pafp cool and calm | sunset



જ➶ Leaving camp at this time of day is intriguing for her. The sun is slowly sinking towards the horizon and she has asked for her friend to accompany her. The woman has a small excitement treading through her and rippiling the spiky fur along her back. "Come on, we're gonna miss it." She speaks with muted excitement as she makes the path. Her paws press against the ground as she charges forth with a brightness swirling in her molten hues. Her gaze shifts to look over her shoulder at the tom before she looks back forward. Moving through thick grass and watery ground she easily maneuvers through as they move further inland it dries out. The sky is changing as they go but she thinks that they are making good pace. And soon the tree is coming into view. Her eyes are alight and she bounds over to it before claws attach themselves to the bark. With a few quick and sharp movements she hauls herself up and up to the middle, finding a branch to settle on. The view is amazing up here and the sky even more so. The sky is already being painted with soft oranges and auburns.

"Clayfur! Get up here, come on! It's an amazing view." The woman stretches a paw down to the Riverclan warrior as if she can help pull him up. But she is not that strong. But she does shift and twist to make room for him, an easy feat with how skinny her own frame is. Turning to look at the sunset once more she eases, forcing herself to relax as she allows her tail to hang partially from the branch. "You didn't get to see these much in Shadowclan....feels like a lifetime ago."

The more time he spends with Boneripple, the more Clay grows to enjoy her presence. She’s a loyal, capable warrior; her past clan loyalty means nothing in the face of what she’s done in RiverClan. She may not be a favorite of Cicadastar—but the leader likely won’t admit that he made a mistake allowing her to join, just as he’d avoided admitting his mistake with Hyacinthbreath. Bone’s under strict watch by order of the leader, but she’s proven her loyalty in ways that Hyacinthbreath never could. Clay trusts her. So when his black and white friend asks him to accompany her, the tom goes easily, trotting along with eager steps. She calls back to him, saying that they’re going to miss it; at her encouragement he moves faster, much less gracefully than he she-cat. He envies her, momentarily, for the elegance with which she moves through the wetlands.

The other warrior scales a tree with what looks like ease, and calls for him to join her. "I’m coming!" He shouts up at the white-striped warrior, claws scrabbling at the tree’s bark. When they finally find purchase, the brown and white warrior drags himself up as quickly as he can—he’s not about to fall out of another tree, not if he can help it. And thankfully, he’s able to clumsily drag himself up onto the branch that Bone rests upon, even though the paw she extends to him doesn’t help much with his climbing. He flops down beside her with a huff, nearly panting with the effort. "I made it," he says between breaths.

Once he’s recovered his breath, the tom turns to glance at Boneripple. From the side she looks at peace, relaxed. The orange of the sunset is reflected in her molten eyes, and a smile curls across Clayfur’s muzzle at the sight. "It’s nice," he comments, "I’m glad we get to see the sunset here. There’s not that many trees to block the view."