COOL AND CLEAN [ roughhousing | pafp ]


gotta get to rock bottom!
Jun 23, 2023
Hawthornpaw knew what she wanted to do today. And that? Was cause trouble. She had practically sprung out of her nest, sliding from the den and stretching herself out. Of course, she wasn't the first up- no, far from it. Her ears twitched, vision shifting towards the rest of camp. Who was up... She hadn't even had breakfast yet, but that was fine! What wasn't a bit of wrestling first thing in the morning to get the blood pumping? A grin was on her muzzle, tail swaying as she picked her target.

Chickadeepaw would have no idea what hit them. Hawthornpaw inhaled deeply, crouching down. Tail low, lemon yellow eyes fixated on her clanmate. One paw in front of the next- and just like that, she leapt at the other apprentice, aiming to bowl them over and pin them! A wicked grin crossed her face, and if she was successful, she'd cry out- "Good morning Hope you slept well, because you looked like you could use some wrestling!" A snicker followed.

// please wait for @Chickadeepaw!
All she wanted was a quiet morning, filled with fat mice and snuggling with her Mama, or at least Chickadeepaw had been debating it when she was so rudely AMBUSHED by some black and white LOSER!

"You're such a FOX! Chickadee squeaks, curling into a fearsome kitty ball on impact. She paws at her den-mate with cocoa mitts, her face betraying her and splitting into a happy-happy grin. "You suck you suck you suck you suck! You suck fish tail!" Is the apprentice's shrill cry as she attempts to batter her assailant's sift belly with her back paws. HA! TAKE THAT!
Clearly causing a ruckus first thing in the day ran in the family. Wildheart had just been finishing off the final mouthfuls of a wren when he picked up the sound of the apprentices scuffling nearby. Right in the heart of it was Hawthornpaw, his younger sister. The faintest curl of a smirk toyed at the edges of his maw but he ultimately subdued it. For now he amused himself with watching the pair, making no move stop them from rough-housing.
PERFECT! Hawthorn grinned wide as she bowled the other over, rolling in the dust for a moment before pinning the other down. "HEY- I got you fair and square! You should be prepared at all times." A smirk was written on Hawthornpaw's face as she snickered into the other's face- but she was being pelted in her stomach. She leapt off, shaking her body out with a grunt- that was minorly annoying. "Okay... TRY THIS!" Hawthornpaw aimed to rush at the other as soon as they were up and preared, aiming to smack her forehead into Chickadeepaw's own.

Not her smartest idea, but her head was pretty solid! Of course in all of this ruckus, she didn't see her brother watching on. Which was probably a good thing, otherwise she would have gone nuts. ​

It's been so long since she's been in the mood for rough-housing, but it seems—slowly—things are healing for her family, and Mousepaw's world is markedly less dim. The spotted she-cat has begun to shake some of the gloom that'd been cleaning to her pelt like cobwebs. They're just about to leave camp to join a patrol they are due to join when they catch a flash of ebony and chocolate rolling about. Harmless giggles erupt from both younger apprentices.

She flashes Wildheart a grin. "Do you miss stuff like that?" Mousepaw is nearly a warrior herself; she wonders if she's meant to put all playing behind her once she takes a warrior name. Part of her yearns to join the scuffle, but another part is content to watch paws and limbs fly.

Wildheart tore his gaze away from the playful scrap happening in order to cast a glance at Mousepaw, recalling that her days as an apprentice were now very much numbered. Soon they too would be moving into the crowded den and taking on the duties of proud warriors. Things were to become harder, not easier. And did he miss those days of being an apprentice? Yes. Because they had been spent with Patchpaw. "I do, actually." He admitted in a quiet, and surprisingly soft tone given his usual gruff voice. "Make use of every opportunity you have left to have fun and to get into mischief. That's my advice." Once time ran out there would be no other opportunities to let loose in only ways apprentices truly could.

With a motion of his head he gestures for Mousepaw to join in with the scuffle. "Do me a favour and get a few good hits in on my pesky lil' sister."

BONK! Hawthornpaw's head smacks into her own and the fluffier apprentice on shoved back onto her butt, her bell quite officially rung. Her head spins for a moment, her eyes not quite focusing on anything. Wow-oh-wow, that was a big one. She waits. She sits. The spinning stops and her wide, rabble-rouser grin is back on her face.

"OH YEAH? Well you should get MOUSEPAW and WILDHEART then if you're SO GOOD!" She points over to their older audience, golden eyes alight. "They're gonna beat your furry butt and then I'm gonna LAUGH!"