private come along with me ʚїɞ P, tomfoolery


Feb 21, 2023

The cold of leaf-bare had settled deep into the roots of the forest, even with the blazing sun providing its warmth. No matter how far into Wrenflutter's coat he buried himself, Duckkit felt the chill seep into his bones. This season was difficult for every cat in the forest, but he saw how it hit the nursery particularly hard. He currently had his legs and arms tucked beneath him, staring at the nursery wall with a scowl on his darkened maw. How, in Thunderclan's infinite wisdom, had they not figured out heated dens? Duckkit thought of his mother, how her long fur was all-consuming and always warming. He thought of the sun, and how its rays could grow life from the empty forest floor. Surely Howlingstar could incorporate something like that into the nursery?

His paws shuffled beneath him, it seemed as though his nest was sucking the warmth straight out of him instead of conserving it. With a frustrated thump of his tail on the den floor, Duckkit stretched lazily into a standing position. Trying to nap seemed futile, and he was starting to get bored with staying in his bubble all day. With his recent exposures to camp, he was becoming increasingly curious about the world around him, but more specifically his clanmates. He had met a few interesting characters, an apprentice with a dangerously infectious smile, an ex-kittypet who told captivating stories, and even a warrior with a stubbed tail much like his own. But the cat he found himself closest to was fellow kit, Stormkit. Likely due to their closeness in age, Duckkit found himself talking to her more and more as he opened up. His new multi-colored friend was fairly skittish as far as he could tell, but Duckkit's laid-back and slow-paced ways had made it easier for the two to bond.

Giving his chest fluff a few quick licks to smooth down his cowlicks, Duckkit ambled to where Stormkit was sitting. Hovering around her, he found himself struggling with how to approach the small molly. He knew he was bored, he knew he was cold, and he knew he wanted to talk to her. "Stormkit," He cleared his throat, careful to do so quietly as per his mother's last warning, "We should insulate our fur!" is what he spits out, his brain combining all of his problems into one incoherent sentence. It was now time to work with what he had. "Like the nursery, they have brambles and stuff to keep us warm, why don't we?" he furthered, his voice faltering in several places due to the sheer absurdity of his proposal. Despite the idea being made up on the spot, Duckkit couldn't help but feel a little proud of his quick thinking.
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With her brother sick now, Stormkit did not quite know what to do with herself. The sickness had not caught onto her—and it likely would not, especially if her brother was being taken and cared for in the medicine den. The world was full of such danger! Dogs, kitten-cough, and the cold.

Stormkit had not known anything but leaf-bare. Her mother spoke of a changing of the season where the leaves and flowers bloomed and the sun came up for longer hours again. How she wished such a season would come soon! All she could do was wait.

Her way of dealing with her anxiety was improving. The tricolor kit was playing again more often. It was not as much as she used to, but she evidently missed the companionship of her den-mates.

Duckkit was one of her favorites, with his funny manner of speaking and that darkened mask over his face and legs. She had not formed much of an opinion yet of his siblings, but Duck was the favored one of them all.

"Hm?" Stormkit mewed, turning her attention toward the other kit. Her ears were pricked forward. "Insulate our fur?" She looked down at her chest, rumpled and a little matted because she had not groomed lately. She liked having a long pelt for the cold, but not for the show! "Wait." She blinked rapidly, a light turning on in her little head. "You mean... put sticks and brambles in our fur, right? Oh, that may work!"