private Constellation of the heart ✶ Slate


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Owlheart had once asked her mother if she and Slate were mates. To Orangestar’s credit she said no (although, awkwardly enough even for her daughter's standards). The leader had then asked if she would be comfortable with the idea of them being mates. Her answer hadn’t changed now compared to then, all she wanted was her mother to be happy and if that was with Slate then she of course would be comfortable. The tabby had thought Slate was good to Orangestar, kind to her which seemed important since the tom seemed rather surly at the best of times. Since then she hadn’t thought too much about it, she liked to think she’s rather good at knowing when something was her business or not. Curiosity did slowly eat away at her though, she knew how her mother felt but there was another cat in this puzzle. Owlheart wasn’t the best at socialising, so a delicate topic like this seemed way out of her depth. Yet, she still wanted to know, who knows maybe it would go better than what her anxieties wanted her to believe. As time stretched on, she found herself giving into curiosity and had decided to ask about it the next time she managed to catch the lead warrior by himself.

Her mother wasn’t around right now, it was concerning to think about but she was sure (well, she hoped) that she was safe. Finding Slate by himself was a little easier at least, she watched the leader's den with interest to see if he would still sleep there at night or if he’d move to the warriors den on nights that she wasn’t here. Seeing him standing by the front of it she saw it as her opportunity to speak semi privately, taking up a spot next to him she remained silent for a moment. Probably a little too long given the fact that she had approached with an intention for a conversation.

“Do you have feelings for my mother?” She asks rather bluntly, though not unkindly. It’s spoken in a soft tone, slightly above a whisper in an attempt to keep this conversation private. Golden eyes glancing over at him to see what kind of reaction that was going to get. The warrior wasn’t exactly the one for subtlety and she was pretty certain that the blunt and brash nature of her mates had rubbed off on her own already to the point self. There was a method to this though, she figured how he reacted to a question so blunt would be the best indication.

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It seemed that Slate could only think about one thing these past couple of sunrises. The Maine Coon sits at the mouth of the leader's den like an anxious guard hound waiting for its master to return. Orangestar's departure had been so sudden, and the fact that she had left on her own was even more concerning. Why she did not think to take someone along was confounding to him.

He notices the leader's daughter approach him wordlessly; he expects her to inform him of something or perhaps ask if he wants to eat a meal instead of staring at the camp exit all day, but an awkward silence grows between them both. Slate was close to saying something himself before Owlheart came out with it ─ “Do you have feelings for my mother?”

Slate's heart jumps into his throat as the rather personal inquiry catches him completely off guard. "What?" The lead warrior instinctively plays the fool, acting as if the ginger warrior is speaking some sort of nonsense. He nearly shut her down right then and there, nearly told her no and to not listen to whatever mousebrained rumor was floating about camp these days. It is a small part of Slate that stops himself from taking such a defensive approach; would it be such a bad idea to let up and confide in his friend's kit? Owlheart was kind, the understanding type that did not seem as judgmental or callow as Cherryblossom was.

His eyes dimmed and his heart rate began to slow to normalcy now as he mulled over what to say to Owlheart next. "Listen, your mother and I are... good friends." His amber stare fixes onto the pines ahead now, a shredded ear flicking multiple times as he ventures into unfamiliar territory, divulging his past life as well as the origins of his relationship with Orangestar, "I dunno if she ever told you this, but we knew each other before the clans." Slate's gaze trails downward now, lost in thought and hazy memories of his younger self. "We had... well, something. Maybe." They had never gotten the chance to really go anywhere thanks to his foolishness. "But that was a long time ago."

Silence grips Slate again as he tries to will himself to keep his mouth shut. It is not as if the warrior has to know anything beyond that; in fact, he could lie to her face right now and insist that any feelings he may have had have long disappeared. However, a nagging thought persists in his mind, screaming at him to attempt to secure some form of emotional closure. The lead warrior does not dare make eye contact with the other. "... What if I still did?" He offers a diminished murmur, as if Owlheart could see through his facade after all. What then? Was Owlheart here to claw his remaining ears and warn him off? Was she here to tell him that he could never replace her father, that Orangestar deserved leagues better than him? The truth of the matter was... Slate agreed with both of those things. She did deserve better than him. That was why he wanted to know if Orangestar was truly uninterested in romance, whether with him or in general. Maybe, if he heard it for himself, he could finally push to move on for good.

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    a lead warrior of skyclan, slate is forty-one moons and is mentoring coffeepaw. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.

Usually wide eyes narrow into a squint as she studies him, a what isn't really much of an answer to go off of. Though he doesn't seem mad, that was a great start considering she feared that to be the worst outcome here. He adds more to the conversation, though his eyes don't meet hers. That doesn't stop her from staring, in fact the lack of eye contact stops reality from seeping in that staring is considered rather rude actually. Good friends, that much seemed obvious, she would be concerned if they weren't at least good friends considering the den he finds to call home is her mothers.

“I don't think she mentioned it, I never really asked about her time before the clans” maybe she should, it seemed like important history. There was that inherent issue that she hoped most children have where they just find it difficult to comprehend life before their parents had them. There was a possibility that Orangestar had maybe mentioned something but Owlheart had forgotten it over time. Slate marches onwards, divulging that they had something- or something maybe. “I see, thank you for being honest about it” is what she says before lapsing into silence once more.

Maybe that shared history is why there was that inherent awkwardness when she asked Orangestar if she and Slate were mates. As silence is shared between the two she finds herself pawing at a stray leaf laid by her paws. Ear twitches when the maine coon speaks up, that was confirmation enough that he must have some kind of feelings. It almost makes her laugh to hear how similar he was to her mother with questions like these. She holds it back but she smiles to herself all the same.

“I'd say that's good then” she decides on after a moment to think about what would be the best answer to give. “I think you're good to her- from what I can see at least” there was faith that he cared about her, she tries to think about what she said to Orangestar. The warrior was fairly certain that she had said something similar then too. “Maybe you should say something” it's spoken in a whisper, a mixture of feelings buried within as she spoke. She said she would be fine if they were mates, that much was still true, there was that inherent worry that she was overstepping and speaking where she didnt need to. “I'd be okay with it, if you spoke to her- I don't know if you're worried about that or anything but uhm.. don't be I guess?” As she started speaking she realised she didn't actually know where she was going with this.