border Complacent with the decisions you made || Rogue-sighting(?) at border


The sea speaks more honestly to those drowning
Oct 23, 2023

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Something was... off. A new scent in the air - but not a new scent. Sorrelsong's tail flicks. The hunting patrol she was a part of melting into the ambient sound of nature.
What was it? A memory bubbles at the edges of her mind bringing a pang of something painful along with it. Moving to bury her latest catch, the molly opens her maw in curiosity. Dirt... prey... house-folk? Mint. A rogue. A pampered rogue - or someone who was. They smelled dirty but had that tale-tell whiff of twoleg still on them. Clan-scent was mingled in there, too. Where had this ex-kittypet been, exactly? Around, she determined. But possibly not like that.
Normally she would ignore the scent, but there was something about it. Something that made her pelt itch a way it hadn't in a long time. She frowned. Her pelt was finally back to it's original length. Long like the rest of her kin, longer then she remembered. It had been dangerously short when she joined. Had another show-cat escaped the two-legs that brought her to those shining lights? A war of pity and annoyance fought in her chest. Should she look for the cat? Probably...
Tasting the air, she follows the scent up and down Sky Clan's border, losing it and finding it again multiple times before it leads her to a shared border. The rogue's scent marches carelessly across, Sorrelsong does not follow. Gone. Good. She thinks, but then feels a shock of shame. Even though they had contributed to the horrible nature of the two-leg home, they deserved a life spent safe and loved - right?Her tail flicks carelessly, sending a flock of nearby birds into the air. Hissing softly, she simply resigns herself to hunting, not thinking. Since her chat - if one could call it that - with Duskpool, she had spent to much time thinking. Eyeing things, waiting. She just wanted to hunt. Make good use of her claws. She heads back to the patrol, hopeful that none of the other had noticed her abrupt absence.
She had just sunk her teeth into a mouse before the scent appeared again. Mouse forgotten, her head perks up. That scent. Her pelt feels heavy now. Sticky. Stuck to her body with tree sap. She wants to run, to ignore it, retreat back into her life she'd built - the one she fears will crumble faster under more weight. Before she could, Willowfur approaches her, maybe to say 'hello' maybe to question the molly she'll never know because the long haired molly takes a sniff and glances around.
"Smells like someone was visiting us- should we look for them?"
Sorrelsong freezes, unsure of what to do. She wants to tell her clan mate about who the rogue was - that they could never be trusted and were a horrible cat, but her maw was clenched closed no matter what she tried to do.
↪ OOC: @/DUSKPOOL but no need to wait!
It was odd to think that only a few moons ago Daisypaw would have been at these borders with fear clinging to his fur, not knowing what to do. He felt more confident now, better prepared for if something were to go wrong, and it showed in the way he walked with the patrol, the way he moved within the trees and on the ground. He watches as Willowfur moves off towards the direction of Sorrelsong, head lifting to scent the air for a moment before words of a visitor rang out, and quickly the apprentice would look to his mentor for just a moment before he moved closer. They were all a part of the patrol, and if there was someone trespassing within the territory he knew that Figfeather would rather get to the bottom of it now rather than simply ignoring it for the intruder to potentially attack them later.

"Are they still in the territory?" He'd ask, head tilting to the side as his own maw opened to taste the air, tail-tip twitching for just a moment as a frown tugged at the corners of his lips. They were close enough to the border that it was unlikely that the scent that carried within the wind was something still within the territory, but he wasn't sure what to do in this situation. Instead of trying to offer solutions he'd remain quiet, watching and listening to see what the warriors would do... he was sure either way could be the correct answer depending on how far they went to search for the intruder.

  • --mentor tag @FIGFEATHER
  • 9KeGGxD.jpeg
  • DAISYPAW ♡ he/him / apprentice of SkyClan

    ♡ born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    ♡ adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    ♡ brother to Weedpaw, Fluffypaw, and Budkit
    ♡ mentored by Figfeather
    ♡ speaks in #708abb
    ♡ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ♡ penned by tikki

Radio Silence ♥

The alert to having a visitor along their borders made Bumblebee's fur uncomfortable, after all, strangers at the border never meant anything well, yet he took in a deep breath as he drank in the scent that the stranger left. Sorrelsong asked if they should look for them, while Daisypaw asked if they were still on the territory. He gestured towards them with a wary look in his blue-green gaze, "We should keep our guards up, play it safe. Sometimes rogues never mean good" he mouthed, his whiskers twitching slightly while examining the current patrol members that were with them.

Figfeather would know what to do in this situation certainly, Orangestar had made her a lead warrior and trust in her skills, so perhaps she would be quick in her thoughts and give them a true order as to what they should do, for all they knew the rogue was long gone and to search for them would be pointless or, the rogue was still on their border wondering around aimlessly and could run into another patrol or someone walking on their own and they could end up with an injured warrior. Neither seemed like a good option in his thoughts. Yet the warrior awaited to hear what the others had to say in this peculiar situation.


Figfeather follows her apprentice closer into the group with a mouse dangling from her jaws. This hunting patrol had proved lucky for her having already catching the rodent and she had buried a sparrow several fox-lengths back. It seems Willowfur had caught whiff of a strange scent on the territory, a trespassing cat, she feels her whiskers tighten with annoyance. No matter how much they marked the borders they never could seem to keep cats out for long.

Her eyes scanned Sorrelsong as she clenched her jaw. Bumblebee mouthed cautious words, Figfeather can pick up bits and pieces, but not everything. ”We should be careful and make sure they’ve left the territory.” She wouldn’t want the rogue to become a problem later on. StarClan forbid they attack an unsuspecting clan-mate on patrol.

Before she gives any sort of instruction she looks back at Sorrelsong. ”Are you okay?” Figfeather asks gently. ”You look as if you’ve seen a StarClan cat.”


A little ways away from the group, Quill was giving chase across the forest floor to a squirrel. While he enjoyed the challenge of hunting birds from the trees, he never passed up the opportunity to run down a squirrel for his mate if the chance arose.

He just had to make sure he caught enough to justify handing this one to Twitchbolt. Easy..

Unfortunately, the stars weren’t in the toms favour that day. Rather than taking down his quarry like he planned, Quill ended up returning empty-pawed to his patrol, limping lightly on his bad shoulder- the one that had taken him out a few moons back after falling from a tree. ”Some stupid prey animal is digging tunnels around here. I almost broke my fucking leg chasing a-”

His own complaint was stopped short, jaws snapping shut as he caught the tension in the air and immediately stiffened, ears pricking forward as he went from ‘relaxed/annoyed’ to ‘something’s wrong/what do I have to kill?’

”What’s going on?” he asked, voice low as he made his way over to stand Figfeather, mismatched eyes trained on the trees beyond them as he scented the air to try and catch up on what he’d missed. It didn’t take him long to find it- the scent of a stranger that scent his neckfur spiking alongside jay feathers. But why did Sorrelsong look so bothered?

OOC- he rolled a nat one while hunting, so he tripped while chasing a squirrel and his bad shoulder is a bit sore. Nothing to worry over, his limp is barely visible unless your looking for it :D

skyclan - male - 30 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, muscular chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


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Ants under her fur, the molly's claws found the earth and began to dig. Questions and voices and more questions seemed to pollute the air. Was she okay? No. But would she voice it to her clan mates? Could she? No.
Briefly, she searches for Duskpool among the growing crowd. Is the sun hot or cold, she couldn't tell. His pelt is not there, and nor is his once-comforting smell. She was facing this alone. Again.
"They've left," She manages, hoping her words projected a confidence she simply did not have.
She meet's Figfeather's eyes - really the only cat that comes into view. Figfeather might question how she knew the scent had gone. Hell, any of the cats probably would. She had never been good at hiding her emotions when it came to her past. Whiskers twitch in alarm. If they go look for her, they might bring her back to camp....there is no other reason she'd be here.
"The trail lead towards some other clan," Shadow Clan's, but she doesn't clarify. In fact, she'd like to lie and say something else. Anything else. That it ended because the cat had fallen down the gorge in River Clan's territory and met such a horrible fate that not even Star Clan could help her, but she says none of it. She knew how bad she was at lying. Instead, she attempts to brush it off.
"Another clan's problem now," She gives a weak smile and hopes her eyes aren't tearing up (they are) and that her pelt was relaxed enough to make the change in topic casual.
"You should ask Quillstrike," She mews in response to Figfeather's question. "Found a rabbit tunnel or something?" She hopes the question is lighthearted enough to invite more conversation - and to leave this whole mess behind. Something burns in her, wanting to talk to Figfeather about this honestly, but something stops her. Shame? Fear? She doesn't know. She just wants to stop feeling like she's being watched from something over the border.
↪ OOC: lol rip Quill XD
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Duskpool was good at blending into the shadows, smokey obsidian fur swallowed up by the shade of the trees near the unclaimed border. He watched with narrowed molten hues at the visible scent of something lingerin’ in his nose and makin’ his hackle rise at the implications of who it might be.

It had changed over the moons, but the underlyin’ scent was the same it had his muscles coiling like a spring getting ready to pounce. He wondered how she found them or what business she had that Duskpool ain’t wantin’ nothing to do with. He’d be damned if he let that molly ruin their lives any more than she had if it was who he suspected. Damnit. He side-eyed Sorrel, concealed by the shadows of the towering trees, Duskpool had remained at the back of their patrol figuring the molly wouldn’t want to see a hair on his hide since their conversation.

He rumbled, a low, guttural thing that was barely heard over the change in conversation about rabbit tunnels and nearly breakin’ legs that would have made the older warrior snort in guttural amusement.

If he’d been right in the head, Duskpool would have said somethin’.
thought speech