pafp COME OUT AND PLAY - tag

Bumblekit's parents had encouraged her to venture out and play with the kittens from other clans. It was an idea she had not been entirely prepared for, but her curiosity got the best of her. After all, how bad could it be? Slowly, she peeked out from behind a NPC queen's legs. Their soft voice gently encouraging her to move onward.

With a hint of shyness, she took her first steps outside the nursery and into the clearing of ShadowClan camp. There, she observed several queens tending to their kits and warriors bustling about with their tasks. The sight was somewhat familiar and comforting to the young she-cat.

As a spark of bravery ignited within her, Bumblekit strode toward the other kittens. Some were napping lazily while others were engaged in spirited play, and a few were simply climbing all over one another. Her small voice rang out as she cleared her throat with a small but hopeful smile. "Anybody wanna play tag?" The offer was made with enthusiasm, as tag was her favorite game and, in her view, a perfect icebreaker for making new friends.

// please don't reply until @Halfkit has responded! prior to the cats taking back their territories.

I thought it would be fun to see how they engage play-wise. Plus, a little activity where they could get anyone involved.

Halfkit has heard before that she is a rambunctious kit, that she has more energy than the adults knew what to do with and "Stars save whoever winds up being that girls mentor". And she LOVES games. If there is a game to be played then Halfkit wants in. But more importantly she wants complete control. She wants to be in charge, she wants to win no matter the cost.

When Bumblekit comes out of the nursery, Halfkit turns her head to look. The black furred kitten was from RiverClan and she had been meaning to ask her all about it. What was it like there? Did the river ever swallow anyone? Did fish have teeth? All questions she must know the answer to! She is headed in her direction when suddenly she is propositioning a game.


Halfkits eyebrows knit together for a brief moment. Tag was a game she was good at, she thinks, but sometimes when she runs she trips over legs that are a bit too long. They get in the way and make things... complicated. "Just plain old tag is booooriiing!" she declares "We should play hide and seek tag instead!" the fun spin on it would ensure that if she ever became 'it' there was a chance she could corner her target in their hiding spot and tag them before they had a chance to run.