camp COMMAND // intro, frog tricks

Oct 16, 2023
Kittenhood had been becoming of little miss Sprucepaw. Youthfulness hasn't left her in the week or so since her apprenticeship started, and it shows. Whilst many cats fret about the illness or organize themselves into patrols, in order to alleviate the stress on Chilledstar's shoulders, Sprucepaw grasps a frog by its front hands and makes it dance for a few kittens watching nearby.

"And for his final act..." she mumbles around the frog, leaning into a hunting crouch. It's wobbly and unstable and largely not made for what she intends to use it for - which is throwing the fresh kill high into the air, all while saying, "... he will flip a million times in the air!" Sprucepaw then makes a show of leaping after it, catching it into her mouth and landing roughly on her side. She's quick to right herself and twist the frog back into a standing position, "Ta-da!"

Her tail drags across the ground to circle her haunches, "Alright, who's hungry? I think show-frog wants to do his next trick in someone's belly," she chitters.​

Halfkit remembers the first time she had played with prey. It was yesterday, actually. She had taken a mouse from the pile, proudly demanded that any cat in the immediate vicinity watch her as she balanced the creature on her nose and lifted a paw vertically out, putting it in front of her and continuing on until she was walking while balancing the limp creature on her muzzle. Her foster mother had immediately scolded her. “Halfkit that’s wrong. We should not play with our food” Miststep had chastised. She had promptly gone to a corner and sulked for about five minutes before deciding she had better things to do then get hung up about old stick-in-the mud Miststeps words.

Today, an apprentice is making an attempt at entertaining them. She watches with the others but the entire time she feels a pang of annoyance, her tail flicks in a steady motion as a testament to her mood "No fair!" she finally grumbles, unable to keep this injustice to herself "Why can Sprucepaw play with food and I can’t?" was the difference that the creature was alive? She looks to the nearest adult for an answer.

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, and white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse


A million times was a lot of times, Nettlepaw knew that much- and he was looking forward to seeing it. What act Sprucepaw suddenly sprung the frog into was not quite a million backflips, but the awe written in the onlooking kittens' eyes meant it might as well have been. Halfkit, as outspoken as ever (with no mother to mind her, he considered), claimed a terrible injustice- and that was when Nettlekit at last strolled over, setting on a path to stand at Sprucepaw's side and back up his fellow apprentice from such violent heckling from her audience.

"When you can make your food do a million backflips, then you're allowed to play with it." Nettlepaw's eyes flashed with a subtle sheen of mischief, his bravado radiating from him in waves. An idea popped into his head. "It's in the Warrior Code," he told her, a bold-faced lie and confidently delivered as if he was serious. Anyone who knew a shred about him would know it was not serious, but... where would the real harm be if Halfkit thought it was true? She'd never be able to do it anyway.

penned by pin ♡

"don't think I've ever heard that one."

chilledstar croaked from behind the group. they knew that nettlepaw wasn't be serious but kits typically were a little more... gullible. stars forbid that halfkit actually believe such nonsense. they shook their head, sitting down and curling their tail over their paws, body shivering slightly as they looked dully at the small gathering.

"playing with your food is unfortunately not a luxury we have here. might want to eat it before it's stolen."

they raise a brow, looking around as if they're looking for someone. they're not. it just adds to the dramatic flare of it all.

"i heard that if you don't eat properly, that your prey will just get up and walk away. stranger things have happened in these camp walls so I would not chance it."