camp come & get it [ sitting watch & light snow ]

( ) Howling Wind had trusted her enough to watch over the camp while they slept. Her pelt prickled with excitement at receiving such a task. Stars, any task was appreciated right now. There was no way Berryheart could disagree with this assignment, all she had to do was sit and watch all night. She still had another day before she could return to her warrior duties, and that day couldn't come soon enough. Her paws were itching with eagerness to run through the forest. She had so much energy to burn off.

As the sun set, and the moon began to rise, Flamewhisker padded to where she would sit for the remainder of the night. She would sit, and curl her tail around her paws. Her fur bushed up as a crisp breeze ripped its way through the camp. She glanced up at the sky, and realized that clouds were starting to gather above her. Oh please don't rain tonight.. she thought to herself, not wanting to openly complain about her task tonight.

A few hours passed, and despite her alert ears and nose, nothing seemed to be stirring outside. The air around her was starting to cool even more, causing a shiver to tickle her pelt. Her alabaster paws shuffled, and she paced around a few times to warm herself up. Worried that she would accidentally wake someone, she settled down again. She glanced towards the warrior's den, wondering if Flycatcher was asleep. Flamewhisker shook the thought away, there was no doubt he was sleeping soundly. The kits had probably worn him smooth out earlier today. He was so good with them, the entire nursery seemed to love him. He'll make a good father someday.. Her eyes widened, and she shuffled around awkwardly. Was she seriously sitting here thinking about the grey tom? She wasn't supposed to be keeping watch. Her head ducked, and she perked her ears again. Still silence...nothing happened. Her shoulders slumped thankfully.

The moon was high in the sky by now, but she couldn't see it anymore. Clouds totally covered the sky, and as she rose her nose upwards, a snowflake landed upon it. A sneeze erupted from her, and she cursed herself silently. You're going to wake everyone up, mousebrain! There was no way Howling Wind would trust her to watch the camp again...Being quiet was so hard. Soon after the first snowflake, many more followed it. Her heart started to race excitedly. It's snowing! I've got to show Flycatcher! She rose to her paws, before realizing she probably shouldn't. She couldn't help but start to recall his teasing before she had fallen from the tree. Emberstar should have named you Leafheart, not Flamewhisker! she let out a chuckle, before realizing she had done it again! She rotated her ears again, hoping she hadn't missed anything. Stay out of my least for tonight. What was wrong with her? Her paws kneaded the ground anxiously, wishing she night would end soon.

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SOund sleep was not a blessing that Leafshade experienced as of late. With the traitors' banishment causing paranoia to gnaw away at that blue point's stomach, he had taken to distract himself from it by taking nightly walks.

Tonight he would also catch the first snowfall of the season and he stopped in his walking to look up at the sky and watch as many tiny flecks floated down from the heavens. His eyes would close for just a heartbeat, taking a deep breath of the sharp cold air, allowing it to wash over him in a way that helped calm his nerves. Even if just temporarily.

Leafshade would resume his walk back towards camp, his steel blue eyes narrowing slightly as he spotted the familiar red and white pelt of Flamewhisker. Wasn't she suppose to be resting? His tail would lash as he tried to think about how long the molly had been stuck in the medicine cat den when he stopped just before her, his expression a familiar scowl of displeasure.

"Why are you awake so late?" He would snap, though he would inwardly cringe at how harsh his words sounded in his own ears. Exhaustion certainly was taking its toll on him.


When quiet was so present it was terribly noticeable when it was interrupted. Though Berryheart slept often- one might even call him over-indulgent- he had always been a rather light sleeper, perhaps a consequence of napping so frequently. Slumber was one state that always found him easily, therefore being awoken was never usually much of a bother- that did not mean he would not allow the curiosity to fade away. In fact it got the better of him- rising to his paws a quiet, croaky groan of "Mmmmmmmmggghh..." left him as he shuffled out of his den, noise stifled and halted by a yawn that split his crooked jaw.

Dreary, lopsided eyes settled upon the pair- lingered for a few moments. Through the sleepy blear it took him a moment to work out who they were- Stretch and Sunset, the latter of which was thankfully doing nothing to stress her shoulder out. Not that he would particularly be able to tell if it was getting worse or better (and the unfamiliar feeling of discomfort made itself clear again, stuck in a state of unknowing). "Could ask you the same question," Berryheart murmured toward the silver-point tom, a peppering of humour subtly gracing his speckled features.
( ) Leaves crackled as something outside the camp moved. The red tabby jumped to her paws (probably faster than she should have), ready to meet whatever was causing movement. What is coming this way? I haven't seen anybody leave. Maybe I would have if I would pay more attention. Her throat tightened in regret, deeply hoping this wasn't an invader. Howling Wind will never trust me again!

Her fears were relinquished as Leafshade emerged through the entrance. She inwardly sighed with relief at the sight of the tom, and she lowered herself back into a sit. The tabby dipped her head in greeting, and offered him a smile before he had the chance to scowl. Her ears flattened momentarily as his words struck her. What had his fur in a bunch? Her normally friendly gaze hardened, and she puffed her fur out. "I'm sitting guard tonight." she would hiss quietly, not wanting to wake anyone else. She was about to ask why he was out, but Berryheart's sudden voice startled her.

Berryheart would respond first, earning an eye roll from the lanky tom but it was clear that the appearance of the medicine cat seemed to put Leafshade back in place, "A walk." Would be his only words before turning back to Flamewhisker and the puff of her chest and the quiet hiss that passed through her teeth only brought a snort from his nostrils.

"You? Guarding? Aren't you still injured?" His steel gaze would shift towards the warrior's hurt shoulder and he would appear deep in thought for a moment before looking back to Berryheart to gauge his reaction. Well, he didn't seem super concerned about it, so Leafshade would take that as a sign that he shouldn't be worrying as much as he was.

Turning his gaze back to Flamewhisker he would grunt, "Did you at least eat before standing guard?"