twolegplace CONCRETE JUNGLE ✧ weak and hungry

The wind is cruel, and it’s blowing fierce today. Marblekit takes a few staggering steps away from the corner of stone she’d been sheltering behind, but her movements are sluggish. The earth is cold; every step saps what little warmth her body can hold onto from her paw pads. They feel cracked, too, from walking on such hard surfaces for so long. She wants to play, but her body betrays her—her stomach cracks and gurgles with pain, and her limbs are slow, clumsy, non-cooperative. She opens her jaws in a massive yawn, teeth glinting pale and tiny in her mouth.

Mama,” she murmurs, but her mew is carried off by the wind. Her green eyes flick to where her littermate rests beside her. “I wanna… I wanna play,” she mews, but she is only able to deliver a half-hearted bite to Sycamorekit’s ear before she loses interest.

Mama… I’m hungry,” she wails plaintively. She tries to find Siltcloud’s skinny cinnamon figure, bats at her mother’s stomach with insistent little paws. “Mama….” She wants milk. She wants prey, even just a little mouthful of prey and a little mouthful of milk would be better than the nothing she’s received today.

  • ooc: mother tag @Siltcloud. and sibling tag @Sycamorekit! but this is open to any cats in twolegplace
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 1 moon old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — rogue kit. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


siltcloud 21 moons female she/her shadowclan exile

" I know... I know my love, " comes half-hearted murmurings from the dust hued molly - dull eyes falling upon her child. She does not think she's ever faced such a cruel leafbare - stars, even when shadowclan had been starving she had never felt so sick, so weak. Childbirth had left her frailer than ever, and she wonders how anyone does it - how anyone can survive without a medicine cat's help. Tongue rasps across tabby fur, and she cannot even be bothered to push her child away - she knows there will be no milk to be found, but still she cannot fault marblekit for trying. It's a painfully shameful feeling, to be unable to care for her kittens. To watch them wither away alongside her. " We'll find something to eat soon... I promise, " she says soothingly, but her words are empty.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I F - I - C A N ' T - B E - Y O U R - H E R O , I ' L L - B E - Y O U R - V I L L A I N


[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] The crawling hunger he felt in his stomach that pains him to the half hearted bite from his sister before she continued her whines to their mother, they were hungry but..."Ma... it'll get better, right?" their word soft, gentle even while a pleading look in his eyes, she promised that they'll eat soon and a small peered on his maw before looking at Marblekit and gently nudging her. "I-I-l'll give you most of mine when we do okay Marblekit?" he stated gently with a weak smile before pushing closer to Siltcloud in an attempt to get warmer. Everything was so cold, and yet his sibling and mother were so warm yet still he winced at the feeling of pain clawing at his stomach, and even still he held onto the empty promise Siltcloud made for them... food... soon, he hopes.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, rouge kitten , 1 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Dawnglare does not stick his nose into Twolegplace infrequently. In Leaf - Bare, it is necessity, the herbs within these walls far better cared for that they were in the wilderness. Frozen, snowed on, trampled, eaten... Twolegs had some innate desire to protect what they could get their furless paws on, was his only explanation. If they used them to heal their own wounds, Dawnglare has never seen it... Perhaps that was simply because he was faster, though. Where they excelled in ingenuity, twolegs were rather sluggish creatures.

The yowling of kittens is not something exclusive to those that are clan - born, it seems. He turns his nose toward the sound, and down it, he sees a familiar she - cat and two, mewling kits. For whatever reason, he approaches. Figfeather had insisted they knew her... Well, Dawnglare knew her now, sort of... but he still failed to realize whatever he should remember from before.

He knew not what to say in a circumstance like this. Perhaps, I see your kits are healthy, but, ah, he wasn't certain that was indeed true...

" Your kits, " strangely, he starts. What was it, that queens liked to hear? " They're... " Beautiful felt too emotionally charged, and truly, they were scraps. " I am glad they're as well as they can be. " He cranes his head at both, eyes narrowing slightly.

" Do you not have Housefolk? " He struggles to understand that there were cats walking about Twolegplace without twolegs of their own. Why live here, then? " They will feed you plenty, " he suggests. Perhaps an attempt at kindness. His own hunting ability was subpar... he would not be able to help her. " I have nothing for you. " – Not like he would have, if he could.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Her mother’s movements are stiff and low-energy. She does not push Marblekit aside as the little buff-colored kit attempts to extract milk from her flank. She only lowers her own head and delivers a half-hearted, sorrow-drenched lick to the soft spot between her ears. “I know… I know, my love,” she murmurs into Marblekit’s fur, but knowing does not make it better. It does not make it easier for Marblekit and Sycamorekit. Tears of frustration, of hunger, begin to well in the tiny she-kit’s green eyes. “I want somethin’ to eat now, Mama…” But her demand is feeble, and she only sighs, knowing even at this early age that wishing and wanting get her nothing, get her nowhere.

Her littermate approaches, cuddled close, and his nudge evokes comfort. Sycamorekit tells her he will share with her once they get something to eat. Placated for only a moment, Marblekit nods, wiping the babyish tears from her gaunt little cheeks. “Okay,” she whispers. “And then… then I’ll give you mine… the next time…” Her voice fades, and she leans against her brother, seeking warmth from a pelt that is too chilled by wind to give any.

Pawsteps crunch gravel behind her. Tiny ears flick forward, tilted triangles. There’s a cat with a rich, luscious auburn-and-white pelt, with twinkling pale blue eyes. She puffs her pelt up rather comically, her tiny tail sticking straight out behind her…

But he does not growl at them, does not present a threat like some of the other cats her mother has had to defend them from, scrawny rogues looking for bits and pieces of prey like the rest of them. This cat looks at them with something barely-disguised—pity. “I have nothing for you,” he says, and her heart breaks again. “You don’t have any food either?” The tears return, this time dancing on the peaks of her cheekbones. “Do you have any milk?” She sniffs the air, but all she can scent is cold and something strange, thick like a cloud of pine and sharp smells that confuse her and tangle in her nostrils. She does not smell milk on him.

  • ooc:
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 1 moon old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — rogue kit. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


siltcloud 21 moons female she/her shadowclan exile

" No - I'm no kittypet, " she says stiffly - really, dawnglares presence has her on edge immediately but it's hardly as though she's in any state to leave. Still, tail curls tighter around her children, face blank and eyes wary. " He won't have any milk Marble, " she mumbles soothingly, though she drops the second half of her childs name to be safe. Figfeather had seemed to recognize her in some way - she does not wish to risk the same thing happening again. She does not know if she will be so lucky a second time. " Tom's don't have milk, " Shoulders ache for a moment, chest heaving - eyes narrow. " Do you clan cats have anything for a lack of milk? I know you have healers, " she dares ask - words kept purposefully vague as she does her best to remember the way the rumors of the clans had rolled of the tongues of the rogues and loners that plagued her life. She doesn't hold much hope in whatever answer the skyclanner brings, having never heard of such a thing during her days in shadowclan... but in truth she is more desperate than she wants to admit. 'I'll steal the herbs if I have to' she thinks - for if there is a cure for her ailment, she will stop at nothing to get her paws upon it.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I F - I - C A N ' T - B E - Y O U R - H E R O , I ' L L - B E - Y O U R - V I L L A I N