camp commonality // owl pellet, short post thread

[ keep ur posts to ~one paragraph! ]

"Oh, ew," Cottonpaw breathes as she tugs an owl pellet from the measly fresh-kill pile. She eyes it for a moment, almost curious enough to dissect it and find all the little bones inside, before she twists to spy some of the warriors in camp. "Do you guys have any idea who thought an owl's pickings would make for a good meal?" she asks, "This is - almost literally - just skin and bones! Not even good enough for a prank, if you ask me."

❀༉˖° "You think so?" Peonypaw had watched Cottonpaw's expression of disbelief form before he decided to approach; now, he comes to her, more curious than anything else. "I think it's impressive. I wouldn't be able to even spot this thing for long enough to actually get it and bring it back home. Someone's got an eyesight like a hawk."

"And a remarkable sense of humour," the chimera interjected after Peonypaw, a strained smile settled upon his muzzle. Observant or no, it served little purpose to WindClan - even if it was nutritious, he highly doubted any WindClanner would be interested in subjecting themselves to the taste of an owl pellet (consuming worms was already a controversial matter within his home). "Perhaps the cat who found it would like to eat it, they found it tasteful, after all," he mused with an amused twitch of his whiskers.


" Oh, that's just lovely, " Dustwhisker mutters upon arrival, frost-tipped tail flicking at Cottonpaw's discovery as he places his own catch — a rabbit, on the small side, but better than the leftover capsule of bones — upon the pile. Impressive, Peonypaw claims it as: not Dustwhisker's kill but the sad excuse for a catch they gather around. The tunneler refrains from rolling his eyes, though whiskers twitch at Sootspot's words. " I hope they enjoy it, because I'm not eating that. " ​
  • 74596970_xescKKcZgHTz9VU.png
    ── Loyalist Tunneler of WindClan

    ── Breezecurl x Stormtalon
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black tabby/black chimera with dull yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Breezecurl
    ── "Speech"; Attack

"What's everyone looking at?" Shadowrunner queried as he blinked away the haze of sleep from his eyes from his most recent nap. The small tom eased himself into the growing group of gawkers and he finally got a chance to see what the source of the fuss was about. An owl pellet... a familiar owl pellet. If they hadn't begun suggesting feeding it to its finder then he might have fessed about bringing it to the camp in the first place. "O-oh! Gross." He squeaked with a nervous expression.

The grey and white tunneller narrowed Icey eyes under a curtain of shaggy fur. "I do agree that it is a pitiful prank, if it is one," she muttered, lips peeling back in utter disgust. if this is what someone has decided to do, maybe they should eat it instead of the prey others worked harder to catch. they might as well adjust to eating fur balls- it was practically the same thing.

Downypaw toes closer to the thing, hovering in between Cottonpaw and Sootspot. A slight frown crosses their snowy muzzle as the chatter rises. Maybe it was all they could find. The Leaf-bare fresh-kill pile wasn't exactly a cornucopia. "Owls...make this?" they muse, sparing another glance towards Cottonpaw, who so far had been the only one to clarify what exactly it was. And barely at that, but it was better than nothing.​
Cottonpaw laughs slightly, hooking a claw into the pellet and tossing it towards Peonypaw, "If you think it so impressive, then have a bite!" A spot of humor in a stressful time. Others come around, mostly to agree on the gnarliness of the awful prank. Downypaw's inquiring tone causes the grey furred femme to nod, "Owl's spit up these things after a bit," she informs them, looking towards the glorified vomit ball, "They don't spend the time pulling meat from bone like we do - probably because their bodies do that work for them."