come out & play ★ joining ★ it's fun in the dark

An odd sight to be sure, but Skyclan had surely seen stranger by far - that fact did not change the strange visage of the wide brimmed hat bouncing along atop its feline perch, held in place only by the ears poking through slots atop it and the strap tied into a cute little bow at her throat. As awkward as it seemed she moved in it with ease, accustomed to the weight of the flimsy fabric and the snug of a bow at her neck; teetering along without a struggle on dark and light colored paws, alternating colors with every other step. The sound of her approach rings with the faint chime of bells, star-shaped and swaying from flat circle crowning her head and shading her face from the piercing sun.
This had to be the spot surely? She could smell the odd scent of cat markings stronger here, any further and she would thrust her head into the thick of it and surely earned some ire from the woodland felines. Fascinating felines they were, she'd heard quite a bit and only now had her curiousity peeked enough to venture forth. The appeal of the woods was in its mystery and subsequent build up, her two-leg had portraits of the wild expanses hung everywhere in their home, the branches of trees making decorative perches for her and for lights; the scent of pine burning from the glossy and small fires set on table and counter alike. The outdoors lived within their nest quite heavily, bordering on pure mimicry at times, so eventually her setting out to explore was simply bound to happen - that she picked today was whimsy alone and no other reason. Just a walk the derailed into fastened pace and quick paws along smooth two-leg made stone that eventually cracked apart and ended in fragmented lumps, leading into dirt and earth; pebble lined clearings and shrouds of trees for miles on end.
Wriggling in place the black and blue spotted she-cat gives a tentative mewl of greeting into the dark maw of the wood, "Hello~? Is anyone home?"

A kittypet whose Twolegs had expensive tastes, Momowhisker thought he was quite privy to Twoleg accessories, but, seeing a strange pointed hat bob above the shortest SkyClan ferns caused his creamy fur to arch with confusion. Incredulously, he watched it move along until a blue and black feline finally appeared donning it. 'They did put a pointy hat on me once, but it was never that big!' It'd been accompanied by a strange song telling him to be happy, he wasn't sure. Large ears were kept angled at parallels to see if Hazel had an orchestra but, upon only hearing her voice, he felt a strange disappointment wash over him. Catching himself staring, the Oriental feline quickly cleared his throat. "Uh... yes! Yes, we are home," the lynx point smiled, his sapphire eyes darting left and right to see if others were present. It had been a patrol he'd been on after all, there was little doubt his patrol leader would be wondering where he was right now (and hopefully, he wouldn't get into trouble!) Swallowing a lump in his throat, Momo gave a little wiggle of his shoulders and moved to face the chimera directly, his long face pointing slightly downwards.

"And you are?" He asked with a cock of his head, his golden collar glinting in the light piercing the gaps in the trees. "Or rather... what are you doing here? It's custom to ask such things, we are a clan after all." Freedom to travel had seldom been a thing in the Twolegplace, what with rogue groups and territorial kittypets around every corner. Clans weren't so different to that, only... nicer, more forgiving of mistakes, and much more fun. Perhaps Hazel had heard of them? Excitedly, he awaited a reply.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The obsidian smokey tom padded through the undergrowth, torn ear swerving to catch the last of Momo’s response, molten gaze narrowing. He didn't comment other than a single tilt of his helm in greetings, watching the stranger with a calculative hue.

He rumbled, tail swishing high over his shoulders, obsidian tendrils swaying like wisps in the breeze. “Either you’ve come with a purpose, or you're quelling your curiosity.” He’d seen a few kittypets, curious as they ventured further into the pines. It was a pain in the ass, he was certain of that. After all, he had no power to accept others, wondering if any of the higher-ups would come stalking from the undergrowth but for now, he’d wait, watching the other with an inquisitive hue.
thought speech
New faces; new shining things. He wonders what has made strangers flock to them so much, as of late. Is their scent so inviting; trees free - seeming and ready to conquer? Such simple things are outlandish to kittypets, and perhaps, Dawnglare might say that they still are to him. It's obvious, when one isn't cut from wild - borne marble, mangy and snaggletoothed. No, this one is affixed with treasure beyond imagination, eyes are bright with a clarity not meant for wild cats. Dawnglare is warmed up to them before they say even a word.

Perched betwixt the branches of a nearby pine, he smiles wholey down at those gathered below. Excessive weight is held in his forepaws. He looks close to tumbling from the tree entirely, but does not, because of course, he was not that kind of fool. " Oh, aren't you adorned, " he coos, smiling just as warmly at the gift as he would at her. A noble task, he supposes, for Momo... Momosomething to take up the mantle of instilling clan laws in her. Dawnglare is far less concerned. " Lovely. You can join straight away, " he decides there and then. ...If that was what she wanted, anyways! And he would not blame her if such wasn't the case.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

Something wicked this way came. Her fur bristled along her spine as she stands guarded, head low and hat slanted forward to cast her face in a crescent moon of shadow but the cat who approaches her does not instill worry nor fear on presentation alone. She is instantly relieved at the sight of the collar, it takes the edge off of her nerves to know a kittypet or former kittypet was here so she would not face the wild cats alone.
Hazel is not sure what she expected, but this was not it; she'd heard of forest cats who looked ragged and scarred and whose maws dripped blood but this was just a friendly face like any she might see near her two-leg nest.
"I'm Witch Hazel, but everyone just calls me Hazel." Her two-leg called her other things like Hazy Mazy or Miss Hazel, but she didn't think those were also worth sharing. "I heard there was a group here? Called SkyClan? And you let Kittypets join? I wanted to join too!"
Her blue gaze darts to the other cat approaching, a fair bit scarier looking than the first one looked and he comments in an almost accusatory way as to her reason for being here.
"A little of both, actually!" She chirps, sitting back down to look less threatening as she kneaded the ground before her with both dark dipped paws, "Do I need to do something to get in?"
Her question is answered by another voice, high trill and falsetto toned and she thinks for a fleeting moment the sky is speaking down to her only to find crimson draped ethereally across branches strewn above; her eyes widen - sky blue mirroring the sky in delight at the odd cat lounging haphazardly across limbs to permit her entrance.
"Hello to you as well! Are you in charge? Do you really mean I can join?" He looked in-charge, he had a look of self-importance to him that surely meant some authority. Adorned. Adorned? "You mean my hat? Do you want to try it on?"

✿—— the tabby pads up, noting with some amusement that momowhisker certainly seems to have a habit of finding stray kittypets. though she, of course, isn't looking at the daylight warrior—no, her attention is entirely captured by the strange thing the newcomer is wearing. it reminds her of things her twoleg had hung on small branches on the wall in her old home, occasionally tossed onto a wooden table where she could bat at the lacy bows as a kitten—though this one is distinctly pointier than what she's seen before. she regards it with a kind of wonder at the light trill of bells and the snug bow tied about the cat's neck, though by the time she's arrived several cats have already gathered to offer their opinions.

she dips her head to momowhisker, not quite catching the words he speaks to the strangely attired feline, turning towards the group at large and offering a smile partly in friendliness and partly in amusement at how quickly their patrol had been derailed. his questions are to the point and simply worded, as are duskpool's—the smoky-furred tom offers his own harsher words. "i like your, uh, thing," she offers kindly, if awkwardly, hoping to offset his rumbling mew; she'd certainly found the night-pelted tom intimidating at first. she's startled by the sight of the cinnamon-hued medicine cat perched in a tree like some grotesque bird. dawnglare's words are much less appreciated in her eyes, grinning at the newcomer in a way she'd certainly never been gifted herself, cooing creepily and making the decision that she was joining now. one lilac eyebrow climbs high in skepticism—wasn't it up to blazestar to truly accept their new arrivals, not a wayward medicine cat?

"nice to meet you, h-hazel," she replies to the kittypet's chirpy mew, what's quickly become her standard greeting for any lost (or not-so-lost) souls that happen to be on the border when she's patrolling. as is also becoming typical, the newcomer has a lot of questions, which she offers a hesitant answer to, "yes, this is skyclan. we do let kittypets j-join, sometimes," she mews cautiously, indicating her own loosely buckled red collar. she pauses, thinks of their new joiners' various transgressions on the border, hesitates again; most cats didn't have to do anything to join, but she has no idea if that has changed—she, of all cats, certainly isn't privy to the decisions of blazestar and his council. she settles for a nervous, "it depends."

"that's dawnglare, our medicine c-cat," she answers flatly, much less enthused to be on the topic of the crimson tom, adding, "our leader, blazestar, is the one who can officially a-accept you," she mews pointedly, directed more at the white-dipped tom than the cheery kittypet, repressing a sigh as she offers her hat to dawnglare. she can only hope that a lead warrior, someone equipped to handle the situation, shows up before dawnglare derails it entirely.

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & pine needles ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

That’s right.” A much broader golden figure emerges from behind Bobbie, giving the pale tabby a friendly blink as he comes to settle beside her. Momowhisker, Dawnglare, and Duskpool sit as a small creature wearing a strange Twoleg object regales them. Blazestar has seen all manner of trinkets housefolk use to adorn their pets, but this one is by far the strangest and most unwieldy-seeming. He speaks again. “I’m Blazestar, leader of SkyClan. These are my warriors, and our… medicine cat.” The bridge of his nose threatens to wrinkle, but he manages to more or less keep his composure. “What reason do you have for wanting to join SkyClan? Do you know what being a warrior entails?

Pointedly, he sweeps his tail across his paws. “If you are made a daylight warrior, you must first spend a moon undergoing training along with the youngest cats in our Clan. You will learn what it is to give all you have for your Clan. You will learn to hunt for others first. You will be expected to put your life down to defend your Clanmates and your territory, if needed.” He studies the strange kittypet. “If my council and I do not deem you worthy after one moon, you will be sent back to your housefolk.

// as long as she doesn’t say something ridiculous you can start posting with her lol

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

Another cat arrives, a collar on her throat as well and a pretty molly with dappled spots like a fawn. Hazel can not help but stare for a moment before laughing nervously as she forces herself to look elsewhere upon realizing how rude that might seem.
"Thank you, my two-leg made it for me! She makes a lot of things with her paws, it's really fun to watch!" Her two-leg was an enthusiastic creator, always kicking and pawing at some whirring aparatus that spilled out folded cloth from simple threads like a great spider. She could sit for hours nearby, comforted by the machines hum and the gentle click of the odd paddle beneath the desk that would constantly be stepped upon as her owner worked.

The golden tom who emerges from the forest next looks terribly like what she would imagine the depiction of a leader to be. Extremely big, rimmed in light and with a gentle smiling face that seemed to almost be fighting the urge to frown. If you had asked her to pick who was the leader here, she might've guessed him first really - even if the red and white one in the tree talked with such authority. He didn't look very leader. Blazestar, as he introduces himself begins to speak and she is in rapture to every word.
A quiet whispering gasp escapes her as she listens to the explaination, "A trial!" The kittypet declares, immediately enthused at the idea of being tested in such a way, the rest was to be expected - the same dedicated demands that her own mind had conjured up when she was trying to decide what it was like being in a clan. To be sent away if she failed, well then she would not have to fail!
"I'll do my best! I'm ready to give it a go! Point me to the NEAREST OPPONENT!"