pafp come on & SLAM ☀︎ sparring(?)

His skills in combat were abyssmal if the skirmishes against ShadowClan were anything to go by. He had mostly abused his size the entire time, had a few nasty bites from the incident that he expected could have been avoided if he had just been a lot better at keeping focused and wasn't just pinning a cat down. It was just impulse to stop them from fighting him and often times it worked well enough, but the scrappy ShadowClan she-cat had proven him wrong with how deftly she'd twisted from his grasp and escaped. What Sunfreckle needed was more practice putting a cat down without risking close proximity, but he was not the most agile of cats so simply darting in and out wasn't going to work for him. It took some quiet contemplation before he finally had an idea spring to mind that might just work to his benefit. The red tabby had wanted to ask one of the other warriors closer to his size like Raccoonstripe or Silverlightning but his taller yet more slim figured mate would have to suffice; convincing Rabbitnose to spare with him was a battle on its own, a paw cuffing the others longer ear until he stopped trying to dismiss the idea. It wasn't like they intended to even hurt eachother and Sunfreckle was much more durable than some cats gave him credit for. The second they came to an agreement he gestured with a flick of his tail for the dappled tom to take his place, choosing to stay in camp rather than trek all the way out to the training hollow for what may very well be a short session.

The three-legged tom wasted no time in bracing himself to spring and then quickly rushing forward as fast as he could only to skid to a stop with his claws out seconds before colliding with his mate; the result was a sudden burst of force from him that sent the other warrior knocked head over paw and tumbling back a good distance...a too good distance. He might have overdone it.
"Oh-GOSH! I'M SO SORRY, RABBITNOSE!" He nearly stumbled making his way over to check on the blue tom, head inclining down to give his face a careful nudge, "....are you okay? I didn't think I'd hit that hard..."

Prompt for Sunfreckle, tagging poor @Rabbitnose

He begrudgingly agreed to spar with Sunfreckle, he never liked doing so. What if he hurt him? He would never forgive himself. He couldn't bring himself to be rough with the big fluffy tom not because he thought he was weak, which he wasn't, but because he loved him. He couldn't raise a paw against those he loved.

But Sunfreckle insisted, and he had no choice but to agree. And so.... They assumed their positions in camp.

He was eager to see what Sunfreckle could do, he's come a long way since they first met. When Sunfreckle came rushing at him, he braced himself and prepared to grapple him.

But it was a MISTAKE.

Sunfreckle slammed into him with enough force to knock him flat on his back. He gave a surprised yell and laid there for a moment, dazed.

After he stopped seeing stars, he looked to Sunfreckle who had just nudged him.

"I'm okay!" He answered, rolling to his feet, staggering as he stood up and forcing himself stable. " Gonna feel that for a bit....." He added with a chuckle.

"That was really good... Hit someone hard enough with that and they'll be too stunned to get up!" He said, giving Sunfreckle a nuzzle. "Might even break a few ribs if you hit them just right."

six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— The sage eyes of one Stumpybounce caught the sparring and were drawn in. Much like Sunfreckle, Stumpy lacked a graceful, agility focused fighting style. It hadn't caught up to him yet however and why fix what isn't broken. But, still training was always something Stumpybounce wanted to watch, helped him figure out just where he might be going wrong in his own technique. And right now he noticed one fatal mistake, Rabbitnose was dazed on the ground.

He couldn't help but wandering over "I'm not an expert on avoidance techniques, but I'd say that was a pretty poor attempt." He said with a wide toothy grin. "Do you guys want more participants or just some coaching" he joked. Without an apprentice though he was starting to feel like some of this young wisdom of his wasn't being put to use, and just as restless as his legs were his mind might be even more so.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along