coming round the mountain - thunderclan patrol

@TRUFFLEPELT @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @. Roepaw . - feel free to post before them but don't overwhelm the thread <3

Flycatcher was becoming something of a frequent visitor to the shared border with ShadowClan. Where once he had almost gotten lost leading his patrol here, now he knew the way off by heart...well mostly. So long as he followed the route he always took he was fine. With leaf-fall upon them, it was a cool, brisk morning as they approached their side of the thunderpath. The grass was still dewy in places, not yet melted by the rising sun. It was fine to walk on but it did make the ground a bit slippery and muddy in places.

When they approached their border, Flycatcher was quick to direct his patrol to begin remarking their scent markers, a task in which he himself participated. He only paused on occasion to look across the thunderpath, curious to see if any ShadowClan cats were watching them or would appear to greet them as they went about their duties.

Within the swamp brewed darkness, he was sure. In a shadowed place such as this, could the reverent light of StarClan truly reach them? Many word about the leader were passed around his home, and Trufflepelt had witnessed the snow-splashed tom hell-bent on bramble-bound revenge. It was a wonder that his tongue did not bleed, with the thorns his words bore- but what one would not do for their purpose! Pitchstar was destined to be where he was- perhaps that was what fuelled his frenzied determination. The senior tom himself knew very well what he would do for his destiny.

Gilded eyes let their rheum linger upon the border for a moment before he endeavoured to continue what he had set out to do. Sipping his head toward their lead warrior- and what a privilege it was to have him on their patrol- Trufflepelt took his nose to the air. "I am often astounded by the starkness of our differences!" he crooned, awestruck voice skipping skyward.
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Granitepaw scents ThunderClan, and his pawpads prickle with the realization that a patrol has come to their border. His expression, a dull mask of neutrality, twists into an ugly sneer, marring the handsome features. The gray and white tom emerges from the treeline, scornfully raking dark green eyes across each cat.

"ThunderClan." It's not quite a greeting; truly, it's more of an accusation. "Bring more kits to flatten on the Thunderpath?" Coldly, his gaze lands on Roepaw.

@PITCHSTAR @STARLINGPAW . mentor and co-apprentice tags in case y'all wanted​

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Flycatcher smiled at the words of Trufflepelt, whose reflective comments draw his attention. They were both clans abiding by the will of StarClan but there were many differences between their territories and their leaders. The peaceful moment was quickly broken by the arrival of the ShadowClan cats. A young grey and white tom greets them, though it was far from a pleasant exchange. At Granitepaw's following query and the cold gaze he directed towards Roepaw, Flycatcher's tail twitched irritably. Although there was no likelihood of the other clan crossing the thunderpath, Flycatcher could not help but stand a little closer to his apprentice. "And a pleasant day to you too, ShadowClan!" He called out to them, a sarcastic lilt to his words.
Fogpaw's demure form comes creeping along to the borderline next, seemingly appearing from no where as he often does. He has a somber air about him (also typical) as he shifts his jasper orbs across the Thunderclanners in a much softer way than his apprentice peer. He merely nods their way, the heat of anger for them having cooled since Cinderfrost's exile, and at least they aren't trying to get too cozy like Windclan.

Flycatcher's response to Granitepaw pulls a small smile onto Fogpaw's face but it fades as he becomes lost in thought. He wants to ask a question but he isn't sure how. Fog briefly considers trying to charades it to Granite to have him decipher but he feels like that's just begging for humiliation. So he sighs with a heavy slump and just decides to go for it. Fogpaw pulls a yellow flower out that was hooked into the thick scruff along his neck. He gestures to it with his paw then points toward Thunderclan territory multiple times, as though to ask if such a thing grows there. Realizing it might be hard to see from across the thunderpath, he tosses the flower over as hard as he can to try and clear the road.

"Watch your mouth, Granitepaw. No need to be rude to them." To her she does not hold any grudges with Thunderclan. She never has and those angry on her own behalf or just plain doesn't like them she will put a stop to it. It's not like Thunderclan is doing anything but marking their own territory. The white stained woman shifts through the grass with ease, as silent as the night she hunts in and she sticks close to Fogpaw. He seems to be trying to ask them something and she eyes his motions with ease before nodding softly. Gently she gives him a gentle nudge before looking back up to the Thunderclanners. It has been a while since she has spoken to anyone from across the Thunderpath but dhe supposes that it shouldn't hurt. "He wants to know if that flower grows over there or not." Simple and easy.

Where Flycatcher went, Roepaw was often obligated to tag along. The anger towards her mentor that once flared white now simmered low, gradually fading into nothing but smoke- and Roepaw couldn’t help but find a small part of herself subconsciously relieved, finding it in herself to hate the lead warrior was tiring, and the tabby apprentice had little energy to spare these days.
She’s silent on the way to the Thunderpath. Whilst her fury had drifted from her mentor, it still burned bright for the roach-infested marsh cats.
She takes her mentors silent cues in stride, and is ready to do her own part when a mocking tone echoes from across the asphalt river.
Being teased for her size was nothing foreign to Roepaw, but to hear it from someone as lowly as a Shadowclanner irked her beyond words.
She turns, tiny ivory claws instinctively flexing against the damp ground.
She doesn’t budge, however- spare for turning her head to face the other. "The bigger you are, the harder you fall. Something you should consider before opening that unbearably big mouth of yours!" She snapped back.
The flower being thrown onto the Thunderpath snags her attention from the tom, and she furrows her brow in confusion before Bonejaw clarifies. She can’t recall to have ever seen the flower in Thunderclan territory, but she’d let one of the older warriors answer.


Wow, Granitepaw really was a savage! and pretty bad at making peaceful conversations as well. He wonderd if his mentor could teach him some...oh right. Claypaw rememberd who his mentor was again. Looked like there was no light in the tunnel for this guy!. Such a shame...bad personality for a such handsome face!. Man, if Granitepaw only could stop looking so handsome. Claypaw needed to stay strong. lucky to him Frogpaw was here as well, a good distraction. In hope to be left unoticed Claypaw sneaked himself closer to Frogpaw more curious about him and his message he tried to get across to thunderclan through that guy actually would be much of use.

Like the good boy his mom had teached him to be Claypaw was about to help Frogpaw out to explain to the thunderclan cats what he was trying to say but...thier beloved medicine cat and also Frogpaws mom was faster. That was a shame because he had wanted to impress and look cool in front of Frogpaw but...He would get another chance perhaps!. Claypaw would make sure to search day and night after a sunflower now... if he brought him one then maybe they would like him more!. It was worth a shot, his future love life was counting on it!.

He finally stopt staring at Frogpaw like a lovesick puppy when one of the apprentice from the other side of the thunderpath captured his attention. She was stating something very smart that it made him grin. " Did you hear that Nitty?. You should take her advice. I think it would do good for you!." and while at it, Granitepaw could try to grow himself a heart too!. Claypaw hummed, his grin still remaining. " Anyway, back to the flower, do you have them or not?. Maybe we could trade if so!. One or two of your sunflowers for uhm...mushrooms?. Do you guys like mushrooms?." he called over, his heart beaming with hope. Come on, help a guy out here!.