private coloured out the lines | boat race (epic!!!)


AUG 2022 ➳ OCT 2023
Aug 10, 2022
A pair of domino paws batted their quarry into submission, rustled organising hidden behind a broad, hunched back. Steeppaw hadn’t expected these leaves to be so annoying! Wilt edges flapped wilfully in the breeze, like the final twitch of an air-drown trout. Eventually, after they were tucked safely beneath a crook in the river bank, the molly turned.

"H’ok! I have gathered us today to see who is the best sibling- who's an apprentice, because Lilybloom was busy... But! Best sibling, for today." Lower jaw jutted out in emphasis, she beamed at them. It hadn’t taken much time zoning out of her training sessions to come up with the game. The way leaves frisked downstream as if racing, overtaking one another in the fiercest of turnarounds, had inspired her.

Patting the mossy earthen knot the leaves were hidden behind, Steeppaw sucked in a drawn out breath. "Now, I have got some super strong leaves here- promise they’re all sturdy as Da’! We put the leaves in the river and whoever’s gets to the broken log downstream wins." She tipped her head behind them, gesturing to the known location a few willows’ curtains away.

The apprentice already had hers chosen. It wasn’t cheating, she had collected them all the way from the beech copse after all. And they were all good, truly. It wouldn't be a proper competition if the others were set to fail from the beginning. A broad leaf lay beneath her tail, sides tipped like an upturned beetle’s. She had faith in her decision- more faith than she had in starclan, or whatever. It was bigger than most and so, in theory, would catch the water’s current the most too.

"C’mon, pick, pick. Then lets line up." Hooking her chosen champion with a tooth, Steeppaw sprung forward between them. Her tail whipped towards the group, aiming to gently knock the nose of whoever stepped forth first. Whether it connected or not, the apprentice couldn't help the puff of air that shot out of her nose.

/let games begin! >:) @iciclepaw @FERNPAW @DARKPAW


Steeppaw had been hell-bent on this bonding activity- and how could he argue? He loved spending time with his siblings, and to challenge his big sister- not in the same way that Lilybloom was his big sister, but Steeppaw was big, bigger than him- would be cruel! She'd clearly wanted this- prepared for it, and when bulging eyes settled attention upon the little leaf-collection she had gathered it all began to click together, scattered clues in his mind settling into place. And then she said it- his suspicions were sated! A race, but not with their legs- good, his swiftness was yet to be mastered- but with leaves and breeze!

"Cool- oof!" Chirped exclamation, the undersized tom surged forward with a large grin set upon his pinched maw- an action that resulted in the contact of Steeppaw's tail and his very own nose. Still, he did not let it bother him- like a dog drying off, Fernpaw shook his head and took toward the leaves. Fumbling forward, an oversized paw reached out for the one reddish leaf that had been calling to him- and carefully, oh-so carefully, lifted it up and held it into place between tiny teeth. "Dibs on 'dis one!" Following Steeppaw's lead, he was soon to take rank- he tried not to let the ruddy colour of his leaf distract him into wanting to keep it. No, it would not be his prize, but his champion instead!
( penned by pin )
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She trails behind Steeppaw and Fernpaw, eyeing the water's edge with barely concealed amusement. This seems a waste of time, an exercise in futility, but she holds her tongue and saves her biting remarks for after she wins this little competition. Truly, she's so much more worldly and experienced than all three of her littermates -- sometimes, she feels she is more experienced than Lilybloom, too. She feels too old for silly kit games, and yet...

Yet, there's a spark in her pale blue gaze, a spring in her step that she cannot conceal. Steeppaw and Fernpaw select their leaves, and Iciclepaw turns her attention to the remaining ones, sizing each ridge and crevice on the specimens left behind.

After several heartbeats, Iciclepaw reaches down and chooses a crisp brown leaf. It threatens to crunch between her jaws, so she holds it delicately, as though it's a kit that might die if she pierces the papery flesh. "Where is Darkpaw? He's taking forever." She flicks an ear, faux-annoyed. "Does he know he can't use his rock as a boat, by the way?"

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