twolegplace CONCRETE MEADOWS OF THE SOUL \ skyclan patrol

Though he didn't always see eye to eye with Silversmoke, he knew the tome had an unwavering loyalty for SkyClan- and, a similar opinion of the Twolegplace. There were not many whom he trusted more to walk at his side along this border- tenseness crackled about his form like a building storm as they padded forth, the patchwork tom's ears permanently angled to attention. Any pitching yelp of a Twoleg would have him whirling, he was sure of it. Any bumbling kittypet would be met with a dagger-glare; he could deal with them when he was more relaxed, but not now. Not when he retraced the steps that had gotten him captured, that had... brought him to the place he would watch his mentor die...

"There's someone around," Twitchbolt whispered harsly, not thinking to let the apprentice on the patrol work it out for himself. Eyes darted to Silversmoke, to Bear- his teeth scraped together, stressed creaking. "K-Kittypet..." The word was mumbled, but certain.

\ @SILVERSMOKE @BEAR @CROWPAW! and @Flora (for an encounter!)
penned by pin ✧

Each pawstep deeper into the abyss the Twolegs called home felt like thorns digging into his pawpads. The Lead Warrior was often quiet on patrols, preferring to get a job done rather than dawdle with gossip, but this time, the silence was less forced. Tension around his neck and maw stopped him from talking for a long time, even to Crowpaw, who could do with more lessons about the dangers of this place. It was as if even the faintest mew could alert the entire Twolegplace to his presence. The spotted tabby wasn't sure whom he wanted to meet less: the terrible upwalkers and their false admiration of any fuzzy creature, or the terrible rogues and their desire to rip him apart after admonishing the very life he'd once been a part of. Odd eyes were keen in anticipation of either, even the rustle of wind through the trees left his spine arching for a fight. What made things worse was that it was only dawn, StarClan knew as well as he did that more activity would occur as they slipped back to their home amidst the forest.

Twitchbolt picked up on something and Silversmoke paused, claws clacking against the floor. When his eyes found nothing, he breathed in instead and winced at the end of his inhale, overwhelmed by the sheer stench of the Twolegplace. Smoke and refuse made nostrils flare as he suppressed a gag, disgust likely heightened by the rapid pulsing of a heart he'd pretend wasn't nervous. Silversmoke would take the Deputy's word for it, as anxious as the tom was, he hadn't let SkyClan astray so far. "Leave them be," he quietly decided with a flick of tufted ears. "They're no threat, and we don't need to waste our time here talking to some nosy housecat."

Dawn was always a good time for Flora to slip away unnoticed, well, her sibling noticed but she was always vigilant. Besides, if they had questions, they never aired them, which worked better for the maine coon because she was awful at keeping secrets even if they were her own. With that, she continued her diligent work of patrolling the Twolegplace, trying to catch a particular scent. It was hopeless really, she had started to reach acceptance, Pyrrha hadn't been back in six moons but there was always a glimmer of hope in the back of Flora's mind that she would find her dear friend again. You learn to sort out the smoke and the smog the more time you spend in the Twolegplace, it helps that Flora had been here her whole life thus far, made her a real pro at it.

Something gave her pause in her efforts, there was a new scent introduced. Being friendly and having the same routine since her friend disappeared really helped her in knowing the other felines that are usually out at this hour. This however was new and new was exciting, new meant potentially a lead to finding Pyrrha. With her usual energy back she focused on following this potential thread.

To her delight, this thread had led her to four strangers! Caution would probably be best exercised here but when by herself she usually never exercised that. She had enough common-sense to not just jump out at them though, they seemed on edge. The maine coon had been informed once that she could be intimidating so the last thing she wanted was to make their unease worse. Maybe they're new? She could play the welcoming committee well enough. “Hi there!” she meowed cheerily “are you lost? I have
n't seen any of you around here before.”

Fate was not so keen to honour his plans as his clanmates might have. A feminine voice caused the odd-eyed tom's gaze to shoot forward, settling on the stranger as if eyeing something dangerous for the first time. Silversmoke placed one paw forward to guard his apprentice from the stranger and tilted his head upwards, making himself seem bigger than he was without bristling his fur like a porcupine. He was already a large tom, but the stranger was no slouch either, even at a distance, he could make out a structure similar to Slate (if not more well-fed... a kittypet?) "No, this is SkyClan's territory, we know where we're going." He answered Flora curtly, guarded more than unfriendly. As little as he appreciated where kittypet loyalty lay, at least they were loyal to something - but, it was that faith that made him want to leave as soon as possible. A precious housecat could do no wrong, should this encounter end in claws, he feared what hell would be wrought upon their healing home. He presumed the Deputy would agree in some ways, and disagree in others. Twitchbolt was friendlier but not kinder, though his words would sound nicer than the Lead Warrior's, he figured the other tom wouldn't be happy to be held back by a kittypet.

Or, maybe he would. Silversmoke felt a sliver of uncertainty enter his veins as he stared Flora down, and let out an indignant huff to try and displace those feelings. "We've been here some time, I don't know how you haven't seen one of our patrols before." If the Lead Warrior was trying to cast suspicion on the other, it was ineffective, for he forgot about the statement just as soon as he said it. Removing himself as Crowpaw's shield, the spotted tabby slowly moved forwards, snake-like eyes tracking Flora. 'We are never going to hear the end of it now...' he grimaced internally, too aware of how inquisitive outsiders could be about their way of life. "It'd be easier for both of us if you kept your distance."


Trying to make out the individual cats was proving difficult at this distance, of course the only way to remedy that was to continue pressing on. Flora did as such, moving forward until she was close enough to properly see the strangers and well.. they were certainly strange. Her gaze immediately settled on the paw in front of the apprentice “aw! is this your kid?” she was practically beaming as she grinned.

The grin settled into a confused look, she looked at Silversmoke like he had grown a second head “SkyClan? What's that?” surely she would have heard of it before, she liked to think so at least. There it was again, that slight spark of hope, persistent in the back of her mind, it could be another thread to finding her friend. “Is there more than just the four of you at this.. SkyClan?” she tried to not sound too hopeful but she was failing pretty miserably at it.

Hm.. Patrols, and there had been others? There's a possibility Pyrrha could have followed one of them? Her tail swished in anticipation as she tried to place together a realistic timeline of events, Flora wasn't ready to accept that this may not be a lead. “How often does this clan of yours patrol around here?” she tilted her head in curiosity, the maine coon had to admit that her interest was peaked. Even if Pyrrha hadn't followed them the concept was pretty novel to her, she enjoyed the idea of exploration.

The grin returned as the Lead Warrior moved towards her, in her eyes this was clearly a sign that things were going well. Blinking in surprise at his request she nodded, taking a big step back but not moving further “Is this good?” She didn't bother to wait for an answer.
“Why do you even patrol here? You seem pretty tense, wouldn't it be better for you if you just didn't go here?”


He's able to lift his paws with ease, through the hard tension gripping his body has never quite eased off, every venture so close to what has been like many homes he has once been able to recall very vividly. The frazzled nature of Twitchbolt has him tense, the grinding teeth sharpening his focus, sad blue eyes sweeping. As such when the unfamiliar kittypet appears, predated by the lead warrior's warning, he's unable to prevent his ears from pressing back onto his head. Bear's nose wrinkles, long scar above his nose scrunching, the finishing touch of the expression that often makes itself known. Always a temperamental beast, he's steeling himself, digging his claws into the soft dirt at the restrained approach. Where he once greeted claws with claws he's instead stilled, even when jaws unhinge and curious words are answered.

Soft, well kept fur, curious round eyes are the kittypets he's long since been accustomed with, on the occasions where he's had to snap his teeth and spit warnings he's often found himself faced with a retreating tail. The curious inquiries have his paws itching, wondering what the presumably well taken care of feline knew about survival.

Few words he's often willing to share sit sour and spoiled in his mouth, pressed behind his pointed teeth. His not well looked after pelt is shaggy slowly returning back into it's unkept glory - dusted with dirt, twigs trapped in the tangled mess. Short answers from Silversmoke prompt him to grumble, distaste slipping into each word. "We patrol here to make sure no one, like you intrudes." He's unwilling to supply any more answers. Nevermind the fact he himself has tumbled over the border himself in search of his sibling. Silversmoke seems to be providing more willing to speak, so he holds his tongue and by some miracle keeps his bitter words to himself.


Twitchbolt was just about to utter an agreement before said kittypet was upon them- a big one, too, though not the sort that seemed likely to sweep them into the hold of a Twoleg. There was a bright grin on her face, but- at this border, with dread soaked into every breath he took, he couldn't mirror her smile. Wide olive eyes sat wary, unmoving upon the kittypet- who hadn't heard of SkyClan. Twitchbolt's teeth chattered, his eyelid twitched- overt, stuttering surprise skittering all over his face. "Most k-kittypets think we eat other cats..." he muttered to no-one in particular, unable to hide his shock that for once a kittypet who'd stumbled upon them had never heard a word about them.

Bear's stiff explanation was good enough, though- Twitchbolt bristled at the thought that she might have just wandered further in, had they not been here at exactly the right time. "You- do you come here much?" His tone was accusatory, suspicious- it seemed conveniently impossible, like she was feigning ignorance. Was she trying to get intel on them? Work out when they patrolled, so she could stray inside and take what she liked, carelessly or maliciously or what-have-you ...

"There's a lot more of us," he warned, with a snakeline rattle of hackles along his spine.
penned by pin ✧

If anything, the maine coon was rather upset at herself for not hearing anything about this Skyclan. How dare the other cats around the twolegplace all know about something and not tell her? “You don't look like cat eaters” she gave the tom with the large scar above his nose a quick once over, he maybe could? Flora had enough sense of self preservation to not say that out loud however.

Her smile remained, though it did falter at the scary looking cat's words. Was she intruding? from the sound of it she technically hadn't yet “do you get many intruders? if a lot of.. kittypets.. think you eat other cats then why would they intrude?” All this to say that depending on how the rest of the conversation goes she can absolutely see herself intruding in future.

Flora delicately placed a paw against her muzzle in thought “well, this is my first time wandering out this far. Usually I'm around the outskirts, I guess you could say I do my own patrols? You smelled interesting and new so I thought I should come out this way” that beaming grin had returned, all teeth. These cats were interesting to her, and she hadn’t spoken with anyone other than her sibling for the past moon so despite the tension she was grateful for their time. “I'm glad I did! I like you guys. I'm Flora by the way.”

Her eyes widened at the warning, she knew realistically it was a form of threat. There was a pause, a longer lapse of silence than usual for Flora. It was probably for the best for her to reveal her motive before she accidentally upsets someone.
“Do you get many outsiders joining? I'm not asking for me, well, maybe a little bit? If there's openings, consider me interested, but I'm looking for a friend of mine.”


Is this your kid? Silversmoke blinked fervently at the question. "It's complicated." Blood did not bind them, rather, it was an obligation to see the apprentice succeed... and some parental feelings, even if recent events had made him more awkward around the idea. Luckily, Crowpaw was not the focal point for the maine coon's attention for long, unluckily, she instead asked questions about SkyClan, and the inevitable time-wasting began. Temptation struck him to tell Twitchbolt and Bear to go ahead if only to spare them of his lost temper and the frustration of having a repetitive conversation, but with the way their eyes tracked the stranger, he doubted they saw his tail gestures. Flora spoke of intruders and his fur bristled, angry at rogues and WindClan's disrespect to their borders. Kittypets at least had an excuse, as flimsy as it was, he couldn't say he'd never trespassed on accident before. He didn't answer Flora's question, the answer made SkyClan appear weak before a stranger and he would not be the one to reveal its flaws to an outsider.

He huffed as she talked about doing her own patrols, the statement so Johnny-like that he briefly wondered if he was talking to a friend of his. Alas, Flora was a self-proclaimed innocent, who had somehow found joy in his clanmate's company. He could believe her words, kittypets were some of the most selfish and sheltered creatures he knew. A single brow raised. "Yes... we're some of SkyClan's most likable." He turned his head, eyeing the shivering Twitchbolt, the stone-faced bear, the surly Crowpaw: a motley crew of friendliness if he'd ever seen one. Then, he thought of Chrysaliswing and Slate. Perhaps there was a fraction of truth to his sentiment, guarded as the current patrol was, others may have attacked Flora by now. "Silversmoke," he mewed curtly, tail gesturing to himself. When Twitchbolt implied a threat, his black claws unsheathed, wondering if the other sensed danger that the spotted tabby was unaware of. His odd eyes fluttered their attention to other things, none seemed to hide something nefarious. 'Is it her scent?' Their Deputy had been damaged by Twolegs before, forced into a cold and dingy cage surrounded by strangers. Silversmoke's assessment couldn't be completed before Flora spoke of joining, and his head whipped around like a gunshot.

"We don't let joiners in 'for a little bit', you become a SkyClanner for life or you don't bother. Every warrior fits a purpose, we do not have resources to waste on cats that would abandon us once they don't need us anymore." Silversmoke's tone turned harsh, a warning that SkyClan should not be treated as a fun day out or a means to an end. "Should you be allowed to join, you will shadow a warrior for two moons to learn our way of life. At the end of these two moons, you will be tested on three components of our life. Fail your assessments or cause any problems and you will be sent away. You will not be allowed back." With ears flat against his skull, Silversmoke waited to see how Flora would react to the stipulation.

Flora was delighted to receive an introduction back, in her mind Silversmoke was a friend of hers. She knew that realistically that was probably not a shared sentiment but she didn't really care, she could warm up to him if she put her mind to it. “That's a pretty name” she mused, full of sincerity “it suits you.”

Hearing these rules and overall stipulation led Flora's first thought to be that this was all rather intense. She could understand intense though, this was their home right? Flora would probably be the same if someone new tried to join herself and Ditto. Well, if someone had even asked at this point she probably would of chased them off, in hindsight she's thankful that this wasn't the groups instinct with her.

At the thought of her sibling her usual friendly and unserious posture straightens up, her green eyes narrow in an intensity that she only reserved when talking about her family “with ‘being a skyclanner for life' could I be able to come back here at all? I have a younger sibling and they've already been abandoned once, I don't want to do that to her too.” Flora fell quiet again, thinking about her options, she knows that she's impulsive but this is a lot even for her.

On the other hand, a whole community of cats that she could befriend and work with was really appealing. She was lonely a lot these days, she didn't really understand what half of this meant but the half that she did was appealing. The other stuff could be learnt, that's the whole point of the assessment right? She was a fast learner, it could be done.

“Okay” she simply said, looking back up from the dirt she had been inspecting upon her deliberation.
“If I'm still able to go see my sibling then this is fine with me. I'll do my best to not cause any issues, should I be allowed to join.”


Twitchbolt was growing restless, fidgeting on his paws- the longer they stayed here, the more that was slipping past their paws further up the border- he tightened his jaw, grinding his teeth together a little. But- but there was interest, he supposed... an extra pair of paws, and big ones, too. She was polite enough, willing to learn... and anyway, it wasn't policy to drive her off now, was it? Twitchbolt let a sigh slip through his teeth. Flora, she said... Silversmoke. His eyelids smashed together, a spasm of the body jerking him. "Twitchbolt," he murmured, as if it was a punchline.

"We've, we've got- daylight warriors. Skyclanners who arrive in the morning, and- and sleep at their Twolegs nests." Twitchbolt spoke tiredly and hurriedly at once. "Just- don't take this decision lightly. Becoming a Skyclan warrior isn't- it isn't just a fun thing to do with your day. It should be your life."

Stars did he know some of the foolish sorts that stumbled over their borders. "If you do want to join... come with us for the rest of our patrol. Stay quiet, and..." he swept wide eyes over the other patrol members, "We'll take you to see our leader. It's her decision to let you join, and if she turns you away, then- then we'll chase you off, next time we see you."
penned by pin ✧

Careful consideration went into Flora's next move, would it be an insult or a compliment to say that Twitchbolt's name suits him? Landing safely in the unsure department she opted to nod her head in respect “It's nice to meet you!”

She watched Twitchbolt curiously, it was hard to figure out if he was annoyed with her or with the situation. The optimistic answer would be the situation, it seemed like she wasn't the first kittypet to have quizzed this group. Realistically, she probably wouldn't be the last either. Daylight warriors, this was a concept that piqued her interest.

She was already gone for most of the day, surely Ditto wouldn't mind if she was gone for a little bit longer than her usual hours. Flora was really trying her best to not take this decision lightly, it was the most she had really thought about anything, which wasn't saying a lot. Overall, the appeal for her was that sense of community, she was community driven but didn’t find that connection with the other kittypets near her. Maybe this would be different, no, this will be different, she had a good feeling about this.

“I understand, I would like to join” she decided, a wide grin still present. She could be quiet, while she wanted to do the exact opposite of this it was possible for her to keep her excitement bottled. It was a rather big ask of her but she was going to treat this like a sacred mission. “That's fine with me, thank you! I will... do my best to be quiet, you won't even know I'm here!” With that she walked closer to the group, still keeping a slow pace just in case.