pafp COME & DANCE WITH ME — rematch

Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
Despite her new warrior status, the ivory tabby was still determined to keep her combat skills sharp, making the time for friendly spars when she could.
A feline truly built for battle, blessed with large paws she had since grown into since her young apprentice days, and muscles kept polished under her thick pelt, Petalstep knew she would truly be an asset when the time came- if she kept in practiced. At least, that’s what she firmly believed.
Patrols done, and with no apprentice chores on her paws any longer, Petalstep is itching for something exciting, adrenaline rushing.
It’s what brings her to approach Mosspool, the memory of her victory on the warriors mind.
"Are you busy?" Petalstep would rather unceremoniously greet, only allowing a heartbeat for the other to answer.
"Are you up for a rematch? I think I owe you."

/ please wait for @Mosspool !
𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool dipped her head in greeting upon Petalstep's approach. "I am not busy." She glanced at the other warrior expectantly, wondering what she had in mind. The mention of sparring made her perk up. It felt as though it had been so long since she had gotten to spar, and she was eager for the chance. Especially now that she was a warrior. "Certainly, shall we take this to beech copse?" It would not do to spar in the middle of camp, after all.

After waiting a moment to wait for Petalstep's answer, she lead the way toward beech corpse. Even though she had known she would be able to, it made her happy that she knew the way by heart even after being gone for over a moon.

Despite her excitement, she was not actually altogether certain she would win. Petalstep was a formidable opponent, though not for doubt in her own talents. Besides, there had not been many opportunities for sparring or training during her long journey, and as a result she was a touch out of practice. Especially compared to how rigorously she had practiced her skills before she left. Stretching, she felt the new muscles she had gained. Mosspool was stronger, faster, and better than she had ever been and she knew it. Her newfound height was an added advantage too, if she could leverage it correctly. She could win this. The gap in her practice was a hindrance, certainly, but not a great one.

Moons of training was not forgotten so easily.

As she stepped passed the beech trees that marked the edge of the clearing, she glanced about fondly. She had made so many wonderful memories here. It really was good to be back. "Ready?" Mosspool asked, settling into a battle stance. She certainly was. The moment that Petalstep gave her assent, she began.

Instantly, she would dart forward and attempt to stretch out her paw to swipe at Petalstep with claws sheathed, hoping to knock her opponent off balance. She would not get too close though. Now that she had grown, she had a reach that she wanted to make use of. Even though it would not be as much of an advantage as it could be, since Petalstep was tall as well.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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The name itself must be the source of such a willful, fighting spirit. Unexpected, given the softness of its nature- a petal, a fragile thing that wilted in the slightest chill. Petalstep was alike the lead warrior she shared name with- unflinching, stubborn, proud. Lichentail would laugh at the parallel if she wasn't worried about getting cuffed over the head for it.

Settling with a tail tucked neatly around her paws, the striped molly glanced towards her apprentices with a half-lidded gaze. "See how Mosspool shifted her weight to her back paws to spring further forward? Can you tell what her goal is, as she's preparing to strike?" Recognizing the coiling of muscles and following the stares of precalculated strikes would be the difference between their success in combat or not.

They were not fresh, they knew enough to understand how to not die for a few, sparing moments.. but these were warriors, trained and tested. They would reveal much in their techniques that talking would not provide.

It was a good day to practice... the beech copse dry enough to reflect the water-less territory of their enemies. If they were going to take back Sunningrocks, it would be vital.

-- apprentice tag @DIPPERPAW and @brookpaw

It felt odd coming upon two cats sparring as they had, though it was two experienced cats that knew what they were doing and Moonpaw liked the opportunity to learn. Their patrol had stopped near Petalstep and Mosspool, and so Moonpaw sat, staring at the two as they carefully sparred together. She wasn't the best at fighting, but she had been able to hold her own with the rogues that had taken over while the journeying cats were gone, though it brought a sour taste to her mouth thinking about it.

Ears flicked to Lichentail as she spoke to her apprentices, and she thought to herself of what the answer could be. She wasn't the one being talked to, but she could still easily learn what she could while simply being around the others. She made herself comfortable, settling down on the soft grass as tail wrapped around paws, neck stretched forward slightly as she watched intently, trying to soak in whatever she could learn.

  • mentor tag @salmonshade
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
Much to Petalsteps pleasure, Mosspool agrees. The transition from camp to the Beech Copse is quick, anticipation giving the broad warrior an extra spark in her smooth gait.
When they arrive, Petalstep is content to let Mosspool take her moment to look around as the alabaster molly gets her own stance ready.
To Mosspools question, she nods, and the spar has begun.
Pupils slit as her focus narrows, the on-lookers chatter falling on deaf ears.
Mosspool is much faster than Petalstep can recall, and chartreuse eyes narrow in slight surprise when the other is swiping at her in the blink of an eye.
There is no way to avoid the strike, but Petalstep is able to avoid the brunt of the impact as she drops to a crouch at the last moment, only partially turning to let her shoulder blade take most of the force.
In the same heartbeat Petalstep would spring for Mosspool, aiming to knock large paws against her opponents flank and knock her down. If successful, Petalstep would show no hesitation delivering a series of small, light jabs towards the other, mimicking strikes that would be meant to keep an opponent down in a true battle.
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Reactions: Mosspool

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — When it came to sparring or combat, Beepaw tended to be a sponge and she found a spot near Moonpaw so she can spectate alongside the other molly. She casts a quick glance to her own mentor then to Lichentail along with their pair of apprentices, she curls her feathery tail around her paws keeping her bicolored gaze locked and focused on both mollies that were currently sparring with one another. Her pupils enlarged and the size of the moon, ears pricked forward, and tail tip occasionally flicking to and fro taking in everything from Mosspool's quick movements to the series of small jabs that Petalstep intended on delivering.

She decides to completely settle down next to her friend and can't help but feel a small frown on her maw remembering when she had been practicing with Moonpaw, she had drawn her claws out in accident. Beepaw shoves the thought aside only to mumble quietly to the snowy molly that was next to her "Maybe... When we're older, we could have a proper spar too." Her voice hushed so only Moonpaw could hear her and an ear flicks as she adds with a slight tilt of her head, her voice sincere with her next words "I'll keep my claws in next time. Promise."

mentor tag @Smokestar

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 5 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

Hazecloud would surely crumble in a fight if her opponent caught on to her tactics. They were rather cheap, sloppy and to no surprise unrefined in comparison to some of her more battle-hardened Clanmates. The molly was a pretty decent fight against a hard-hitting enemy, one that wasn't as agile or quick as she was. Where she could evade their slashes and bites long enough to exhaust and take advantage.

Like a silent fog she entered the beech copse beside Lichentail, allowing more than enough room for her two shadows so not to be a distraction. It was a little odd to her sometimes just how quiet they could be. Sometimes Hazecloud would forget they were even there and other times it was like listening to a broken ducks call.

"We haven't sparred in a while." She noted, nostalgic as she recalled countless losses and shoves into the mud. She was never a good fight, but she had enjoyed it like any other game.

Petalstep narrowly dodged Mosspool's pin with a quick bow that has her leaning on her toes. "On your paws! You can do it Mosspool!" She shouted her encouragement for the black tabby, taken in by their fight.

If there is one thing Dipperpaw is adept at it is the art of combat. She finds fighting to be like a dance, each partner exchanging blows in graceful but deadly maneuvers. Shellsong had not taught her much about hunting, but she had excelled at combat and so that is what Dipperpaw excels at. Petalstep and Mosspool are starting up a spar, and a brief prickle of annoyance sparks just under her pelt as her mentor leans forward, tell her to pay attention. does she really think I know so little? she finds herself asking silently. Lichentail really held so little faith in her. "She is attempting to throw her opponent off balance" she answers easily, her voice its usual cool timbre despite the irritation that makes her pelt twitch.

Her ears flick as Beepaw and Moonpaw speak to one another in hushed tones and she rolls her eyes but she does not comment any further, she keeps her gaze on the two cats in front of her, trying to do as her mentor wanted and pay attention. So that she could maybe learn something. Hazecloud approaching draws her attention away though and she fixes the molly with an indifferent stare as she comes to join them. "Perhaps you two should go next" she offers, drawing her tail closer to her body as she speaks.

𓆝 . ° ✦ It was satisfying to see Petalstep caught off guard by her newfound agility. Even amidst her focus on the battle before her, Mosspool could not help the pride that filled her at the sight.

That said, she had not expected her opponent to be able to take the hit as well as she has. The blow glanced off Petalstep's shoulder blade as she dropped into a crouch, not affecting her balance in the slightest. Which left Mosspool open for a counter attack. The moment after her blow landed she attempted to step back into a more defensive position, but that was already too late. Petalstep had taken advantage of the same opening that she herself had recognized, and leapt forward to deliver a devastating blow to her flank.

There was no chance she could stay standing against the force of such a blow, especially not when she had been unprepared. Recognizing this immediately, she leaned into her fall instead of fighting against it. That way, she was able to turn her momentum into a roll that took her out of the range of Petalstep's jabs so she could spring back to her paws just as Hazecloud called for her to do so.

Hoping that her opponent would not expect her to have recovered so quickly, Mosspool aimed to instantly leap toward Petalstep with a full-bodied tackle to knock her opponent to the ground and - if she was completely successful - quickly pin her.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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An approving nod follows the response from a silver-lined molly at her side. Dipperpaw certainly didn't seem to struggle with tactics, strategy, combat... it was one of the few things she was grateful not to have to teach twice. Fighting was by no means Lichentail's expertise (evidenced in battle-scarred limbs, in a WindClanner's ease to ambush her) and she preferred not to step all over Shellsong's teachings where she could afford to.

"Very good eye," she replies, corners of her eyes wrinkling proudly despite her gaze never leaving the two young warriors exchanging blows. Beepaw comes to sit down beside the other onlookers, clinging close to Moonpaw. The two seemed.. inseparable... even the less emotionally-invested blue could tell that much. It wasn't really her business to pry but.. it certainly seemed like a kitten crush was forming already.

The soft voice of sunshine incarnate wistfully comments on how much time had passed since they had been young, stupider, more willing to fight for the sake of learning and fooling around. Her pale gaze flicks towards the smoke, offering a small huff of amusement. It is at Dipperpaw's suggestion they go next that Lichentail finally offers some sort of reply.

"Ah no one would want to see that," she lifts a paw to inspect her claws, trying very hard to look like she's disinterested rather than anxious about preforming in front of her own peers as well. "Besides... Hazecloud's fur would get messed up and that alone would make me the loser for the evening."

Never... never ever... ruin Hazecloud's meticulously groomed pelt.


PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
Ivory paws collide with damp soil as Mosspool rolls away, slitted optics not quick enough to flicker upwards before the dusk-furred tabby would decide to be bold, to tackle her with full-force.
Unfortunately for Petalstep, the others initiative would be the ghostly tabbies downfall as the two would clash, Petalstep knowing better than to keep her limbs rigid against such a blunt-force move, her cooperation would save her from the ground knocking the wind from her, at least.
Yet, Petalstep is still pinned, looking up at her clanmate with light surprise blazing golden in her narrowed optics.
Large paws are immobilized in Mosspools grip, and Petalstep knows she has lost this spar.
The disapproval in herself is overwhelming, but there is a hint of admiration within it all, and it is only that shimmering in chartreuse pools when the tufted warrior finally says the disgraced words.
"I yield."
