pafp como el viento || med den shenanigans


Jan 20, 2023
silverkit has been preparing her attack all day long. she'd waited till ravenpaw was out, and till @Catfishpaw looked particularly un-busy, no visitors to speak of this exact moment. now she crouches near the entrance, little kitten tail flicking fast behind her, betraying her mischievous intent.

she bolts!!

silverkit charges catfishpaw's nest in a running tackle, aiming to land squarely on her flank. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" she squeals. "i gotcha, i gotcha!!! did i surprise you?!?!?!"

"so what have you been up to in here? does ravenpaw have cool stuff, like herbs? do you get to try them all? if i get attacked by a badger can i try them all? oh, oh, show me where his super-secret stash is! hey, is it boring in here? do you miss hazepaw a lot? isn't she like your BEST friend EVER? what do you do for fun?"

as she speaks she'll leap and bounce around catfishpaw's nest, sometimes attempting to place her front paws up on cat's back or bat at her ears or otherwise disturb her. well-intentioned misbehavior.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! • penned by Harry Styles •