sensitive topics COMPLETELY UNABLE TO MOVE | poisoning


how boring, what a waste!
Mar 19, 2024
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
ROARINGPAW TAKES THE REAR of the sun-high hunting patrol, the warm breeze ruffling his pelt as he pays no mind to the chatter of his clanmates in front of him. Their hurried pawsteps echo through the oak forest with each leaf and stick they trample onto, scaring the nearby prey away. While most of the carried two to three pieces each, Roaringpaw only had a measly mouse hanging from his jaws. The apprentice hadn't yet perfected hunting as the other clan-born cats had. He lagged behind the patrol, dejected at his lack of skills in comparison, his stomach growling as they headed towards camp.

He wanted to eat now. But the warrior code said they shouldn't until the elders, queens and kits had eaten. Although he doubts the pathetic little mouse he caught would feed anyone. Not even a kit would be satisfied by it. Stepping away from the patrol for a heartbeat, Roaringpaw begins eating. The apprentice devours it in quick bites, and quickly burrows the bones before bouncing back to his clanmates.

No one mentions the missing mouse that once dangled from his mouth.

Roaringpaw doesn't regret it until his muscles begin to ache and he feels sluggish. He's out of breath when they arrive at camp, and he collapses on the clearing. Too tired to move, and now his stomach was cramping, too. Was StarClan punishing him?

OOC: Feel free to be the cats on the patrol! Roaringpaw is dumb and eats a mouse while on hunting patrol. Turns out the prey had eaten meadow saffron before it died, and it poisoned him! Someone can be sent to fetch Gentlestorm, as well, to speed things up :)
"speech" thoughts

[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE
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Thundergleam knew StarClan intimately, knew their hearts were boundlessly kind. They were powerless to stop suffering on the earth, for they could not change the way of the world. Though she knew very well they did not punish the disobedient, she equally knew that they rewarded those who practiced the warrior code diligently.

On a hunting patrol such as this, Thundergleam stuck diligently to the laws Stormywing had taught her- give thanks to the Stars for the life of her prey, and to wait to consume her meals until all those vulnerable had eaten. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, but the albino molly held her head high as she ignored the pangs, knowing it was for a noble cause. Any honourable warrior would do the same!

Despite the pecking of her rumbling stomach, Thundergleam strode into camp with purpose among the rest of the hunting patrol- her attention only wavered from the freshkill pile when her ear flicked toward the noise of a thumping body. Pink eyes fluttered wide at the sight- a hawk-strike of shock struck right through her, needle-sharp. "Roaringpaw, oh!" Surprise in her tone, concern dyed through it, the pale molly trotted over to him, pupils franticaly flickering over the apprentice's body. "Gentlestorm! Oh, dear- is it thirst, darling? Hunger? Stars, gaze upon him... protect him..."

\ shouted for @GENTLESTORM
penned by pin ☾
for once, the forest gave the patrol a steady abundance of prey. a vole dangles from leafhusk’s jaws, focusing intently on heading back into camp. this is around the time when hunger pricks at her belly, quietly begging for something to eat. the warrior code is a sacred thing, she had to learn quickly; breaking the rules isn’t blasphemy, but it does earn you judging glares from clanmates. to her, that is worse than being struck by lighting, or whatever divine punishment starclan felt like doing.

overall, the patrol was dull- which was a disregard she’s soon regret having. leafhusk’s head swivels, eyes staring towards the curled up apprentice. thundergleam calls for gentlestorm, so she sets her jaw to not rush the healer. he’s perhaps, just… tired? the weather’s only just gotten warmer, maybe he’s not used to the blazing heat of the outdoors… the former housecat earned his stay in thunderclan, there's no reason for him to throw an awkwardly silent tantrum.

"don’t crowd him when gentlestorm gets here," she warns carefully towards any cats that may inch closer.​

Softpaw knew that Roaringpaw was new to ThunderClan, new to Clanlife and all that came with it - very unlike herself, where she had grown up knowing the noble code that was put into place to see to it that the Clans prospered for seasons to come. She'd never dream of eating prey that she'd caught on a patrol, especially not now, knowing her mentor was one of the mouths she'd be hunting for, but it would appear as if Roaringpaw didn't yet have that instilled in him as it was her.

She was just heading towards the nursery with her catch to present it to Honeydapple when Roaringpaw fell to the ground, breathing slow, ragged breaths that were enough to let Softpaw know that he was generally unwell. But to her, it seemed out of the blue; as if some fatigue had suddenly overtaken her fellow apprentice. She didn't crowd Roaringpaw, as Leafhusk instructed, but she did stand idly by, worry creasing her brow as she set down the prey that she'd had in her mouth. All she could do was wait for Gentlestorm to show up.
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.



‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. — The shout for him isn't left unheard as the grey and white speckled slips out from his den hurriedly onlt to see his clanmates crowding around Roaringpaw, his eyes widening as he tries to see what the issue could be. Had it been fatigue from overworking himself to ensure that prey reached camp or perhaps the heat that greenleaf has brought upon them this season? He closes the distance between the forming group and the former kittypet as his dark gaze focuses onto him trying to see if there was anything wrong with the younger tom, he knows that a lot of the warriors and apprentices time is out on the territory trying to find a single morsel to eat due to the influx of kittens that weighed on Thunderclan.

"How do you feel?" He murmurs to the brightly furred apprentice hoping that he would have more of a chance to see what was wrong with him. "Can you walk?" Another soft inquiry as he glances over to his den knowing that if Roaringpaw couldn't manage that then it would be up to him to lift the other by the scruff. It wouldn't be a difficult task, after all, he had managed to pick up Magpiepaw during their escape from the hounds that were at their heels and the memory itself makes his heart sting. If the apprentice answers that he isn't able to then Gentlestorm glances over to Softpaw and motions with a paw "Can you help me, Softpaw?" A tired smile parted on his face knowing that the apprentices were more acquainted with one another do perhaps Roaringpaw would find some comfort in the pale molly helping him, the medicine cat's head dipping as he tries to briefly pick up Roaringpaw as carefully as he can before lending his shoulder as support for the other to lean against.


    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✿❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 53DAF6v.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    56 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    demiromantic bisexual ; widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
IF I COULD BURN THIS TOWN ✧°.☀ ————————————
WITH EACH HEARTBEAT HIS PAIN WORSENS, and with every sensation striking through his body he pays little attention to the cats crowding him. He sees Softpaw and hears Leafhusk and Thundergleam. Gentlestorm's name is spoken, but he doesn't scent the tom nearby. Roaringpaw is panting now, his breaths shallow and short. In this state he is quick to take note of smell of herbs approaching, a clear sign of Gentlestorm arriving to hopefully help him - though part of him wonders if he can be saved, if this is StarClan punishing him.

"It's hard to breathe." He chokes out, inhaling sharply in an attempt to have air reach his lungs. He feels like it isn't working, and feels himself closer to full-on panicking. "Can you walk?" The young apprentice tries to get up, but it's as if he has no strength in his muscles to keep his body up. He wobbles and drops on his haunches, sheepishly shaking his head.

Initially shocked by the Medicine Cat lifting him with ease, Roaringpaw simply lets him do it, feeling embarrassed and guilty to be not only leaning on the tom for support, but to have his entire body weight on him. "Sorry." He mumbles to the older tom, the smell of herbs sickening but at the same time, soothing.

"speech" thoughts

OOC: -
[penned by nocthymia - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ I WOULDNT HESITATE

The quickness in which this unknown illness befalls Roaringpaw is alarming, to put it mildly. He had seen the apprentice this morning right before he had gone out on his hunting patrol and he had seemed fine. Better than fine, actually. But the way he staggered into camp instantly puts Burnstorm on alert. He watches with concern in his golden yellow eyes as Roaringpaw collapses, as cats rush forward to help, to fetch Gentlestorm. Leafhusk has it under control, telling cats to not crowd him so Burnstorm stands back until Gentlestorm has come to whisk him away to his den. Only then does he step forward, eyebrows knitting together as he watches them go. "What do you think is wrong with him?" He asks no one in particular. He just hopes it isnt something like the yellowcough that had plagued them not too long ago. Stars knew they did not need another illness spreading its way through camp right now...

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably