camp communication error - intro

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this! Or so he thought, his paws refusing to move. Come on! Stupid paws! He had hoped today would be the day he could force himself to ask someone to share tongues with. For all his time within the clan, he had struggled to converse with others. It's not that he was afraid of them! Okay... maybe a little. They're just so strong! Cicadastar can end me with a single bat of his paw! He couldn't help but sigh, knowing that today would mark another failure. Watching everyone converse with each other and laugh was nice, yet he wished he could join them. However, it seemed all his paws and mind wanted to do was walk toward a lonely little corner. Guess you're not too stupid that you would rather be here than over there. At the very least, he didn't have to be dragged by a clanmate because his paws decided they would be glued to one spot. How embarrassing would it be to have a medicine cat rush over and use whatever plants or medicine cat things to unglue his paws from the ground? His head tilted up at the thought, Yeah, I don't think I would ever recover from that.

Perhaps he looked silly or strange to the others, all by himself with a scowl on his face. He originally was a kittypet that joined this clan, so he was aware of the difference between himself and the others. I mean, I'm the cat who didn't know how to hunt at all. The cat who got slapped by a fish because he didn't know that you were supposed to kill it and not let it flop in your mouth. That was one of his fond memories. Not because he was laughed at or met with disapproval, but because he was actually able to catch something. It was not graceful. Definitely not. Still, he found himself lagging behind others within the clan. Maybe this distance is good? The scowl on his face had turned into a frown as he watched the others mingling. Yeah, I'm still... Behind. I'm here though if anyone wants to talk to me. Doubt it, but it would be nice.
Soon the lonely cat is gifted with companionship though in a cruel irony, by someone incapable of fulfilling his silent wish. Fogpaw chooses the far corner with the exact opposite mindset of Pikesplash and it's only by happenstance that he plops down nearby him with an air of attitude to his motions. Naturally, as a former Shadowclanner, attempts to fish since his exit from the medical den has been an exercise in humility for him. Not only did he underestimate how rough fishing really is for someone inexperienced, he has become genuinely worried now about what he'll be capable of in the future with his scarred paw. The sepia swirled cat examines his own leg carefully only to then notice a presence. It's not until he'd already selected his spot that he realizes he's not only much closer to a Riverclanner than he intended to be, but said fishmonger is making the strangest face for someone just sitting around. Oh great, what's this guy's problem.

The apprentice pulls his lips thin, not even caring at this point that he's rather rudely staring at the warrior though he quickly snaps out of it. Fine. Socializing is shaky so far but that doesn't mean he should just give up and this time it's only one cat. How bad can one cat be. The problem is, he has no idea how to start a "conversation" and Fog sighs soundlessly to himself. Thinking quick, he raises his paw to point out an egregious lock of hair that he's spotted out of place on Pikesplash. Well, the stranger is here where the other cats are grooming so that must be what he plans right. If Pikesplash doesn't realize the eerily silent cat is trying to communicate (emboldened by his rotten day), Fogpaw would attempt to lightly bop him on the nose with his paw to catch his attention then more exaggeratedly point out the patch in question.
The steady thrum of paws against packed snow fill the ears of the warrior who finally entered the camp, gracefully pushing past the reeds with a stone cold expression sculpted on dark features. She had been out for most of the day and caught nothing but a chill and an even worse attitude than before. This was the second time Cindershade came back with absolutely nothing to show her efforts, and her pride was beginning to crack under the pressure.
Chartreuse eyes scanned the clearing, resting upon her clan mates for a brief moment before stopping along the dwindling pile of food that sat before her, mocking her further. Thick, ivory claws dug into the snow laiden earth beneath her feet as hell fire ignited her blood. Cindershade wanted to stare into the eyes of the entity that placed this accursed snow upon them, to curse them and spit in their direction for eternity while she watched her clan struggle to even eat to survive. But, was it more about her clan surviving or her own personal ego? No one knew. Perhaps it was both.
Cindershade had been too lost in thought to notice exactly where she was going, her eyes pinpointed on the food pile before she accidentally shoulders into Pikesplash. "Dammit—" The warrior began to start, fierce eyes landing on the mackerel tabby that stood like a buffoon frozen on the spot. Angular ears pin backwards as her maw opens, a bright contrast of gnashing ivory incisors against a midnight pelt. She was ready to give Pikesplash a verbal lashing before clamping her maw shut with an audible snap. She had no quarrel with the tom. It wasn't exactly as much his fault as it was hers.
Her eyes level with the moggy tom that accompanied him—ah, yes. The mute. An apprentice that Cindershade didn't mind because he was restricted of his right to speak. She didn't exactly trust the former ShadowClan cat, but she didn't dislike him either. He was at least trying, despite his failed efforts. But, who was she to speak ill will about him? She didn't catch anything in this frivolous weather, either. She watches him try to communicate with the half frozen tabby tom, pointing out a ruffled spot along his flank. "He's trying to tell you something." The warrior says flatly before Fogpaw attempts to bop Pikesplash on the nose. A silhouette of a smile brightens her shaded features her a moment and then disappeared. "I think he wants to get that ruffled patch of fur for you."
It's only when he's shouldered that he frantically turns to view Cindershade. Terrified he is, given that she curses. Cindershade is older than him, not by much, but she is older. Older and far more experienced than him. His own ears pull back as he makes himself appear smaller, wishing that the ground beneath him would open and swallow him whole. What did I do?! I didn't even talk to her today! Wait... Was it something from yesterday? No, it can't be. Maybe? What did I even do yesterday? He is pulled from his frantic thoughts when he sees her close her maw, the snap of it making him wince. Fogpaw may have found it either amusing or disappointing that he was a skittish thing. Yes, the cat that had a scowl was nothing more than a scaredy cat. Oh, she's going to kill you. She's going to drag you out of camp, and then sh-, "What?" Before he can even fully register what she said, he feels a small bop on his nose.

He blinks. He blinks again, tilting his head this time. Cindershade... Can smile?! WAIT! YES! She's not going to kill me! He watches her bound away, ears perking at her words. It's then, finally, that he looks at Fogpaw. He is maybe staring a little too intently at the apprentice. He still can't believe that there's someone here next to him. Fogpaw's presence isn't unwelcome. He knows little about the apprentice, but he knows far too well what it feels like to be an outsider. It's comforting in a way, to have someone else with similar troubles. Milky brown is all he sees and it occurs to him how unsettling he may be that he snaps his head up out of habit and shuffles his paws, "S-sorry!" He winces at how loud the apology was, given that Fogpaw was next to him. It's fine! It's okay! Don't think about other cats staring. Nope, don't look at the others. Shit, what do I say? ...How are you? Is that too formal? He can't really talk, so what would be good? Uhm... Does he even like listening to someone talk a lot? Does he just want to be groomed and go somewhere? Wherever apprentices go now?

With a shaky breath, he looks down at Fogpaw and offers a small smile, not wanting to overwhelm the apprentice. "Uh... How can I talk? Is that the right word? With you?" He has never spoken to Fogpaw before, so he is unsure if the apprentice has a system in place to communicate with others. Although, given the strange inner workings of the clan who knows if most cats even bothered trying to converse with Fogpaw. Maybe they orders and Fogpaw either nodded or shook his head. I don't want to order him around... I'm not really a... tough cat. "O-oh! Not talking is okay too! If you want, I don't know if you want to get it over with. I can clean myself if you're not comfortable? I'm rambling, haha. We can do what you want, Fogpaw."
Fogpaw looks clearly surprised when Cindershade helps him out with translating though he makes a mild face at part of it. Well, he wasn't going to share tongues, he just wanted to let the guy know he was doing a sloppy job if that was his goal. He sends an appreciative nod her way regardless because it's close enough to what he meant. It won't be so bad, it's just a little community bonding. However icky.

Fog shifts his eyes the other tom's way but seeing how he's devolved from a grump to a wimp makes his head tilt. He turns back to Cinder and seeing her smile too is a jolt to the sense for him as well but it suits her. He too often has such a serious expression snapped on (with a side of melancholy in his case) and so he makes an attempt to smile himself, cheeks fluffing as Pikesplash begins to speak. He's not really in the mood to be all cheerful but it becomes more genuine the farther he sees Pike fall into rambling. Pike's almost shouting apology pulls Fogpaw's eyes up just a smidge more in width but they fall back down under the fern like lashes with a gentle shake of his head. Fog lifts a paw, trying to indicate to him that it's okay. Then he goes asking Fog questions that he's just not used to anyone bothering with or caring about and so he isn't sure how to answer them. How can I talk ... with you? The apprentice stares at Pikesplash before trickling his eyes down in an attempt to hide the shock, gesturing toward his paws. It's not enough though, not to just have a regular old conversation (if he'd even call it that, in his case). He thinks back to failures in the past on how to get a point across and he ends up pulling forward an idea he discarded long ago. The fleecy ragdoll raises his paw and taps his lips. A cat's mouth isn't particularly known for articulation and not having spoken in so long, he's forgotten how some words feel on the tongue. Not to mention he was only a kit when he lost his voice so his vocabulary was limited anyway.

Still, what's the harm in trying but the prospect of utter humiliation. It's a terrifying thought to someone prone to shyness but seeing how Pikesplash is talking like his head might pop- Fog isn't the only one with some social hurdles to overcome. The more he blathers on, eventually Fogpaw just leans forward and aims to correct the furled fur on Pikesplash with ease. When it comes to him however, the tom pats his fluffy tail and shakes his head. Then he makes a gagging face and silent coughs before shaking his head again. His fur is too thick for anyone inexperienced with such a pelt and he remembers how many hairballs Boneripple would get trying to groom him as a kit. Still he's thankful for it, has his long mane hides the scar across his throat and he wouldn't want anyone poking around to find that anyway. That out of the way, something Pikesplash says seems to resonate with Fogpaw. He's asking him what he wants? Does that really matter to a near stranger? His first instinct is to be suspicious about that but ends up just finding it kind of... nice. Fog feels a little bad for inconveniencing him now (since that's what struggling to communicate with him is in his mind) and he gives Pike an apologetic look.

Fogpaw trawls his mind, struggling to find a topic he can navigate when it hits him on the head and he feels a bit silly that he didn't think of it right away. Pikesplash clearly knows Fog's name but Fogpaw doesn't know his. Fog tries for a simple word, pointing toward his own jaws. He attempts to mouth you and follows it a questioning look. For good measure he points toward Pike's chest but he assumes he's smart enough to get the gist. If he didn't, Fog couldn't be too upset because at least he's trying.
Usually, apprentices are the ones who are flustered and have to be reassured by a warrior, but he's not like other warriors. Fogpaw has been nothing but patient with him and his rambling. He doesn't miss the way the apprentice reassures him in his own way that it's okay, nor does he miss Fogpaw being flustered(?) himself at being asked how to converse with him. When the ragdoll points at his lips, Pike nods. He already knew that Fogpaw couldn't speak. Unfortunately, he picks up certain things when being a wallflower. One of those things is some cats being particularly mean to Fogpaw because he's not from Riverclan. Along with that information is the fact that the ragdoll has no voice. We're sort of the same in that way. We're here, but we're not really here at the same time. I wonder if he wishes he was somewhere else. Then, there's a strange feeling.

Immediately he freezes, unused to someone else fixing his fur. It didn't feel bad, yet it wasn't necessarily comfortable. It was foreign. Maybe it gets better with time? Anyhow, Fogpaw has successfully garnered his full attention. He watches the small tom signal to his tail and shakes his head. Tail is off-limits? His eyes widen slightly and he inches closer to Fogpaw, paw raising as the apprentice looks like he's about to hurl. "H-hey do you nee-, oooh... Right." Embarrassed he is to forget that Fogpaw doesn't really... Talk. He awkwardly coughs and nods, as if to tell Fogpaw to continue. I think we would both try to forget about this if I ended up dragging him to the medicine cat's den because I didn't understand him. Not to mention his mom would probably think I'm stupid, which I mean fair. Things are far from perfect between them, but it's not like he was expecting this to go smoothly. Not only did neither of them know the other too much, but both of them also spoke essentially different languages, and to top it all off they both struggled with communication. In all, the odds were stacked against them. Frankly most would say it would be best to cut their losses and walk away from each other, yet he didn't want to. He wanted to try. If it worked out he would be over the moon and if it didn't? Well... He would still be grateful for the chance.

Nevertheless, the sad look he was given made him frown. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's okay." It's a bit odd to leave it at that, yet he is unsure of what to say. He hopes Fogpaw can understand him just a little bit, or at the very least walk away knowing he wasn't hated for not being able to communicate the same way. Silence falls between them once again as he waits for Fogpaw to give him a sign. He watches as Fogpaw points at his own jaw and mouths something. Let's see... Without being prompted to, Pike himself copies the movement. Unfortunately, poor Fog would have to witness Pike mouth the words new, ew, and yew. First of all, hello? New made no sense if it was said after pointing to a jaw? How can a jaw be new? Arguably it could be funny to Fog to see Pike be so close yet so far at the same time.

When Fogpaw adds the extra step of pointing at his chest, he tilts his head. Anyone watching this might have assumed they were playing a strange game. Once again he copies the movement. Four times. Four times in which Fogpaw watches Pike point at his chest and repeat new, ew, and yew before he finally mouths you on the fourth try. Wait, why am I pointing at his chest? Isn't he pointing at me? He stops for a moment. Stares at Fogpaw and slowly blinks. Then, he tilts his head to repeat the action one more time. This time instead of pointing at Fogpaw's chest, he points at his own. "You?" Another blink. His maw gapes and his eyes widen when he finally understands that Fogpaw is asking about him. Bashful, he brings a paw to rub his face as he beams in happiness.

"I forget sometimes not everyone knows each other's names! Especially younger cats! Can't be expected to remember every cat anyway. Some warriors don't even know my name either, so it's all good Fogpaw! My name's Pikesplash! I don't mind if you call me Pike." Wait. He stops smiling and tilts his head. "Actually... You can't really... Say my name. How could you show it?" Does he wiggle his tail? Or does he point at me again? He knows my name now, so that's good, right? He knows who I am. It's just, saying it is hard.
Oddly enough, Riverclan is the other place he wished he could be. Not specifically Riverclan per say, but anywhere away from his homeland- where he felt immaterial and worthless on the worst days and only another set of eyes and ears on the best days. Some did try to treat him like a living thing and the fault sometimes lied with him too though he's slow to admit to himself. The small level of communication he does have was developed over moons of struggle and he wasn't always eager to be awkward with a few of his short-tempered or uncaring clanmates, many times just keeping his head down to avoid causing issues. All of the contention with his mother didn't help either, making him bitter with his clan in his early age since he's only naturally devoted to the shecat that saved his life and raised him. Here, even though he's perhaps even more socially stunted than before due to his time lost in the medic den, it feels like a second chance and he's using the willpower of that thought process to muscle on. Trees don't grow in a day, or whatever the elders used to say.

His wide eyes train on Pike, maybe even accidentally unnervingly with his lack of blinking, as he tries to search for sparks of comprehension with each motion. They grow even wider as the Riverclanner assures him that his presence and disability isn't just some troublesome burden to tolerate. Once again, he wonders if he's just lying to be polite or something. He doesn't owe Fog anything but that smile rekindles on his face regardless. He won't question it too much. Instead his shoulders bounce on a ghost of a laugh as he watches Pike mime back then try to work his way through all of the possibilities of the short word. Usually it's frustrating trying to scramble his way to basic understanding but he's treating it like the game it looks like from the sidelines. If the green-eyed warrior is going to give him the time of day to try, he can continue an air of patience as he struggles to find the word. Fog raises his paw once more, mouthing the word again to try to help and laughs silently again when Pike goes pointing at him. He doesn't immediately correct him and the wait is worth it, as finally Pike manages to tie together what would be a simple question for other cats.

'You?' A rare sound does come from Fogpaw but it's only the noise from air sucking in from a sharp gasp. Fogpaw nods vigorously and smiles genuinely in return, actually smiling bright enough to show teeth before he catches himself and soundlessly clears his throat. Pikesplash, Pikesplash, Pikesplash. He works hard to impress it into his mind to avoid the song and dance of asking it again though it's at least established how he would do that in the future. As one hurdle falls, another appears but this one, Fog is a bit adept at. The apprentice shuffles his paws like he did before, flexing his toes for good measure. Coming up with names is only constrained by his imagination but the only problem is, he has no idea what a pike is nor how to ask. His knowledge of fish so far is just that they taste funny but to that end, he doesn't even realize that a pike is a fish at all. Normally he'd sign both ends of a name outside of his own but he can only focus on the suffix. Well...

The apprentice slaps his paw down into the leftover snow and throws it to the side with an energetic whistle of air. Splish, splash! he thinks, then composes himself to do the same motion in a more practical manner. He spreads his toes out and slaps the ground, unintentionally both like a splash and a slapping fish tail perhaps. He swirls his paw then, much like he does for his mother's "ripple" to indicate circles in the water from the impact. He does it again for memory's sake: Pikesplash is a slapping spread paw followed by swirling circles. He aims to poke his shoulder to "highlight" his words. Fogpaw waits to see if he approves of that before pointing to himself and introducing himself like he did at the name-giving. He closes his eyes and swipes his paw over it, mimicking the low visibility of a foggy evening, and points to himself on more time for good measure.
Maybe it is highly amusing for anyone, or even strange that Pikesplash and Fogpaw are talking. Well... Communicating. It looks like the two are playing a game. Strange in the fact that Pike is usually by himself during sharing of tongues, and that Fogpaw is actually staying and giving Pike the time of day. Who would've thought these two cats would be interacting with one another? Pike feels more like an excited kit when Fogpaw tells him he is correct with 'You?' He doesn't mind though. He is beyond happy that he was able to understand Fogpaw and that the apprentice is comfortable conversing with him. Both of them are happy in their own ways. Maybe we could go hunting together? I think it would be nice. Nevertheless, he is quite proud of himself for getting the correct answer. For now, he's waiting on Fogpaw.

He's maybe watching Fogpaw a little too intently, but he is beyond curious to see how Fogpaw would say his name. He can't help but turn his head in the direction of where the leftover snow was thrown. He tilted his head. Uhm... Isn't that throwing? I'm pretty sure that's an obvious move for a throw. Snowthrow? Hmmm... Let's see if there's more. He turns his head back to Fogpaw to see the apprentice slap the ground. He knows Fog is trying to tell him something, but he is a bit unclear about what exactly Fog wants to say. He automatically thinks slap, but that feels too simple and wrong. "OOOOOOOH!" Slapping water, so that's the movement for water. He watches as Fogpaw repeats the motion, nodding. He wants Fogpaw to know that he understands that the apprentice is saying his name. Pike looks at Fogpaw as he copies the actions that are his name. However, he realizes something. Not only is he impressed at the amount of work it took to come up with a sign of name, but he also noticed that Pike is missing from the translation.

Still, I think it's pretty amazing how we got splash. It's not very obvious and you have to think really hard about it. When you look at it, it might be seen as hit water, but he's actually talking about the sound. When we hunt we slap the water and the sound is a splash! For Pike... I don't know how he would sign a specific fish. I guess I could show him what it is. He shakes his head, to keep himself from rambling internally. "Sorry about that. Don't worry, it wasn't anything bad. You were saying splash, right? I noticed you didn't say Pike, but I think..." With a smile, he slaps a spread paw followed by swirling circles. "Is pretty cool as a name!"

It seems like Fogpaw is happy, or at the very least comfortable with him. If the apprentice is embarrassed and wants to move along, he'll move with him. After all, a conversation takes two. It catches him by surprise when Fogpaw closes his eyes. I think I'm getting better at this. Not perfect, but I'm pretty sure he told me his name. Pike waits a moment, maybe a little too long. Before Fogpaw can question him, he waves his paw at the apprentice. I wonder if this makes any sense or if it's okay. Then, he closes his eyes and swipes his paw over it. Slowly, he opens his eyes to look at Fogpaw. He's unsure if the apprentice understands that he is trying to say hello in his own language. Again, Pike repeats the action. Then again, this time also saying, "Hi Fog."