Skyclan wasn't Petalnose's favorite clan, even as being an ally. Her stay during the rouge attack made her discover several things she didn't like about the clan, mainly in result of their odd traditions. Then again, Petalnose wasn't a fan of any clan or outsider, her clanmates were her priority and her loyalty strickly set within the confines of her clan. It wasn't her business, their traditions were set where Blazestar wanted them and where he agreed. Despite her opinions, she pressed them aside to lead her clanmates and be of example. Siren like eyes dragged to Cricketpaw, flicking her tail in direction of Skyclan border. "Up ahead, what do you smell?" She tested as she drug her claws across one of their willows. Atleast, she got to train her apprentice along the borders. It wasn't often she was assigned to Skyclan, being one of the best fighters in the clan left her near more hostile grounds. Ready for any skirmish, she'd take it on strong. Safer grounds made her feel out of place, but atleast she got a break. Her apprentice and her mate was out of harm's way as well. Her gaze fluttered to her mate, Aspenhaze, within thought, offering a small smile.

Figures she could point out from afar across the border, giving a curt nod in acknowledge. Although, she'd let them be the first ones to offer words if anything was to be said.

// Patrol member tag! Feel free to post before! @Cricketpaw @Aspenhaze @Nightfish @SANDPAW @bubblepaw @brookstorm @SWIFTFIRE


The Daylight Warrior would forever be grateful to SkyClan for letting him live the life he wanted to live, the pressure to be liked was a heavy one and he doubted it'd ever be possible outside of the pine forest's borders. Interacting with RiverClanners during their tenure in the territory had brought about funny looks that he'd tried to appease with a grin and easy conversation: assigned to the borders that day, Momowhisker saw no reason to try and change his strategy. Blue eyes settled upon distant figures across the stream, his long tail curling up towards the sky in greetings. Other patrolmates were likely close by, but as he stared down the others, he couldn't help but notice how large their patrol was. Eight cats, some apprentices, most grown warriors, not quite as big as SkyClanners, but sleek of fur and mean of face (he presumed - they were quite the ways away!) He stepped closer towards the river, careful not to get too close in case its recent thaw had made the waves temperamental. Momowhisker cast his smile towards the strangers, golden collar glittering in the sunlight. "Ah, RiverClan, hello!" He looked to his side, absent of an apprentice to teach, and chuckled nervously. "Is it nice to be able to fish again?"

Cherrypaw has never seen a point in marking their border with RiverClan. The river denoted it just fine. Slate had taken her to the RiverClan border on their very first outing together. The memory is not a fond one; even now she wrinkles her nose at the thought of brushing her cheek into the scraggly pine trees bordering the river, as well as tiptoeing over the mud puddles created by its incessant splashing. How any cat could stand to have this near them all the time eludes her. Rest would be a laughable thing next to the river. She'd be forever haunted by notions of falling in and drowning, or worse, crawling out with wet fur matted to her skin and thoroughly tangled with the water's debris.

The calico stalks in Momowhisker's elongated shadow, ears pinned back against the torrential river-roar. The preemptively stern stare she sends behind the daylight warrior does nothing to improve any approachibility she might've held, her gaze as sharp and slight as the golden glint of his collar. The charming Oriental stood fine with Cherrypaw. He was tidy and amenable, if not a bit embarrassingly enthusiastic, but whatever fancy she had for him paled in comparison to the general desire of protecting SkyClan's reputation against fish-breathed taunts. Her mentor and Silversmoke's recent debaucle had her farther out on the edge her father's death had placed her on. If she couldn't quite care for Edenpaw like she knew they did her, she could at least be aware of the issue plaguing their...kind.

ooc: mentor tag @SLATE

Mismatched eyes flittered out of the shade of the pine forest, of which followed the sable-and-soot tomcat's coat. Wire-wispy whiskers twitched, though Chrysaliswing took care to not let disgust at scenting fish-smell paint his countenance. The sun's shadow reflected onto the fiery tom, plastering his outline almost in a dial-like fashion, as angular features looked almost arrow-ish. Chrysaliswing was not a fan of Riverclan - he was not a fan of any clan other than his own, really - and their aquatic habits. Still, he had learned to be cordial but not kind.

"Hello, Riverclan." Voice lie unusually placid, though his face told more of boredom than anything. "I hope you're not here for anything but to mark your own borders." Heterochromatic gaze danced upon the unfamiliar felines, especially to the apprentices who might be tempted to straddle the border between the water-dwellers and tree-climbers. Chrys had no problem teaching a scrappy, disobedient apprentice a thing or two, and claws lie jabbing at the ends of their sheaths, as though almost eager to jump out and strike. At the moment, his hackles lie smooth and rippling fur pacified.

Other than the fish-scent that marks RiverClan’s presence, Greeneyes doesn’t really have any qualms with patrolling this border. Any time he’s spent with the river cats has been alright enough, so he doesn’t really see a reason to not like the clan — or at least, hold a wariness to it like he would a typical WindClanner.

Though, maybe the sheer size of the arriving group should make him nervous. It seems… rather big for a border patrol, doesn’t it?

Oh, hello! “ the lead warrior chirps across the river anyways, a brighter voice aside from Chrysaliswing’s — even in feigned politeness, the two-toned tom found a way to be irksome with his words. “ Enjoying the weather today? “ It must be nice for them to fish again, like Momowhisker had suggested, now that the warm weather rids the river of its chill. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
ꕀꕀ Sandpaw’s opinion of SkyClan has never been particularly positive, though he does feel a bit more sympathetic toward the kittypet clan since their leader finally bit the dust. The patrols that greet them from across the border are normally rather… interesting, at least. Today seems to be no exception.Yellow eyes settle on the red-patched tom, the bored-looking one, as the other speaks what seems to Sandpaw like a warning—or a veiled threat. Rage flares somewhere deep in his chest at the accusation, as though SkyClan has ever had anything to fear from RiverClan.

"Hey," he greets the unfamiliar cats with a flicker of his fluffy tail. They seem friendly enough, if one ignores the less-than-happy looking outliers in their midst. To the first, the one with the glittering chain around his neck, the apprentice shoots a bemused glance. "Never stopped fishin’," he states, though not unkindly. He doesn’t expect a kittypet to understand what it’s like to hunt at all, much less fish from the river throughout the coldest months. It had only been his first winter, and he had truthfully expected much worse from it. Luckily, RiverClan’s waters haven’t yet suffered from the same degree of freezing as he’s been told they did the year before.

He has also been told about Greeneyes, one of SkyClan’s lead warriors. The orange and white tom asks whether they’re enjoying the weather, and the sandy tortoiseshell gives a nod of his head in response. "Weather’s nice for certain. Y’all caught anything good?" Perhaps, with the incoming warmth, the forest-dwellers will be seeing an influx of prey in their territory. Have they already noticed it, he wonders, or will it be a few months yet before SkyClan enjoys the bounty of springtime hunting?
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Skyclan had been a subject of fascination for Swiftfire for quite some time, her interests piqued by the stories her clanmates had told her of the clan that lived in the trees. Not only were they generally impressive climbers, they also allowed kittypets into their midst - a statement that she'd thought was mere teasing when she'd first been enlightened on Skyclan as a whole. A joking test for the new warrior from the Ripple Colony, telling her that there was an entire clan of kittypets that enjoyed hiding in the trees. But then a Skyclan patrol had come along to their border, and she had been forced to confront a reality in which her clanmates hadn't been merely trying to get a rise out of her. One would think that would have killed her interest, but it had actually only emboldened her in wanting to see more. Swiftfire wanted to see how the kittypet warriors fared, and how they managed to keep themselves safe in such a unique territory.

Perhaps that was why Lichentail had sent her on this patrol, if the Riverclan deputy actually paid attention to her occasional ramblings. Though... that did seem unlikely, considering the state that she had been in during her last round of patrol assignments. The memory of Lichentail's painfully rasping voice was enough to make her wince even now, wondering if it may have been better for one of the lead warriors to take over this particular time.

The arrival of a patrol from Skyclan was enough to break her from her worrying, as well as break her concentration in actually marking the border as she had been sent to do. Chrysaliswing's words - while not said with any venom - caused the fur along her spine to prickle, though more out of confusion than genuine hostility. "What else would we be doing here?" Their group didn't exactly have any reason to be hostile, not unless Skyclan had suddenly decided to take in a chunk of the rogues that they had driven off. She didn't dwell on it for long though, bright green gaze widening when she saw Momowhisker - and his collar. "Oh! Are you one of those kittypet warriors?" There was no malice in Swiftfire's words as she asked, her words absent of the same vitriol that often accompanied such a phrase.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆝 . ° ✦ It’s nice to have allies in the forest, and the kittypet clan is nice enough, but Nightfish really can’t say he likes them. Most of it isn’t their fault; there are some faces under the pines he’d just rather never see again, is all. But it doesn’t make patrol chitchat any less annoying to deal with.

He listens, ears flicking, as cats on either side do small talk; leafbare has put them all in good spirits and he’s willing to make an effort in the face of their upbeat attitude. That goodwill quickly runs dry when a skyclanner notes I hope you're not here for anything but to mark your own borders. His ears flick back and his muscles tense, as if ready to bolt across the river and slap the boredom off the embers-pelted warrior’s face, but the wide expanse of the river proves an insurmountable obstacle and his intense irritation burns itself out as quickly as it sparked.

Rolling his shoulders, Nightfish glances Swiftfire’s way but keeps his voice loud enough to be heard across the water. “Swimming’s like magic to these land cats,” he says, ignoring the hypocrisy of him saying that, “So maybe he thinks we can fly as well. Hey, want us to come and mark your border while we’re at it? Since you don’t seem to know how that works!” That latter part is blatantly directed at Chrysaliswing, tail lashing behind him even as his face remains blank.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.