One of the best parts about being an apprentice, Ratpaw had found, was the ability to bring stuff back home. Although she learned many things and enjoyed doing so, on their way back to camp it meant that Ratpaw got to sight-see and ask questions about the different things she saw, and recently she had found a new interest in the flowers that grew around the territory. They had no use other than decorative - most of the flowers she recognized from the nests in camp or the stories her mother told her and her brother in the nursery, the meanings that they held. Some of them Ratpaw couldn't remember off the top of her head - there was no need for them at her age, why should she know them? - but others like the buttercups and the zinnias she now carried a mouthful of into camp she remembered well. Luck and friendship, something she knew would be useful for the cat she was looking for.

Dropping the flowers outside of the leader's den where they were out of sight from the entrance, Ratpaw peeked her head in, eyes flickering quickly through the dark den before her eyes landed on Beekit. "Beekit!" She spoke in a quick tone, trying to catch the attention of the slightly younger cat before motioning with her head for the other to follow her out. Once she was sure it was being done, Ratpaw quickly walked back over to where she had dropped the flowers, sifting through them quickly and organizing them as she wait for Beekit to get to her, making sure to have them organized by color the best she could for when Beekit got there.
  • [ooc]
  • ratpaw is a four moon old apprentice of RiverClan. Her mentor is Salmonshade. She is an all white cat with rounded ears and orange eyes. She is currently a weak swimmer, weak hunter, and a weak fighter. She is loyal to RiverClan, is bisexual and is currently NOT looking for a relationship. She is OPEN to plots and private threads, but CLOSED for injuries. PEACEFUL POWERPLAY IS ALLOWED.
  • a reference image should go here (I do not have one teehee)
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beekit had admittedly been slumbering, her favorite spot being on her littermates where her face would rest against one of Cicadakit's sharper shoulder blades and drooled while she slept. The eldest of the triplets was rather comfortable where she was but the sound of someone calling her name is enough to make her eyes flutter open and she squints noticing a shadow blocking out some of the sunlight that threatened to break through the darkness that shrouded her and her family. Her father, Cicadastar, was missing due to the fact that he had his responsibilities to tend to whilst her and her littermates were near the belly of Smokethroat. She lifts a snowy paw to begin rubbing the sleep from her eyes and the round kitten slowly pulling herself from the curls of her siblings.

She stumbled sleepily forward until she was out of the willow den, her eyes still squinting and adjusting to the brightness of the sun that hung above them. Beekit blinks her eyes for a moment or two until she focuses at the sight of Ratpaw and she seems to have brought flowers for her. She's wide awake now as she offers the pale apprentice a smile and nods her head in greeting before speaking quietly not wishing to disturb those still remaining within the willow den "Hello Ratpaw," She purrs with a sleepy grin present on her maw and she tilts her head to the side at the sight of these flowers unable to help but notice that they're quite different to the ones Sablepaw had given her "These are gorgeous," She murmurs quietly.
The apprentice watched as the kitten stumbled forward, a gnawing annoyance at herself echoing in the back of her mind due to the fact she had woken the other up - she had hoped Beekit would be awake by the time she had come by. It was no matter now, what was done was done and Ratpaw couldn't change the actions of the past - especially not actions that had happened so soon.

A proud smile formed on her face as the black smoke in front of her commented on the flowers, tail swaying happily behind her as she saw the smile form on Beekit's face. It had only been a moon since Rat had became an apprentice but she already missed the company of her friends that were still kits, and she could only hope they'd remain friends when they were apprentices too. "Have your fathers talked with you about flowers?" She didn't know if they even would or not, knowing that some cats tend to not really care about them, "You're gonna see a lot of them when you're an apprentice, and I brought some to help!" The most important ones, that is.

She moved the flowers over towards the other before sitting once more, "These are buttercups," She'd begin, motioning towards the first of the flowers, "And these are zinnias! I don't know if Ravensong uses them for healing or not, but they're pretty and my mama told me that the flowers mean different things. These ones mean luck and friendship, for when you're an apprentice."
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 4 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ When Ratpaw asks if her fathers ever talked about flowers, Beekit's muzzle would scrunch up slightly as she tried to think of a moment where either Cicadastar or Smokethroat had mentioned any to her and she cannot recall aside from small instances where her fathers told her to pick up the flowers that Sablepaw had given her. "No, they don't. They mostly tell me about how they got most of their scars before me and my littermates sleep." She finally says blowing one of her curls out of her face then focusing on the flowers that her friend had brought her both of her comically large ears perked forward listening to the names. Buttercups and zinnias. It makes the smoke molly wonder what kind of flowers Sablepaw had given her but she nudges the thought aside wanting to remain focused for the snowy molly that stood in front of her.

Her eyes widening at the thought of seeing several flowers on her own when she becomes an apprentice herself, she wonders if her mentor would even let her run off to do such a thing and part of her doubts it but who knows. "Luck and friendship," She echoes after Ratpaw, the thought of flowers having different meanings made the gears in her brain begin to churn and she was definitely wide awake now. It makes her start to ponder if other things had these similar meanings to them but maybe she'd find out another time, the little molly offers her friend a smile and parts her jaws to speak "Thank you so much... I appreciate these a lot," She would definitely have to wear these or put them in her nest for when she moves into the apprentices den.

A snowy paw delicately touching one of the zinnias and she decides to ask "Have you enjoyed being an apprentice so far? What have you seen?" Her head tilting to the side, she can only imagine that Ratpaw has already seen different cats from the other clans and more sights than she has encountered within camp itself. Only a small part of Beekit envies her while the other is happy and excited to train alongside Ratpaw when she becomes an apprentice herself.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus