private COME DOWN, // surprise


hello perfect stranger
Jul 9, 2024
Her paws carry her forward, as they've done for many moons before. But this time, she stands in front. She leads. Not her mother, not her father... her. There's a sense of freedom that she's never had before that keeps pushing her on, even as the moon disappears from the sky and the sun, instead, lights up the horizon. Her feathered tail is held high as the world becomes brighter - more open, more free. There's whimpering behind her.

"Be quiet," she hisses to her sibling. Her claws arc into the ground and her eyebrows furrow. She loves them, she really does - that's why she's taken them along with her on this new adventure! But for them to cry the whole time... "Badgers will get us if you keep whining. Badgers, and foxes, and... and... birds!" She snaps her teeth, mimicking a bird clacking their beak. "You don't want to summon them to us, so cut it out."

Mismatched eyes flutter towards the lands before them. They're sparse with grass and wildflowers, but they're new. With another look towards her sibling, she leads them into what she deems the nowhere, ears perked to listen for... well, anything!

[ @Periwinklebreeze. @GRAVELSNAP ]​
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oh, why didn't she stay home? as night engulfs the kittens' small bodies, the littlest point finds herself chilled to the bone: not from the cold of night, rather the fear that comes from the unknown that her sister seeks.

she can't help but whine and beg to return to their parents, and similarly can't help the way her paws still trail after her littermate, despite her better wishes. they know better than to be so far away from home at night.. and as the horizon begins to pale, she already knows its too late. "mom's gonna be so mad.. so worried.." she tells her sister in a meek, high-pitched voice. "i.. i wanna go home now. maybe.. maybe we won't get in trouble if.."

the silencing response is expected, but still stings. she feels dejected as if scolded by their parents themselves. her ears lower, akin to her long droopy fur, and she finally falls silent - save for a final, startled 'eep!' at the mention of badgers.. and foxes.. and birds..

she cannot turn back alone. she is glued to her sister's side; like it or not, she was an accomplice. while her sister searches the landscape for something interesting, the pale-furred girl finds her gaze wider and more shifty, as if looking out for the badgers, foxes and birds that were threatened upon her. the remaining shadows of night dance and manifest into scary shapes of predators.. the kitten presses her fur against the other, wishing she could shrink until she is too small to be found by the dangers that lurk.

  • speech is #58778d
  • WEEPINGKIT kit of windclan
    she/her ━ afab ━ ?? moons
    a small, wispy blue point kitten with dull blue eyes.
    sister to mourningkit
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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periwinklebreeze 24 moons demi-boy windclan queen
Periwinklebreeze is, admittedly, not paying much attention to his surroundings. Truthfully, the queen can't take his eyes off of Gravelsnap - his mate, still stuck in a state of disbelief. It feels like a dream, and though he knows it isn't, that this is real, he can't seem to shake that bubbling sense of euphoria, that growing warmth and contentment. No more dancing around one another, no more 'just friends' - mates.

And so it isn't until they're nearly face-to-face with the two strangers that he snaps out of his daze, ears flicking and tail fluffing for a heartbeat. At first, he expects they've run into some sort of danger - shadowclanners out for misguided vengeance perhaps, or another duskclan patrol here to attack them. But it isn't, and for a moment blue eyes can only blink dazedly. " Are those... k-kits? " comes soft voice, dazedly as he blinks - uncertain that his half-blurred vision isn't failing him yet again.

Ink tipped ears pick up snippets of conversation, and after a moment of glancing between the strangers and Gravelsnap it seems his mind is made up. Soft, near silent pawsteps carry him forwards, figured slouched as nonthreateningly as ever and fur flattened once more. " E-excuse me - are y-you lost? Th-this is windclan territory, " comes gentle but stern voice - perhaps, were they bigger or older he'd be less polite, be more concerned by their trespass, but truth be told they look hardly older then his own - how could he do anything but try and help them home, should they actually be turned around?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E
➴➴ They can practically feel the weight of Periwinklebreeze’s gaze on them, burning their face hotter than the summer sun. They cannot blame him—the feather-light feeling in their chest threatens to drag them aloft as they trot along beside the queen. Their mate. It hardly feels real, even now. They can’t wait for the territory to finish its regrowth, so they can bring their mate more of the beautiful flowers that he enjoys so much.

Truthfully, Gravelsnap is also not paying as much attention as they should be. They don’t notice the kits encroaching upon their territory until they are practically right on top of them, at which point a dark ear flickers at the sound of the duo’s conversation. They look to their side at Periwinklebreeze. The queen looks to him, and then to the kits, and then back to him, and then back to the kits. Don’t approach them, you softhearted—alright, he’s approaching them. "Here we go," they mutter, dull eyes shifting across the pelts of the two kits before returning to Periwinklebreeze. His mate seems concerned with coming off as unthreatening, what with the way that he shrinks down before approaching the duo. He gives them a kit-friendly warning—soft as ever, even as he explains that these two strangers are trespassing upon WindClan’s territory.

Gravelsnap isn’t much of an intimidating figure, but they do nothing to make themself seem less threatening as they stalk over to stand beside their mate, brushing an eel-black tail against the lead warrior’s own. "Usually we kill trespassers," he says conversationally, thinking of the invading DuskClanners that had crashed their way into the camp and killed a queen. "We’ll make an exception this time."

  • ooc:
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    mate to periwinklebreeze ; sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw ; formerly mentored thriftfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

The first cat to arrive seems nice enough, but one look at his scars makes the pointed kitten huddle closer to her sister. "W - what.. what did that to you?" she questions meekly with round eyes. Was it one of the badgers or birds that her sister mentioned earlier? Would they come after them, next?

She doesn't know what a WindClan is, but they aren't particularly lost. Her sister seems to know where she's going, even in the midst of nowhere. Then comes the second cat, closely behind - exasperated, by the looks of it, but not particularly unfriendly. Not until they speak. A frightened 'eep' comes from the girl, and she is soon tugging on her sister's forearm; she is too frightened by the 'kill' to fully take in the 'exception'. "N - no! We were just.. we were just leaving, yeah!" What's worse - foxes and badgers, or two battle-scarred cats defending their territory? In an urgent whisper, she leans close to her sister's ear, all the while not taking her eyes off the strangers. "Did you hear that? We have to go.. they.. they're going to kill us..!"

Mismatched eyes pin when the grass sways and two tom cats free themselves from the thrall. Her sister clings to her side like sweat on her pads when it gets too hot, but even the monochrome kitten cannot shake her off. The first sounds skittish, the second flippant but annoyed. They're close, too. They don't shy away from one another's gracing touch, something that the bolder kitten takes in stride.

Her sister cries in her ears, and she hisses, "Shut up," in return. "They're not going to kill us. Didn't you hear..." Her eyes fall flat to Gravelsnap, finding no name to call him. She fixes her face, wiggling her nose, "That one said they won't kill us," her tone falls to something softer. The first one seems... cautious, but not unreachable. The kitten leans into her sister's side.

"I... Don't know what a WindClan is," she says, and it's the only truth that falls from her maw. "My sister and I are lost. Our ma and pa told us to - to run last night. They scented something big on the wind. They said... badger?" She looks to her meek sibling for confirmation, her eyes flashing as if she's willing the other to agree. Don't you dare, she doesn't say. A paw sweeps up, past her eyes to swipe away tears that don't quite exist.

"I'm hungry... I haven't eaten since yesterday. I gave her the mouse we found, but it was old and already dead and -" she mimics a sneeze, crumpling under the weight of her carefully crafted tale.​
➴➴ The first kit asks what did that to Peri, and Gravelsnap’s ear swivel back against their head. They don’t like to think too deeply about the scars across their mate’s body, and much less about the beasts that had caused them. But quickly the young kit seems to catch on to what Gravelsnap has said—against their will, a smile worms its way across their muzzle. They may not like kits, but the black-patched warrior would never actually kill one. Besides, with Peri here, they wouldn’t even get the chance to do so. The queen adores kits, and threatening to genuinely harm these kits might earn Gravelsnap more than just a cuff over the ear.

The second kit, seemingly the more confident of the duo, addresses the two WindClanners directly when she explains that she doesn’t know what WindClan is. Of course she doesn’t, Gravelsnap thinks. She’s a kit, too young to know much about the world around her. She claims that she and her sister are lost, with their parents ordering them to flee from a badger. "Oh," they speak at last, their muzzle tilted in a cautious manner. Badgers are bad news, no matter which cat is facing off against them. Terrible beasts with deadly claws, they can take down a warrior easily. Kits would hardly stand a chance against one of the creatures. The kit before them begins to complain of hunger, and the tom tips his head to the side slightly. Their parents are likely dead. What do he and Peri do, now? "We can… find you something to eat." The words leave their mouth almost unconsciously; they turn to glance at their mate, one scarred brow raising in question. "What should we do?"

  • ooc:
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    mate to periwinklebreeze ; sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw ; formerly mentored thriftfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
periwinklebreeze 24 moons demi-boy windclan queen
The comment on his scars - the reminder that he is broken - is enough to have him falter, shrinking in on himself for a heartbeat s smile flickers. But he can't blame them, can he? He looks awful these days - hardly recognizes his own reflection. " ah - a d-dog... mostly, " And a fox, and riverclan, and even his own clanmates.

But there's no need to scare these kittens with stories like that. Still, he can't focus on that hurt for long - because soon enough the other kitten is speaking, and he feels his heart break for the two of them as she gives explanation for their presence. 'Poor things' he thinks, quickly recovering from his shock. " Well... if y-you don't have anywhere to g-g-go, you could come with us. G-gravelsnap is right - we have f-food back at camp. I can't p-promise you can stay, but we can ask? It's f-far safer then being on y-your own at least," he says, more warning then anything. It's dangerous enough on the moorland for fully grown cats - foxes, badgers, hawks. All manner of other predators. Kits would be an even easier meal for any of them, " D-do you have names then? I'm P-periwinklebreeze, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
I ' V E - A L W A Y S - B E E N - R E A L - B A D - W I T H - C H A N G E