Coming out of my cave || RTA

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Once more the normally quiet and hidden warrior finally decided to show herself. Teal eyes scanning the clearing before she quickly slink towards the fresh-kill pile in an attempt to not get seen by her fellow clanmates. Mothsqueak had already done her duties for the day so if any attempted to challenge her on that front, she'd simply and as best way she could tell them that she indeed had done her work for the day. Yet, her quick mad dash to the pile was put to a halt when she slammed face first into another, a loud squeak coming from her maw before she backed up feeling pain flare up in her nose.

"S...ssorry, I..I d..didn't see t-there" she stated softly, eyes frantically scanning around the two, hoping to quickly
get away and avoid any more conversations that might occur from this encounter. Eyes shifting everywhere but the face of the cat who she had ran into by mistake. Figuring maybe just maybe if she avoided eye contact than they'd just move on, accept the apology and let her grab her food before disappearing back to whatever hole she had crawled out of.
Martenmask was quite used to colliding with others. He was a big cat - one of the biggest in the Clan, he was pretty sure - and he was not always the most aware of where his extremities were. Therefore when Mothsqueak bumped into him it took him a few heartbeats to understand that she had walked into him, not the other way around, which was much more common. "Quite alright." said the Ragdoll with some amusement, blinking thoughtfully down at the anxious she-cat before offering a genial smile. "Usually I'm the one running into people, so this is a nice change of pace." he glanced at the fresh-kill pile and then again at Mothsqueak, before bending his head and lifting a squirrel from the pile. "You ready for some food? I know I am." he had hardly slept last night, and a morning patrol had done nothing to boost his energy levels. A full belly sounded pretty spectacular, and perhaps some company would make Mothsqueak less...fearful. Right now, she seems like she wants to run and hide.

But who would hide from him? He was nice! And fluffy! "What's got you so freaked out?" Martenmask inquired in his usual well-intentioned but tactless way, taking a bite of the squirrel and nosing it towards Mothsqueak. "You seem like you're trying to hide from...everything. You alright? Were you perhaps stalked by an owl as a kit?" Perhaps, spiritually, she was still trying to hide from the predator of the sky...

Flamewhisker had also been near the fresh kill pile when Mothsqueak had ran into Martenmask. The younger warrior had been running so fast, she had merely been more than a blur followed by a squeak. "Ouch." She pulled back her lips and made a wincing face towards their shy clanmate. It was a surprise to see Mothsqueak out and about right seemed as though here lately she had been distancing herself. She contributed to her daily warrior duties, but besides that she hardly saw the molly. "You picked a good clanmate to run least he's nice and fluffy." she chirped playfully. And at least he's friendly. She didn't dare add the second part. Starclan only knew how Moonwhisper would react if she had been in Martenmask's place.

She glances at the pile, finally deciding on a small mouse. Guilt prickled at her belly for taking something to eat during leafbare, but if her suspicions were correct, she shouldn't be missing too many meals. Hopefully Martenmask won't mind if I eat with them. She leaned down, taking a nibble from her mouse as she waited for Mothsqueak to respond to his question.

  • ooc text, delete if not used

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 29 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

" Relax, Mothsqueak. Relax! Martenmask's real sweet. " insists Wolfwind, head swinging toward the crowd with a subdued look of surprise. She's seen enough of the girl to have at least an inkling that this was simply how she was. Shyness wasn't exactly a common trait within ThunderClan. Most 'F them were loud — she thinks they pretty much had to be when they had every clan at their border. At Flamewhisker's comment, she'd give a light: mhm, tail flicking leisurely beside her.

You ready for some food? " We all are! " she groans dramatically. " All this snowmelt, and it's like the prey hasn't noticed yet. Maybe we should go knockin' on some burrows sometime soon, " she suggests lighteheartedly, though a glance at Flamewhisker says: you're the deputy, maybe you could really make it happen!

" You can't just ask folks if they've got some deep - seeded fear, Martenmask. She's shy, " Wolfwind scolds. With her very little experience as a shy cat, she misses the potential cause for embarassment that is loudly explaining another cats shyness to others.

Squeak Squeak

Her gaze nervously flicked up to Martenmask who took her running into him surprisingly well and even went as far as to say it was refreshing for someone to run into him. Of course soon after a conversation began to spark, something Mothsqueak had dread to happen and now she could not run from it, she'll just have to tough it up and go along with the ride until an perfect escape opportunity could occur.

"I...I was j..just about t..t..too get something" she softly stutted before Martenmask next question made her shake her head. Definitely wasn't an owl that had made Mothsqueak a ball of anxiety and nor did she feel the comfort in talking about her dreaded past, only a few had known what happened when she had appeared at Thunderclan's border as a kit with a near death experience that had terrorized her nearly to this day.

Next to approach was Flamewhisker who expressed Martenmask was nice... and fluffy and, she was right Martenmask was far better of a cat to have bump into than some others so at least there was that she supposed. Mothsqueak slowly took a deep breath in before exhaling, silently trying to relax her nerves before Wolfwind appeared telling Mothsqueak to relax and slowly she nodded trying to concentrate on her breathing while the three chattered before her.

"'s f...fine, M..martenmask w...was only j..joking" she said softly, but Wolfwind was right to make a point, that Mothsqueak was indeed more on the shy side, and it wasn't really... a good thing to randomly come out and question someone over trauma, besides Mothsqueak tried to keep her own wavering thoughts away from the past. "A...anyways... l...lets f...find something eat and r...relax a bit, y..yeah?" she lifted her gaze to them, noting Flamewhisker had already grabbed something to start nibbling on, as well as Martenmask. Wolfwind and her had yet to pick their own prize from the pile.