border COMING FOR BLOOD — skyclan patrol

  • // big patrol! @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @bobbie @TWITCHBOLT @FIGFEATHER @DUSKPOOL

    note: takes place after this thread. skyclan is sniffing around the border looking for the "fox" that attacked blazestar. there's no fox-scent to be found.
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
This is the largest patrol she's ever assembled, even with the restriction she had placed that none of their apprentices would attend. A whole eight cats, some of SkyClan's best and brightest (or at least, most determined) among them; and yet, Orangeblossom does not for a single heartbeat believe that this response is ill-suited to the situation. Blazestar could come back from the devastating snap of a fox's jaws, but an ordinary warrior could not. SkyClanners had been lost to that fate before, and while it's inevitable again in the future Orangeblossom intends to minimise the risk of that happening again anytime soon.

While she has no misplaced love for ThunderClan, she is certain their neighbours have been victims to such a predator as well. If SkyClan could not drive the beast away from their lands here and now, or worse still face the possibility that they'd chase it directly into a ThunderClan patrol, the honourable thing to do would be to warn them. If luck is on her side, Howlingstar or Flycatcher would meet them here so she can tell them directly.

Orangeblossom parts her jaws, tasting the air. She can't smell anything just yet, but she's never been a master tracker by scent. Visually, she's having little luck as well: flecks of white dance in her vision, prompting a grunt of annoyance. Even if visibility is good among the light-dappled evergreens that block some of the snowfall, it's the last thing they need right now.

"Any luck?" She calls softly to a Clanmate. Just because Orangeblossom can't sense a fox in the vicinity doesn't mean that it does not lie in wait.


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ it is an odd time for a border patrol, touching neither dusk nor dawn, but nightbird hears voices close to the border. ears flicked upwards in an instant, she abandons her fruitless search for prey, silver gaze instead raking across the skyclanners from through the undergrowth.

it is a large patrol, her whiskers twitched, almost uncomfortably. an odd display, but this didn't seem to be some strange show of power. they weren't marking anything, hunting this far out would be useless. the way they sniffled about with alert eyes and ears, they appeared to be searching for something. serious, by the looks of it, and if they were this close to the border then it could be a danger to thunderclan as well.

nightbird strolled out smoothly, glancing across the patrol once more. she recognized most of them from the journey, the kindness a good portion showed to stormfeather by helping her home. she flicked a pointed ear at orangeblossom in greeting, assuming that the deputy headed this patrol. "to what do we owe this pleasure," nightbird hummed, haunches constricting as she took a seat and curled her tail across her paws.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-eight moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



"Nothing." Johnny called back with huff, not bothering to hide his frustration or confusion as he answered his Deputy. "I don't get it, Orangeblossom- surely there's gotta be a sign of the damned thing somewhere?"

The bobtail abandoned the snowy trail he'd been scenting to instead claw his way up a nearby pine to try and take a look around for the telltale flash of orange that would give away their foe, or some kind of blood trail from the skirmish with Blazestar- anything.

Instead, he spotted a Thunderclanner.

Too far up to offer a proper conversation, he called out a noise of greeting to Nightcloud instead from his perch off in the distance, simultaneously alerting his group to the fact that they had company- of the friendly sort. Nothing to get alarmed about- though he hoped someone filled them in on what was going on with the fox. They didn't need any other cats losing their lives to that thing.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The bulky warrior ventured away from the cluster of cats, scarred maw parted to take in several scents, but none matched. He rumbled, deep and guttural, peering down a scarred muzzle and out toward ThunderClan territory. Instead, molten hues found nothing, nor the familiar stench of musk that reeked of skunk permitted the frigid air.

His mangled ears swerved, helm swerving to stare into the foliage, body moving in one fluid motion, returning to the others with a slow shake of his helm. “Ain’t nothin’ here.” He rumbled, watching Orangeblossom, wooly tail sweeping the ground. He had gone further out for that reason alone to catch anything that might tell them that a fox had walked this part of the forest, only to come out empty-pawed. [color=#cda33dAs if the thing didn’t exist at all[/color]. “Went further down the border, didn’t catch a lick of the fox.” He rumbled, gaze narrowing.

He breathed, rumble sounding to stare across ThunderClan’s border, molten hues watching Nightbird, mangled ear flickering. His muscles shifted, curling, tensing beneath scarred flesh. “Ain’t sure, but best be on the lookout for a fox roamin’ in yer territory, haven’t had much luck pickin’ up a scent.” He began with a low rumble, tone deadpan.
thought speech

the skyclan patrol is large. larger than usual, and just as nightbird had, she thinks it is a peculiar time for a patrol. they had been out on a hunting patrol, leafbare assuring that they never had time for anything else save for the usual dusk and dawn border outings. so when nightbird moves on, she follows the dark - pelted molly as she so often does, lumbers towards the border with frost - ridden paws and low belly pouch swaying with each crouching step. the tortoiseshell steps breezily behind her lead warrior, angles her ears to pick up what the bobtailed tom was saying, but she misses it. orangeblossom herself is present ; freckleflame stands a little straighter, blinks tiredly apricot - colored molly with a hint of curiosity.

thankfully, she guesses, a different slang - voiced tom approaches up the side and announces :

” a fox? “ freckleflame echos, and she thinks briefly of ivory spattered something violent red, her throat clicking against it. sticky, blood running thick and awful through the fur of two of her friends. panic drops her heart to her paws, but she fights it, regardless of how black spots cloud the edge of her vision. too - recent memory churns her stomach still, and she offers only a hoarse, dry - mouthed, ” no.. no, we ran that thing off bleedin’ into the outlands like, days ago. we haven’t caught a scent since. “ seaglass eyes cut towards nightbird, imploring her for confirmation, begging with her eyes for her to say no, no scent of fox. they would’ve caught it, they’d been walking these borders day in and day out, sniffing around for even a scrap of prey. the one that had gotten moonwhisper and wolfwind, well — she didn’t even know if it was still alive.

  • i.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure. unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


The anticipation of a fight had faded into numbness within the tabby's head, the stench of fox nothing but a distant memory of a time before this current conundrum. Silversmoke trudged back towards the main group, head dipped between his shoulders. "He swore by StarClan he didn't go..." the Lead Warrior shook his head firmly as he approached the group, tone laced with frustration. Silversmoke wanted to believe him, but as more and more SkyClanners congregated together, their noses unable to pick up any scent of fox, the spotted tabby found his breaths laboured with hisses. Coming to a halt, the snow creeping up to his dewclaws, the hybrid mewed, "We should look for a blood trail." If they could not sniff out the vulpine, then surely they could sniff out their leader's ichor, provided it had not been covered by fresh snow. Truth and justice, by the end of the day, he hoped to find them both. ThunderClanners appeared and the tufted-eared tom's cranium shot upwards, listening to them cautiously as they spoke.

So there had been a fox. Eyes narrowed, and a silver tail began to lash. "Yeah, well, you chased it onto SkyClan territory," he accused freely as if he wouldn't have done the same to ThunderClan given half the chance. His good eye scanned the ThunderClanner, squinting at the sight of her. She was like a mockingbird trying to mimic Blazestar's expression, he believed it, he also wondered if a fox could be so terrifying as to shake up two clans. For a big-pawed feline with more guts than sense, they had never been terrifying, even if Slate's old wounds and Blazestar's new ones spoke volumes about the strength of their jaws. "Your refusal to tell us that has had some dire consequences," Pupils narrowed into slits, the tabby's gaze briefly flickered to Orangeblossom, the one who held the proverbial leash. He would not speak of Blazestar's dilemma before them, instead, he would let them wonder whilst he waited for his Deputy to make a decision. Silversmoke imagined a peaceful resolution, two clans working together to take down the forest's boldest fox, or a simple dismissal as SkyClan was left to do it themselves, all the same, the spotted tabby couldn't help the coil of disgust in his stomach at ThunderClan's silence. Had it not have targeted a creature with nine lives to spare, he didn't know if he'd have been able to keep his claws sheathed.


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ a fox, what an unlucky coincidence. the one that had attacked moonwhisper and wolfwind, had it made it's rounds? it was unlikely, there wasn't a spot of orange fur untouched by blood when they had finished with it. freckleflame explains best she can under the heat of the skyclanner's eyes and the memories of her former mentor limp in the snow at it's jaws. immediately, it was twisted.

"i don't appreciate what your insinuating. freckleflame just told you we drove it away from any claimed territory, that does include skyclan," nightbird returned, sharp gaze settling in to the lead warrior. her nose couldn't help but wrinkle at the accusation silversmoke boldly threw to them, as if they would purposely send a beast into the territory of the one clan they had some semblance of friendship with. "it was bleeding out by the time we were finished chasing it, i assure you it was in no condition to deliver anything dire."

"you came here looking for one enemy, do not make another by accusing us of something we had no paw in." despite the prickle she felt along the back of her neck, nightbird kept her voice clear and calm while addressing the silver furred warrior, tried her best not to match his narrowed gaze. finally, her eyes returned to orangeblossom. the molly had not yet spoke, but for her judgement to be cast it was important everything was laid out, succinctly at that. "in the time my patrol has been hunting here, we have caught no scent of fox near your border. our dawn patrols did not report finding a trail when they were out this morning. if you'd rather hear that from howlingstar, my apprentice would be happy to retrieve her."
  • @Palepaw

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-nine moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Slate decides to keep close to Orangeblossom as the patrol makes for the ThunderClan border, perhaps to no one's surprise. Foxes were not as large as dogs ( the big ones, anyway ) and were easier to drive off, but Slate still would not chance that reddish creature getting anywhere near the deputy if he could handle it. A swift bite to Orangeblossom's hind limb could seriously injure her and land her in Dawnglare's den for who knows how long. That giant, ugly red rat would sooner have his claws raked down its snarling muzzle before it snapped its teeth in the molly's direction.

But, for now, there is nothing to be found. Figurative brows furrow as Duskpool and Johnnyflame report back to the search party with zero leads on the vulpine of interest. A twinge of anxiety coils around his heart like a vine, holding his head high despite the thoughts that began to invade his mind; what if it was watching them now? What if it jumped out and attacked right now? Ratdung, this was nervewracking. Slate did not like many things, and not having solid answers was one of them. "Alright, enough. Your bickering's gonna give us all a headache. Maybe it was a different fox." No, he hadn't the highest authority here and he especially did not have any seniority compared to Silversmoke, but it had to be said. Slate could hardly concentrate with accusations and suspicions being spat over the border.

Forget about whether ThunderClan was at fault or not. Did no one think it was odd that there weren't any signs of a recent fox presence... at all? Foxes surely weren't smart enough to know how to cover up their own scent, either. They stunk badly; one could easily pick up on their stench from a distance away. Something was going on here, as much as Slate wracked his brain, he could not figure out what. If ThunderClan had covered up its scent, what motive would they have to do so? Or... was Blazestar not telling them the truth? Slate did not take the golden leader as someone to lie to his clanmates, but nothing was adding up.

"There has to be a blood trail around here for sure." The Maine Coon meows in agreement with Silversmoke's initial suggestion, preferring to focus on securing a lead rather than wasting time with the ThunderClanners. They were of no help.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Johnnyflame's response reflects her own frustration: to have come so far in search of a fix and having found nothing? It's strange. The snow starting to settle between her ears shouldn't be enough of a dampener to hide a fox scent. Duskpool, too, confirms what they've noticed: which is nothing in its entirety. What in the forest ...

From across the scent markers, however, a familiar voice interrupts. Nightbird is a cat she hasn't seen since journey, but one that Orangeblossom respects immensely. She'd kept her word after all, and ensured ThunderClan had sent warriors to meet them upon the delayed return. Deeply logical in experience, Orangeblossom considers her to have a level head atop dark shoulders ... though she seems incredibly relaxed for a cat about to receive some abysmal information.

Were she any more sympathetic of a cat Orangeblossom would hate to ruin the smoky she-cat's mood with their bad news. Duskpool beats her to it, prompting a shaky echo from a half-familiar tortoiseshell Orangeblossom might have seen a at Gathering or two. The confirmation that ThunderClan had faced its share of fox problems in the last moon draws feline brows close, but she's not fast enough to intervene in Silversmoke's accusations.

"Silversmoke. Enough." Orangeblossom snaps in tandem with Slate, shooting the lead warrior a sharp look. Was he so desperate for a fight that he'd aggrieve ThunderClan in place of the fox they were hunting? It could very well have been a different fox. StarClan knew the mangy creatures were a pest to the forest, too many to be counted and enough to take out a leader on his own. She turns back to the two ThunderClan mollies, inclining her head slightly in the closest thing to an apology she'd stoop to even with regards to her positive opinion of Nightbird.

"I believe you, Nightbird. But one of our Clanmates was attacked near your border." She explains, vying desperately for control of the situation even as she feels it slip through her claws. She doesn't tell them it was Blazestar. Can't. That's not information that they need. "If your apprentice is able, Howlingstar should know."

Palepaw had been having a terrible time keeping her attention on their hunt all day, likely driving their little hunting patrol crazy with her boundless energy. They hadn't found any prey worth taking back to camp, and she was starting to feel a bit antsy as they continued to traipse through the snow-laden forest. She was on the verge of asking Nightbird if they could try another spot when her mentor suddenly turned and headed towards their border with Skyclan. It was only then that the lilac-furred apprentice finally started paying attention enough to pick up on the bitterly strange scent of the other clan cats who were apparently patroling nearby. Her fur prickled slightly but she quickly followed after the ebony feline, trailing behind Freckleflame as they stepped through the brush.

Not wanting to place herself in the center of what was likely to be a tense conversation, the young molly sat closely behind Nightbird, leaning slightly to her left to peek around at the unusually large group of Skyclan cats. She didn't recognize any of them personally, but she didn't get out of Thunderclan territory much, so that wasn't really a surprise. What could they possibly be doing out here at such an odd time with a suspiciously large number of warriors? She quickly noted the lack of felines her age, which made her spine tingle with apprehension. It definitely wasn't a normal patrol.

And before she even had the chance to wonder at their purpose, the object of their search was revealed rather abruptly by the large gray-furred tomcat. "Another fox... Out here?" She whispered apprehensively, almost to herself. Her ears flattened back against her skull and she glanced up at her companions, noting the barely-contained look of fear on Freckleflame's face. Thunderclan had suffered a terrible fox attack so recently, was it possible they were already in danger again from another one?

Lost in the terrible thought of yet another vulpine menace so close to their home, Palepaw missed Freckleflame's explanation of what they'd done to the last one. But the accusation in Silversmoke's voice brought her focus back to the conversation, and her fur bristled at the implication that they'd done something wrong. "Hey, that's not fair!" She exclaimed indignantly, jumping to her paws and stepping out slightly from the shadow of her mentor. "There are always foxes around here, you don't know it's the same one!" A point already made by Slate, but she felt it was worth repeating. She was prepared to bite out a string of ill-advised retorts when the white and red molly stepped in to shut her clanmate down. Glowering petulantly, Palepaw shuffled slightly sideways to press closer to Nightbird while she offered to have her fetch their leader. The lead warrior had the situation covered, and she admittedly didn't want to find herself in trouble yet again for speaking out of turn. Just this once, she'd try to stay out of the way and let the higher authorities manage things without any more input from the hot-headed apprentice.

But then the attention was being swung around to her, and she glanced hesitantly between Nightbird and Orangeblossom at the request to alert Howlingstar. The ebony she-cat had just volunteered Palepaw to go, so it was probably okay. "Um, yes.. Okay, yeah! I can grab her." She rose to her paws once more but looked back over her shoulder to her mentor one final time for confirmation, before nodding determinedly and bounding off towards camp with a hastily issued shout. "I'll be right back!"

[ fetching @HOWLINGSTAR ]

He would not argue about the 'outlands', he had seen the way that ThunderClanners glowered at kittypets and figured they believed any clan that wasn't their own was no-mans land. Still, Nightbird continued, and the pinned ears of the Lead Warrior popped back up to their usual position. "Bleeding and bleeding out are two very different things," he looked towards Freckleflame as he spoke, shaking his head in disappointment before settling back upon Nightbird. Without details, he would make up his own to fill in the gaps, it just made sense for a bloodied fox to avoid the noses of the SkyClanners because it wasn't what they were looking for. They'd been looking for a vicious killer, scent as musky and unpleasant as vegetation rotting beneath a pile of sodden leaves. Slate's protest came first, then Orangeblossom's, then another ThunderClanner's, Palepaw; Silversmoke took a step back from the border. "Fine, maybe it's a different fox," he mewed, a gesture of peace in a time where all he wanted to do was get revenge. In that case, they were wasting time waiting for Howlingstar, a ThunderClanner could tell her, provided they knew the difference between a fox being on and near the territory. "We should keep looking."


While the lead warriors converse with the ThunderClan cats, Figfeather does not stop sniffing around scarce foliage looking for signs of the fox. A scent, loose fur, blood that was not Blazestar’s, anything. This fox had made itself incredibly elusive after its fight with SkyClan’s leader, Figfeather is losing hope that they’ll find it.

”I’ve found nothing, Orangeblossom.” Figfeather reports as she rejoins the patrol. She watches a ThunderClan apprentice disappear into their forest to retrieve Howlingstar, it sounds like ThunderClan has dealt with foxes too recently. She doubts the tabby leader will be able to help them much, but it was worth a shot. Silversmoke proposes they continue looking and Figfeather agrees, it’s all they could do. She looks to her deputy for further instruction.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
As soon as Palepaw arrived back in camp to retrieve her, Howlingstar was quick to get to her paws and follow the apprentice back to the group at the border. On the way, she hears a quick summary of what has transpired. A fox attack near their border. Her mouth forms a straight line, grim in its nature when she arrives. For a moment, she is nervous at the size of the patrol on the SkyClan side of the border - if they'd been here for other reasons, she might think they were here about Blazestar's lost lives. But no, that occurred deeper within the oak forest, away from any border these warriors could scent. This is about a fox, and nothing else.

"Orangeblossom," The tabby greets the deputy of the pine forest respectfully, a dip of her head cast in her direction. "Palepaw told me you've been dealing with a fox, too." Her voice is darkened with worry, ears flicking back briefly but head remaining high. Her gaze travels over the patrol on the other side - she recognizes most of these cats, many are lead warriors, many are not. "It's true we've had our share. My warriors were attacked just the same, but we drove it out near the thunderpath." She fails to mention the half-blinding of her granddaughter, the pain the beast has caused. "They're growing bolder and more desperate in these cold moons. Thank you for the warning. If we scent anything, your clan will be the first to know." She is genuine, having no reason to believe there isn't a fox causing grief on the other side of the border. And one thing she decided long ago is that she would always help SkyClan when they needed it.