camp comedy & tragedy // short post thread, storm


a want to go back , 6.16.24
Jan 5, 2023
[ simple posts ONLY !! ]

Nightingalecry tails a patrol cut short - whilst the sky had seemed clear enough prior to leaving camp, it seemed to have opened up and dropped a river's amount of water overhead, and still continues to. Despite being a shorthair, the moor runner looks little better than her longhaired comrades. Wet rats, each of them, trailing back into their open skied and puddling camp. "This no fun," she huffs, for once speaking loud enough for others to hear.​
For all his composure, Stagcrest, too, looks like a drowned dog. His long fur, so neatly-groomed at the patrol's outset, has been tangled and whipped into shaggy swirls, waterlogged up to each strand. Thick tufts keep falling into his eyes, and his mobility is only hindered more by the combination of a single foreleg and muddy ground. Still, his face remains cool to the sight, with only his eyes scrunched and hardened against the falling wall of water. "Well, at least we're in camp," he responds, shuddering past the prickled walls. He hopes someone has the fresh-kill pile handled.​
The tunneler has never prided themself on their cleanliness, nor have they ever seen fault in their tendency to leave dirt crusted into their ember-flecked pelt. Today, though, they find themself regretting their lack of cleanliness—the dirt caked into their fur has turned to mud, weighing them down as their pelt gets soaked through. "This is the worst," they grumble in agreement with Nightingalecry, shaking out their rainsoaked fur.
The rain is not something that Sunstride had ever fully grown accustomed to. Though he knew heavy snowfall and the mud of newleaf melt, the pelting rains seem contained to these moors. A memory he makes only here. Like the others, the warrior's thick amber fur is plastered to his frame. Powerful muscles roll beneath his slick shoulders, and in the midst of this terrible rain– he shakes it out. Those closest to him will certainly be speckled with a cascade of droplets off of his fur, and the temporary freedom from the rain leaves his pelt odd and spiked from wetness. "The camp which we have claimed beneath the open sky?" He looks upward, sea glass eyes closed, and laughs.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. approx. 40 moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, monogamous. mate to wolfsong from 07.05.2023.  npc x npc, no larger family.
    —— has recently regained some of his earlier lightness, but maintains his steady facade.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

periwinklebreeze & 12 moons & demi-boy & he/they & windclan moor runner

Peri says nothing, only presses rain-soaked pelt against his sister as he shivers and shakes - blue eyes wide and glazed. He can only hope that the storm will not worsen, that thunder and lightning will not join in the fray. The touch of dampness upon his pelt is already enough to have him seeing red and tasting blood, imaginary though it is, and scars twinge in sudden remembrance. He really hates the rain.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a lithe figured black and white tom with a false-pointed pattern and clear blue eyes that gleam periwinkle in the right lighting. he seems perpetually worn and exhausted, with heavy bags beneath his eyes and a slouched figure. he has a speech impediment which leaves him with a stutter and sometimes even completely non-verbal, and his fluffy tail is adorned with daisies.

    physically medium && mentally easy && pacifist
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ccccff]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Badgermoon blinked as Sunstride bestowed a cloak of droplets onto his black-and-white fur, finding any irritation at the unexpected adornment snuffed out by sheer amusement at the reddish tom's prickled coat. "Our closeness to StarClan comes at a price." mused the yellow-eyed tom, sounding half-grateful and half-beleaguered, eyeing the mud-slicked entrance to Wolfsong's den with something like hunger. Perhaps our noble medicine cat would like some soggy visitors...?


Sootstar, shockingly takes to being a positive voice in this uncomfortable moment. ”We’ve dealt with worse weather.” She reminds, soon leaf-bare would be upon them and they’d suffer the cold in their exposed game. Just thinking about it sends a chill down her spine. ”Take to the entrance of the tunnels, even the biggest of us should be able to make the squeeze long enough to await the rain’s passing.” She flicks her tail to the entrances surrounding the sandy hollow.
StarClan, Snakehiss loathed rain. He hated the feeling of slick mud squeezing in between his toes. He hated water soaking through his short fur to his skin. He hated smelling damp and wet afterward. "This rain had better not last. I've grown far too large to be squeezed into a tiny tunnel with the lot of you." The dark-hued warrior complained as he stormed by everybody and headed toward the tunnels. Great, now it was time to be trapped in a dirty hollow cramped up closely ( way too closely ) against his clanmates. Snakehiss was certainly going to make this everyone's problem.

For once, Sootspot was grateful for his short stature, it allowed him to settle in the tunnels with ease, the greys of his two-toned pelt near enough to match the miserable skies above. Corners of his fur still remained sodden and, much to his chagrin, black paws were caked with mud whose consistency made him nauseous. Still, he was better off than the others, a fact that caused him to hold his head high as he listened to Sootstar's advice. His nose wrinkled at the thought of sharing his space with anyone else, reluctantly however, he pressed his form to the corner of the tunnel to allow one more to fit besides his unimposing form. "Proud warriors... bested by StarClan's tears," he quipped, arching his brow towards the sodden Moor-Runners before him.

It seems Badgermoon shall get his wish, as StarClan willed it. Fat droplets splatter against the phantom's dingy pelt, streaming down her legs in dirtied rivulets. She almost rolls her eyes at the princeling's comment - StarClan may be vast and wise, but it would be ridiculous to think that sogginess equated to defeat. "I'll do fine out here." She drawls out in response to the others.

"It's not... It's not too bad," Sparrowpaw murmurs, though her own fur is drenched too by the rain above. Her gaze lifts to look at the sky, as if she would be able to find the storm's end if she searched hard enough. She won't, she knows, but she still looks - hoping the rain won't evolve into something stronger, something louder, something she'd have no choice in taking shelter from in tunnels she's outgrown.
fast, four hundred on the dash

"For sleeping outside under the skies, I didn't think you guys were scared of water enough to try to cram into a tunnel," Milkpaw commented, his form coming in not long after the patrol with Dewmist departing to an opposite direction. His limbs were caked up with mud and dirt up to his stomach, and dripping off of him. DewMist seemed to be splattered with the mud as well and looking quite disgruntled. He braced himself, before shaking his body, sending mud and water in all directions around him. "I wish it did better at cleaning mud off though."

thought speech
Though he liked being underground, Mousepaw enjoyed the feeling of rain as well. If it had been a harsher storm, he might have thought to go underground as many of the other were, but as it was now, the apprentice was laying down in the mud, tail wrapped around him as head laid on top of his paws, eyes shut. "Might as well get some rest while the prey is hiding from the water, we'll all be wet either way." Didn't matter if they waited until the rain was done or not, with how slick the moors would be after this downpour they all might as well just sit in the rain.
  • [ooc]
  • windclan (sootstar) loyalist
    dirty fighter/will aim to kill
    will bully anyone (some more than others)

    likely to attack first
    powerplay peaceful actions okay
    ping if needed in a thread
  • 67979049_MZITqZdFire2IhL.png
    8 months old
    ftm calico -- he/him
    tunneler apprentice

    large ears
    always looks grumpy