A return is made on a morning of hunting as orange and white paws carry Greeneyes through the camp's entrance. It's been a successful hunt - a bird is cradled carefully between his teeth as he walks and the young warrior aims to make his way to the fresh-kill pile to add his contribution.

"Hey, Greeneyes!" The ginger tom pauses, looking up at the older warrior that called his name, a questioning look in his gaze. "The kits haven't been fed yet - you mind giving your bird to them?"

He hesitates. Normally, he wouldn't mind. But, there's a fallen tree sitting where the nursery he grew up knowing once was, a permanent fixture in place of where his claws had sunk into the earth - where hopes of sparing his brother from an early ascension to the stars had died in Snowpath's final breath. An image forever remembered, a nightmare still lived. A place of death now houses the living, and Greeneyes has been asked to step foot within its grasp.

"Greeneyes?" the warrior repeats his name, concern in their voice, as if remembering too. An offer to find someone else is placed before him, and he shakes his head.

"No! Uh, it's... it's fine. I'm fine. I'll bring it over to the nursery, " he assures them, a flick of a crooked tail as he moves to pick his catch back up. He's sure the kits will enjoy a taste of bird anyways. Or, he can hope that some of them will. There's so many kits around these days, Greeneyes can hardly keep up with them, let alone who likes what. The older warrior thanks him, and goes on with their day, and Greeneyes is left to stare at the fallen tree for a moment longer before he finds the strength to near it. He's fine.

"Amigos --" he calls upon his arrival. Pushing down the dread he feels, Greeneyes is sure to wear a smile on his face as he sets the bird down at the new nursery's entrance. "I brought food! Eat up!"

//@falconkit !​
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Hungry. Falconkit's stomach growled, and he tilted his head back, sitting just outside of the nursery. His eyes were focused high above, through the leaf-cover to the sun. He squinted, knocked out of his gaze as Greeneyes' name was called from across camp. He leaned forward then, vision fixating on the warrior who seemed to hesitate. Being about Vermillionsun so often, Falcon had learned to pick up on the little things adults did, especially when bad memories brushed at them. Ver had did it just before they left the sewers.

As Greeneyes approached, Falcon's tail twitched and he straightened up a bit. It was like that ginger tom had read the kit's mind. As Greeneyes announced his arrival, his ears twitched. Before he could regard his distaste for having to rely on others for food at the moment, the words were spilling from his mouth. "What does Amigos mean?" Falconkit pushed to his paws, a gentle glance given towards his sisters wherever they were, then back towards Greeneyes curiously.

Falconkit padded over, his nose leaning down to scent the bird that the warrior brought with him, also trying to decide what piece he should give to his sisters first.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

Fantastream was in the nursery cleaning when Greeneyes popped his head in with prey. Her claws rake through moss and pine needless, taking out all the old soiled bedding so that new bedding could be brought in to replace it. She herself did not have a nest here. Her nest was back in at her kittypet home and was a different kind of material. Lined with fur from an animal she is unfamiliar with and much more plush. If she could figure out a way to bring it here with her she would but alas, it was too big of an object to move. Her own kithood had been filled with similar things, blankets and beds that would put anything here to shame. Her world would always seem so soft compared to the world out here though.

Amigos is a strange word, one she does not recognize and a puzzled expression crosses her face. "Maybe it means kits?" she speculates, doing her best to use context clues but her voice and her expression betrays her confusion and like Falconkit she finds herself looking to the ginger-furred warrior for an explanation.


The complex history of the nursery was something Twitchbolt was actually aware of, a buzz of static in the back of his mind that did not easily depart. He had been there, among many others, dirt clogging between his paws as he fruitlessly attempted to help Snowpath escape the falling trunk. Though the trunk had been repurposed, used for something wonderful, he could not rid himself of that whispering knowledge of what had transpired here. It was locked behind his lips, though- something he wouldn't bring up, especially not to the kittens who probably didn't want to relive it.

He had been bringing a mouse over to the kits and queens only to find that another warrior had already beat him there- Greeneyes, a feathered prize fastened between his jaws. The mahogany-and-white tom lay his own catch before a different queen, prepared to be in-and-out silently before a small conversation sparked.

Those words, peppered in... they reminded him of another, one who had miraculously returned to them recently. The meaning already appraised- or, attempting to be- he had another lane to tread down. "Did you pick that up off- off of Sheepcurl...?" Twitchbolt asked, a small smile on his lips and genuine curiosity aquiver in his voice. He knew as well as anyone the impression a mentor could have on you... and he hoped Sheepcurl was not a sensitive spot for Greeneyes now that she had come home.
penned by pin ✧

too loud. too loud, they were being. she found herself gently kicking the side of her nest with a slight huff as she pulled herself upwards. her fur looked a little crazy, ungroomed and untamed from a nice long slumber, and yet exhaustion still clinged to her. she stood up with a big stretch, and an even bigger yawn. she climbed out of her nest, tripping with a huff as she looked over at the others before she laid in a bit of defeat. she wished she wasn't so clumsy some times but it was okay. she would find a way to get around her rather large paws... in spite of her notably smaller size.

"hi twitchbolt."

she addressed, standing back up. she gently brushed against his leg, tail sweeping behind her before she turned back, nose twitching.

"can i have some for my brothers? i think they're hungry... or they will be. i have to make sure they eat."


A question answers his call and occupies his mind enough to distract from the rubble-made nursery in front of him. Falconkit, if he remembers correctly - one of Vermilionsun's children. What does amigos mean?

He hadn't realized he'd been using the word until now - a remnant of his days training with Sheepcurl. He remembers using it more often as an apprentice, but it seems to have made a resurgence in his vocabulary. Greeneyes never really questioned its meaning before, but Fantastream is there with a suggestion, a meaning of kits supplied - and no, that's not right. Can't be, if a young Greenpaw was greeting those at the border with the word.

"It's like... It's like a friend!" he hums, after a moment of thinking. That must be it - it made the most sense, but perhaps he can ask Sheepcurl later for a proper answer. "SkyClan is full of 'em, and you live here too, so you must be an amigo, no?" Granted, he wouldn't use the word with someone like Chrysaliswing, but he thinks the explanation should suffice.

Twitchbolt's question reaches his ears, and he turns to look at the lead warrior, a small smile on his own face. "Maybe," he notes, crooked tail swaying behind him. Though he's lost plenty as of late, he's glad his mentor has made her return, that he's able to carry her words with him when he speaks either way.

He watches for a moment as Falconkit approaches the bird, as Drowsykit follows after, asking for some for her brothers. "Of course, amiga! There's plenty to go around - take some!"
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
// pre apprenticeship!

Falconkit glanced towards Fantastream, who had been working on a nest for a moment now. He had wondered about how pine needles were supposed to be comfortable when he first got here, but he didn't have much a choice, after all. But she offers an explanation, and his head tilted. He wasn't so sure about that, but he had no idea. It was a strange word, he decided, wrinkling his nose at the thought of it. Twitchbolt was the next to say something, and as Falconkit shifted his gaze towards Greeneyes again, he notes down that name for later. Sheepcurl.

He blinked at Greeneyes, a tiny grin finding his face. In his few days since he had shown up, he hadn't been doing much of that, but Greeneyes encouraging him like that made him feel a bit better. "Maybe I am." He stated, his head tilting up as he thought about it, tail swaying lazily. Falconkit paused as Drowsykit appeared, and he took a step back to allow the other at the food. He could always get another piece, he reasoned with himself, and nodded quietly, sitting back for now. "You go ahead first." He offered to the other kit.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

He met Greeneyes' lighthearted answer with a smile of his own, a nod of acknowledgement. It was an odd thing to have guessed, but... having trained together, a lot of information just ended up getting absorbed. The both of them had been trained by lead warriors, had been raised from kit-hood in a Clan that those older than them had never seen. It was an odd place to be, in truth.

Amber-struck eyes fluttered wider at the sound of a small voice below; one of Bobbie's kittens, Drowsykit, slalomed around his legs, and he met the kitten with an expression of shock- one that soon faded into a smile. Shuddering though it was, it was genuine- it was nice to be known, to be recognised, to be approachable. Everything he'd ever done was some striving effort to be a better cat than his parents had thought he was- than his parents had been themselves. This was a good sign that he was succeeding.

"Hi, Drowsykit," the brown-and-white warrior answered, flicking his crooked tail in greeting. Greeneyes answered the smoke kitten's question, and Twitchbolt agreed with a quick nod. "Mmm-make sure you get some too, dude," he told Drowsykit, noting that she'd just mentioned her brothers needing to eat. He could well imagine she was hungry, too- something Falconkit appeared to pick up on, stepping aside in the name of politeness.
penned by pin ✧