COMING THROUGH NOW | hunting patrol

Ferndance padded along the well-familiarised path towards the stream, hoping some of the marshland's less amphibious critters would be interested in a sip as the greenleaf sun glared at them. The hunter's gait was confident as she led her patrol, each step deliberate and leaderly as repressed Lead Warrior instincts arose to the surface. ShadowClan's easy hunting did not feel over when she got to decide where to go and what to do, but whether that be a simple truth of arrogant whimsy was left up to the fates. Emerald eyes settled on the northern point of the stream, the carrionplace standing as a beacon of potential in the distance should her split-second hypothetical turn out to be bonkers. The temptation to abandon her original plan had already brewed in her head, thinking how much more fun it would be to fight rats and pretend they were WindClanners. Her pupils broadened and narrowed in succession, if she didn't have Laurelpaw with her, this hunting patrol may have been turned into one giant game - the way hunting should be, if she didn't have little ones to feed.

She snapped her head towards the patrol, her tail jutting out to the side in an order to 'halt'. Ferndance blinked softly at anyone who followed the instruction. "Ok... we should split up a little bit here," the cinnamon tabby suggested, a hollowed smile upon her muzzle. 'I'll grieve even though you're not dead... but... I want to be happy. That's ok, isn't it?' Her mind wandered back to the patrol at paw; if they all paraded to the waterfront at once, it would be a miracle if any prey was left. "Pick a direction and go, but don't wander too far... things are still a little spooky."

// @Laurelpaw., @Valleysong, @springflame, @Willowburn and @Mourningbloom -- other characters can tag along if they haven't been assigned a patrol!

[ d20 dice ]

1-2: a negative event happens to the patrol (injury, predator, bad weather, etc.)
3-6: prey isn't tracked by your character
7-9: prey is spotted but not caught
10-12: prey is caught but it's a frog. waah-wah.
13-15: what's better than one frog? two frogs.
16-18: prey other than frogs is caught.
19-20: a positive event happens to the patrol (high-value prey, bird eggs, better winds for hunting, etc.)

Hunting had always been something he enjoyed. Valleysong never thought of him as the best hunter out there but he was good enough to be able to bring something home more than a few times. Sure winter was harder but with the heat and such they should be able to find enough to fill all the bellies in the clan. The older warrior had been following behind the ground quietly, his ears swiveling back and forth around their head. The path was familiar and worn, the heat of the sun dripping through the trees was making him sweat a little but at least it wasnt freezing cold anymore.

Valleysong then looked over towards that of Ferndance as she mentioned something about splitting up where they were. He furrowed his brow and tilted his head to the side, would that be safe to do? He didnt know but at least he’d be able to get some hunting done regardless. The patch black and orange cat flicked his tail behind him before nodding, and looking towards the west side of the territory. Alright, splitting up it was.

We meet back here right?” He asked curiously and his tone was harsh, but he sounded like he was trying to ask a question. Valleysong cursed himself softly and flicked his ear slightly, before turning to slip off into the east of where they stood.

The marshes was dryer than usual with the heat of new leaf baking things down to packed dirt and dried leaves. Valleysong lifted his half-moon face and twitched his ear slightly in listening for any sort of sound. Though there didnt seem to be anything here and he tilted his head to the side slightly, seemed rather quiet here.

Though before he could turn back to head other direction, they spot a frog not too far from them. The older warrior crouched quietly, slowly, and trained blue eyes narrowed on the frog. It seemed unaware of him and croaked idly in response to a cricket nearby. Valleysong crawled across the ground and towards the slimes, green creature and flexed his claws into the dirt.

There was a heart beat of quiet for a moment before then the tortie tomcat lunged forward and went to grab the frog- alas the skin was too slippery. He swore softly as it hopped away quickly and he gave chase to it only for it to disappear into a root-covered den that he couldnt reach into. Valleysong huffed in annoyance and shook his head, so much for that then. Still, he shook his pelt out and turned to head back towards the group- maybe hunting in pairs would work better?


OOC rolled an 8!


The warmer the weather got, the more the warrior wished he had shorter fur. The stream they followed seemed to almost call for him. It would be an easy way to cool off, but at what cost? He'd then be a sopping wet mess and no hunting would be done. Who says the water in the stream would be cold anyway? The tom shook his head and shifted his focus to the patrol. A nice little hunting session with his clanmates was all this was. His paws stopped him as he noticed the rest slowing down, taking in Ferndance's commands. He nods to indicate he understands and looks around carefully. Which direction should he go? Mourningbloom watches as Valleysong goes towards the east, sealing his decision.

Opposite of the older warrior, he goes towards the west of where they stood, padding softly a few moments and focusing. No sound yet. Keep going. He tilts his head towards the sky, then when nothing hits his nose, he tilts it towards the ground. An all too familiar scent hits his nose, and he groans. "Not more," he grumbles. There was a choice he could make here - leave the frog alone and find anything else at the risk of returning with nothing, or catch said frog and be upset that he caught nothing else. Back and forth, this or that. Eyes close tightly as he sighs, moving to follow the scent.

There it sat, looking as dumb and plump as all frogs did. Mourningbloom crouched low, hiding in the grass of the wetlands and stalked slowly towards the creature. It noticed him, but only as white paws slammed on top of it, giving it no chance of escape. With a swift bite, he killed the frog. He lifted it up in his jaws as he stood, silently sending a thanks to StarClan for the prey, then turning and making his way back to the group. Anything else would have been better.
  • ooc )) rolled a 12 :>

  • - MOURNINGBLOOM . tags
    - AMAB Male (he/him) - 30 Moons
    - gen 1 . npc x npc . sib to none
    - speech . thoughts
    penned by doc