COME BACK HOME — return from riverclan

Just like the battle, his time in RiverClan's camp is over. As he departs from the dark-furred RiverClanner who'd escorted him back to SkyClan's border, Greenpaw can't help the unease he feels. He's going home, going home, going home. But what will he arrive to, when he steps foot through the brambled entrance and into camp? Destruction? Chaos?

Cicadastar said SkyClan was okay. Said his clan was well. But, what if it wasn't? Even if they'd won, even if they'd warded of WindClan, Greenpaw knows someone could still be hurt. Someone could be dead. His family, his friends. He could have seen them for the last time, before he'd run to get the river cats' aid.

And, it's a long way to walk, in this weather. Too cold and windy for any cat to be out, snow blowing every which way.A long way to dwell on the fate of his home, the success of his own actions.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, he reminds himself, over and over again. The battle is done, the danger is over. Everything would be okay.

His pace picks up as he nears camp, orange and white paws breaking out in a run. So much running, today - Greenpaw doesn't know if he should be doing much more. But, his home is near, and he cannot waste much more time, cannot bear being away from it much longer. The tom finally reaches it, finally steps through the brambles and, oh.

Oh. This doesn't look okay. It doesn't look as bad as he'd imagined but looks worse than what he'd hoped.

He stands at the entrance, eyes wide at the destruction. Senseless, stupid, WindClan was for invading his home, for destroying the safety of the walls built around it. Walls could be rebuilt though. His clanmates, however...

"Mom?" he calls out, ears flat against his head as he frantically looks for the calico warrior, for his family. "Butterfly?" He takes a step forward, heart beating out of his chest.

"Snowy? Vi? Figgy?" He lists off his siblings, one by one, as his viridian gaze searches through the rubble. What if...?

No. They had to be okay. They had to. Cicadastar said so.


// greenpaw's return! this takes place after the battle between windclan and skyclan, and riverclan's own return home! retro to the blizzard, as well!​
SkyClan owes their safety to RiverClan. Blazestar knows some of his Clanmates will be loathe to admit this, but the Ragdoll is not. The quick-thinking and quick paws that brought the river-dwellers to their camp and border are the reason they still have a home, despite the ravaging snow, despite the claws that sought to tear their livelihoods away from them.

Blazestar sees Greenpaw's fear, scents it on the air along with the torn fur and blood and mussed herbs from Dawnglare's den, and he tries to smile reassuringly at the young tom.

It's not a successful gesture. His face is glazed with pain, his eyes dark as he struggles to remain standing. The wound that had spilled his life into the snow is an ugly, congealing red weal along his chest and belly, and every movement causes him to clench his jaw.

But he must greet the worried young tom. "Greenpaw," he murmurs, dipping his head to the apprentice. Daisyflight's son, who had ended up possibly saving the lives of their sick and injured. "Figpaw is okay. They're all okay, thanks to you and RiverClan." He smiles, and though it's pained, it radiates warmth. "Welcome back. All is well."

Daisyflight had been told of her son’s place in Riverclan's territory. She would have flagged down a patrol across the river and inquired herself had her movement not been so stricken, stunted by her shoulder injury. When his cedar-splash frame finally arrived home, she had been curled in on herself in the clearing, wrinkled nose atop a pristine paw. Before his mouth had closed around his call, the warrior was up.

“Greenpaw! You’re home- are you hurt, did they-" She fretted without pause, questions accompanied by her tussle-thinned tail wrapping around him eagerly. Soon enough her lungs were emptied- faster than they would of, woundless- and she fell into a weary sigh. Blazestar’s praise snared her ire, clover eyes rounding upon the leader’s pinched expression. A commiseratory blink his way hid the greenery briefly, snow claimed.

“We’re all safe, now. You did well, exceptionally well. They treated you kindly, yes?” Pride honed into thinly veiled hostility, conjured at the cats hidden behind the pines and distant river. While their assistance had granted them some good graces, any affront to her family would strip them bare. Amidst her third, wobbling circle of Greenpaw, Daisyflight planted her paw oddly and was forced to stop with a quiet 'tsk' of pained frustration. A warm smile smothered it, the molly careful to maintain the favourable atmosphere of the reunion.
) Bearheart stepped forth, or rather he hobbled stiffly out of the warriors den where he had been previously resting. He was a mess with scratches and deep claw marks, all sustained from trying to use his body as a blockade for the medicine den. He had done what he could on that fateful day but he had failed to stop one WindClanner from stealing herbs. Though he knew it could have been so much worse if Greenpaw hadn't successfully gained RiverClan's aid.

"Greenpaw! There's the brave warrior who got us the help we needed! I'm so glad to see you back home!" Bearheart cheered as he beamed a smile the apprentice's way. He honestly couldn't have been prouder of the youth.


Greenpaw was at RiverClan, he had been the one to alert the clan of SkyClan’s trouble. Figpaw cannot help but feel immense pride for her brother’s wit, the girl doesn’t think she would’ve thought of going to their neighbor for help. The idea of the clans aiding each other was often foreign to her, but she was thankful her brother’s idea had worked it’s wonders.

Figpaw hears her name called, her heart pounds at her chest. She gets up from her nest faster than she should have and with miraculous speed (for a cat who was relearning how to walk!) she finds herself speeding to greet him. ”You’re alive, and you don’t reek as badly of fish as I thought you would!” Figpaw teases, it wasn’t in the nature of most siblings to praise each other and Figpaw didn’t break that norm. She showed her pride and gratitude through different means.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Snowpaw appeared, almost materializing beside his mother to greet Greenpaw on his return; his pale coat making him near invisible on the snow at certain angles. Supposed looking like the very thing causing the clans to struggle had its benefits at times. It was a relief to have them all back together again, he'd been on the fight at the border and the wound on his flank still pinched and stung with each step but at the very least no one had died as that WindClan warrior had. It was a wonder he hadn't melted down on the spot, lost his composure and ran at the sight of blood stained snow a second time in his life but the apprentice he'd fought had strangely enough kept him focused; stabilized him. There was something to be said for combat when it pulled him from the depths faster than soothing words and comfort.
In silence he stalks forward to carefully bump his head against the ginger furred head of his brother with a small smile, a quiet greeting and the relief in his golden gaze spoke more heavily than any words he could utter. Thank StarClan...
Bearheart's mighty form nearby reminded him of how close they had come to losing so many cats all because of WindClan's greed, his gaze briefly darted to Blazestar before he quickly looked away; still unable to meet the fiery form of the leader in the eye.

Proof of life arrives before him in the war-torn camp.

He looks to Blazestar, eyes wide with concern at the sight of the flame point. Crimson adds fire to the leader's fur, makes it burn brighter. SkyClan is well, Cicadastar told Greenpaw, but Blazestar doesn't look well. Had he lost a life? Died because Greenpaw wasn't fast enough?

Had Daisyflight? His siblings?


No, he thinks. Blazestar wouldn't be here, speaking with Greenpaw, he'd lost another child. He doesn't think so, at least.

"Where is --" he starts, a question left unfinished.

"Figpaw is okay. They're all okay."

All is well. A common answer, it seems between both Cicadastar and Blazestar. Greenpaw doesn't know how they can say such. How could everything be well, when others were hurt? It could be worse, he supposes. Could be far, far worse. A possibility he finds himself dwelling less on as his mother appears.

"Mom!" he steps towards the calico feline, only to find his mother wounded too. The same pain-filled grimace on Blazestar's face now finds itself on Daisyflight's as she frets over him. "I'm okay, I'm--" he tries to answer amidst her questions.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he promises her, tears welling up in his eyes. "Crane... Cranecatcher brought me to camp. And... Beesong looked after me. I'm okay." He wants to cry over everything that's happened, over the overwhelm of worry and fear he'd felt in the river territory, but he holds it down as Bearheart praises him, calls him a brave warrior.

"Brave warrior...?" he echoes. Had he really done that well? Had he really earned the right to such a title? Would... Blazestar wouldn't make him a warrior early, right? While that would be cool and all, he doesn't think he'd want to become a warrior without his siblings beside him. Besides, he still had so much to learn from Sheepcurl!

And Figpaw and Snowpaw arrive too, one louder than the other. "Hey..." he says to his sister's words, nose scrunching up. He can't be too mad at Figpaw's teasing, lets this one slide beneath his pride for his sister, how far she's come in healing. Greenpaw half expected he'd have to go to her in order to check in with her. He bumps his head against his brother's in return before his gaze brightens.

"You should have seen it! I had to cross the river and everything!" he says to his siblings, happy to be able to stand here with them, to be able to tell them all about his journey, "I almost fell in, too! I bet I would've smelled like a RiverClanner then!"


Snowpaw arrives too, she is happy to have her brothers here at her side. It’s felt like so long since all of her siblings were together, even now they were missing Violetpaw. Nonetheless she embraces this moment and feels joy knowing her brother is safe.

Orange eyes grow wide with intrigue, crossing the river?! Figpaw has never even entertained the idea of standing at it’s edge! ”Yeah, if you didn’t turn into an icicle first! Good thing you didn’t fall in.” Figpaw jests, though very relieved. If Greenpaw had fallen in she doubts he would’ve been able to fight the current and the cold, and SkyClan may have just lost the fight with WindClan. StarClan must’ve been watching over to keep him safe!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
"Oh, thank the Stars, you're okay mijo!" loud exclamation, she's late to the part but she bounds over despite the pain shes in, face instantly lit up like the sun once Greenpaws voice reaches her ears. Sheep isn't sure what she would have done if she had lost him, if her own apprentice had been struck down by Windclan vermins in the middle of the territory. If he had been left to die alone, somewhere where Sheep couldn't reach him, somewhere cold with only the whispers of the snow- she'd blame herself forever. He was too young, too sweet, too perfect.

And despite all of the nasty thoughts, before her sat a very living Greenpaw, enough to make tears well in her eyes, enough to send her heart on a race of relief. Her worst fears hadn't come true and she is beyond okay with that, happy to know they were just a silly little daydream of her mind. "Oh, look at you. All grown up, huh?" her voice wavers and shes not sure if its because of the anxiety that had built in her stomach or the realization that he was truly getting older. He'd leave her side in the next couple moons, but oh, Bearheart was beyond right.

A brave warrior. He'd make a mighty fine one and now pride ignites like a wildfire. "We're all so, so proud of you." shes getting choked up! She gives him space despite the fact she just wants to collapse in to him and give him the biggest hug known to cat-kind, he must be beyond shaken. And so she listens, laughs slightly when he makes a quip about nearly falling in to the river despite the chill that runs through her bones at the thought. He was reunited with his siblings, with his mother, with his clanmates and hes safe.

He's okay. Thats all she could ever wish for, all she ever wanted for him.