful, and irritation was laced in a crystal gaze that otherwise seemed dull.

he'd push through camp and pull to the side, barely even sitting down before a cat full force hit his side. the black male spotted with white that seemed to appear more as the days continued on turned a marred head onto the apprentice- blinking at him as Screechpaw started at him.

he could place a paw on him, or just push him away, but he just blinks his blue optics towards the unwarranted anger. this kid was a fuckin brat, hurling insults from his own mistakes. "alright kid, are ya done yet?" he asked, scarred maw not expressing the irritation he felt about the situation. "where ya off to anyways?"

"Now, now..." Fleabounce sooths as she step-step-hops her way closer, large ears perked uselessly. The collision had been ultimately minor, but Fleabounce could sense the coming spat well enough without hearing whatever words were being exchanged between the apprentice and the warrior. Bonefang doesn't explode—Fleabounce sighs in quiet relief, and decides to trust him to handle the dispute without her intervention. This wasn't going to be the fight her gut expected.

Screechpaw, though—she takes him in with a glance. Agitated, clearly, but no more than Fleabounce has come to expect from her clanmates. Existence in the marsh was a naturally frustrating thing. The company hardly helped.

"Are you uninjured?" Fleabounce asks Screechpaw, already knowing the answer.​

Screechpaw, as ever, suited his name. And oh, the amount of times Nettlepaw had seen him barrelling to and fro, not taking a second to cool down, to calm down, to chill out! Even in kithood he remembered Screechpaw making breaks for the outside world, and today was no exception- except, of course, for the rock-shaped-like-a-cat obstacle in the form of Bonefang. A burst of laughter leapt from him, like a hunter pouncing for their prey.

Where entertainment was, so was Nettlepaw. He sidled over to back up his fellow apprentice- though he quite liked Fleabounce, who was obviously trying to diffuse the situation, Nettlepaw had quite a ceaseless desire to be liked by the other apprentices. It was the only way to get far in life, to be trusted... he had to be liked by his peers in a way Granitepelt never was. "You should call him Bone-head, next time. Use his name against him," Nettlepaw suggested. Nothing about his demeanor suggested he was serious, a spark of humour aglow in his sky-blue eyes, but... frog-head! He'd be using that one...
penned by pin ♡

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw was the next to appear, a cool look in the younger apprentice's gaze while her stubby tail swished and a tilt of her head peered on her head at Screechpaw who seemed to spat words of anger at Bonerattle who just acted oh so calmly in response to what Screechpaw said. Nettlepaw seemed to suggest a better insult while Fleabounce attempts to interject into the issue.

" sneaking out?" she asked Screechpaw, mostly out of curiousity and he was clearly close to the camp's exit before Bonerattle interjected and now here they all were, withessing the outcome of the events in front of them. Sneaking out during such a dangerous time...A frown peered on her lips, seems like a death wish.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.
Hey, froghead!
The voice was disappointingly familiar, and Briarpaw was biting back an exasperated groan when her hazel optics caught Screechpaws familiar form mouthing off to another warrior.
What the girl couldn’t conceal was the slight scowl that quirked her lips downwards. Unsurprisingly, by the time the apprentice was able to make her way over, her brother had already drawn a crowd around himself.
"Calm down." Unlike Fleabounces soft approach, or Nettlepaws humored, Briarpaw’s is sharp. Her harshness is not intended, only fueled by something darker simmering from somewhere in her chest.
Were…you sneaking out? Snowpaw prompts, and Briarpaw feels a prickle of irritation along her spine. Was that her brothers reputation? That name he was forging for himself?
"Of course not." The incessant need to protect Screechpaw speaks out, but a singular look in her littermates direction would tell the ebony youth otherwise.
When she finally does look, her brother would be met with scalding hazel optics, set electric with disappointment.
"Getting supplies, he was just about to clean the apprentices den. Right, Screechpaw?" She hums in reply towards Bonefang, offering her sibling the one out she knew he wouldn’t want to take.



"i would hope that's what you're doing."

chilledstar mentions at briarpaw's words with a gentle lash of their tail. of course it would be their apprentice causing a scene. son of their former. in spite of what anyone might have thought, there was not any bias in this choice. screechpaw would need to work just as hard as his mother did, and right now it seems like all he was doing was being rude to a warrior, while also... probably attempting to sneak out. chilledstar had been doing this for long enough to know what was happening. with a deep sigh, and a lash of their tail, they looked over at everyone.

"go on, then. go clean the elders den. after you've finished, both you, and applepaw, will have some training to do."
*+:。.。 It was a rare and beautiful day when something exciting happened within Shadowclan's camp. Singekit of course, made a beline for the cacophony, grinning from ear to ear as he came to stand proudly beside Chilledstar, tail held up higher than his head as he copied Chilledstar's disappointed face - only to of course fail at it as they smirked evilly at the unfolding events. Sneaking out of camp? So stupid! When Singekit became a 'paw the clan would be lucky trying to keep him from exploring - he'd sneak out easily, or just be so good at adventuring no one would ever want him to stay stuck in the cramped clan! No, Screechpaw was a total dummy! "Yeah! Go clean the elder's den!" Singekit laughed, bobbing his devilish head up and down in exuberant support of Chilledstar, "That's what bad apprentices have to do!" He made a mental note to never be assigned elder den duties. Not that he ever wanted to in the first place. Old cats were so stinky!

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently