camp colors of the wind ;; tree-climbing.

Today was the day.

Fireflypaw was going to scale this tree whether his dad wanted him to or not. He wasn't truly SkyClan if he couldn't climb a damn tree, right? And what if, what if his siblings needed him, and they got stuck or something? He was responsible for making sure they stayed out of trouble, after all! "Watch this," Fireflypaw chimes to @butterflypaw with a grin, tail flicking behind him as he bunched his long legs. With a hefty leap, Fireflypaw scrabbled alongside the tree; claws sinking into the cold wood. Though he wasn't even a tail-length off of the ground, it was still an achievement. He hadn't fallen yet.

"And you just.. Pull yourself up, right, @Snowpaw ?" He asks the grumpy apprentice, older than him- Deersong had taken him tree-climbing plenty of times, right? Surely he knew what to do. He didn't have his own mentor yet, after all, so he was stuck shadowing other pairings in his father's Clan.. So lame. As he sinks his back claws in, he uses the strength in his back legs to push himself further up the tree until he reached the first branch.

Don't look down! Someone called from below him, sounding much more distant than he was used to. Sensitive eyes flinched as light hit them, and he closes them to protect his vision. "How do I get on the branch?" He calls out to the cats below him, tail flicking nervously. Luckily it was a smaller tree in camp..

// obligatory tags! not pafp, so you can reply anytime! also not mandatory to respond- just tagging so y'all can if you'd like. <3
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"Reach out, hook your claws into the bark and pull yourself onto it." The golden tom called up to the fluffy apprentice, his typical growl pitched into something resembling a normal cat's meow so Fireflypaw could hear him. He was on the ground today, a spotter at the annoying behest of Blazestar's most egregious little worm. Damn thing would've talked his ear off if he hadn't relented to tagging along to... whatever this was. Some sort of apprentice race thing? His fur prickled at the amount of little brats around him.

"Get a secure grip, I ain't breaking my back for you if you fall!"
✦ ★ ✦
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His kits are apprentices now. It's still so strange to think about -- they go on patrols! They battle train! They'll go to this first leafbare Gathering to meet the other Clans, to see for themselves what being a warrior is all about. He can hardly believe that time has passed so swiftly. He and Little Wolf seemingly blinked and their kits have grown!

Despite their new names, though, Blazestar is hesitant to think of them as anything but the squirming tiny shapes pushing at Little Wolf's belly for milk. He watches with an odd expression as Fireflypaw scales the smallest tree in camp, a tree young apprentices often practice on. His ThunderClan mentor likely doesn't focus much on climbing, though in Blazestar's Clan, all apprentices are expected to become at least capable of tree-based hunting and combat.

Crimsonbite offers Fireflypaw some advice, and despite his rough tongue, Blazestar blinks gratefully at him. He's a poor climber himself, and part of him wonders if his kits haven't inherited that from him... too-big paws, bodies built for strength rather than agility. He's glad for their mother's forest-born blood. "I'll try to cushion your fall, if I can," he murmurs, anxiety stark on his face.

- ,,

Snowpaw does not bounce on his branch as he normally does, fully aware of the scolding he'd get for teaching the other younger apprentices his miscreant tricks; instead he perches carefully on one of the higher ones and peers down at the other scrambling to get a hold.

"Watch your paws, furball." His voice pitches, resisting the impulse to encourage Fireflypaw to move a little quicker that would surely earn him scornful looks. Everyone learned at their own pace, supposedely, so he was patient. For now. Snowpaw had burst from the nursery up the nearest tree like he'd been born to climb, like he was simple a flightly chick abandoned from a nest that had been raised along the cats. One day, perhaps, his wings would grow back for now he was clipped and earth-bound until that day came. "Disperse your weight, don't lean too much in either direction."
He is not so far above the point tom that he could not quickly make his way down if he needed to but if the kid stumbled he was going down, not up, so it was probably for the best Blazestar was there. "If you do fall, try to land on Crimsonbite. Maybe flatten out the rest of him, make it an even job."
He was lucky for Snowpaw's patience, because if he had began to bounce on the tree branch, Fireflypaw might have had an instant heart attack. He knew his father wasn't the best tree climber, and he had taken after his father when it came to size after all. Big paws, bulky body- he wasn't the most graceful cat in the world. But, the blood of forests ran through his veins; he'd have to be somewhat good at it, right? He feels bitter-cold wind pelt against his fur, and sharp claws dig deeper into the wood.

Distribute your weight, and reach your claws out.. He repeats to himself, grunting with effort as he uses his back paws to bolster his weight- quickly throwing a paw upwards to grasp onto the branch. With a mighty heave, he pulls himself onto the branch and holds himself still- the branch shaking with his growing weight. "Woah- Look, dad! I'm not dead!" He cheers out to his father below, smiling down at his father despite closed eyes. "Did you see that, maggot-man? Did you see it? Did I look rad?" It's a babble of excitement, though Fireflypaw's confidence soars as he stands on the branch; big paws allowing him more room to cover. He turns to look upwards at Snowpaw, grinning up at the speckled tom. He was so cool, so brave- he wondered just how fun it must be to constantly climb trees..

Braving himself, he jumps back onto the trunk of the tree to climb higher- eyes fluttering open slightly with a wince. He had to get a good look of where to go.. One, two- three! Fireflypaw scrabbles to grasp at a branch, finding purchase once more. He hangs for a moment, back legs swinging off of the branch. Then, he pulls himself up and seats himself down; a branch horizontal to Snowpaw's own. "I think I've got it! I can see the whole camp from up here!" He chimes, humming happily to himself. If he could sleep up here, he'd enjoy that.. Turning to Snowpaw, Fireflypaw fixes him with a questioning look. "Do you think we could sleep up here?"

Blight had silently joined the rest of the cats down at the ground, his mismatched orbs turned upwards to watch the apprentices in the tree as they climpt thier way to the top. He had never seen a cat climp this high up before and this tree was not even that tall if compared to the other trees around them. This might not be an unfamiliar territory for him. Blight had climbed a couple of trees himself but never far, and absolutely not as high up like this apprentices currently was. He wondered if it was expected of him to reach this far to the top one day as well. Just the idea made him feel a bit dizzy. Blight rather stayed down on the ground where he couldn't fall to his own death. Ugh.

Still, he had to admit it was admirable to watch this group of cats who looked to be enjoying themselves up there. Just for a little while he could watch. No one would mind, right?. Hopefully not.


Mushroomkit takes a hesitant seat next to Blight, feeling equally dizzy from looking up at the apprentices in the tree. it was something this clan was known for, but it didn't stop that rapid thumping of her heart in her throat while she watched. "Gosh....I don't know if I could ever...but maybe its better when you're actually doing it?" She remarks quietly, idly, half to the apprentice beside her and half rhetorically. Snowpaw and Fireflypaw seemed to enjoy it well enough, but Snow had always been a 'do the daring' type and Firefly....well she can't help but think of one of her first nights in camp when they'd been caught by Dawnglare.

Firefly seemed to enjoy things that may, or may not get him into mild trouble, but would always give her a small heart attack.
