pafp cool ki(t)z club | attempted friendship

Patchpaw [in.]

i pray we meet again soon
Oct 4, 2022

Every now and then, some cat would see Patchkit trotting across camp, only to trot right back to her previous spot dragging along a stick or two with her. Sometimes they were small sticks and others were as big as her tiny calico figure. At one point she attempted to grab a branch out of a den, only to realize it was a part of the den and shyly walk off as if she wasn't trying to pull apart one of the actual dens. Either way, she was hard at work with her head held high and her ears perked and alert. Soon after the sticks became little rocks and moss she stole from the nursery's nests. She was building a small, kit-sized den tucked between the nursery and a shrub, perfect for herself and friends! The walls were held up by the sticks and the moss acted as both a cushion for the flooring and to block out the sunlight, and it could comfortably hold a small handful of kits inside.

"What're you doing?" Cherrykit asked, puzzled. He had been watching her for a while now, and he figured might as well ask.

"I'm building a secret den! It'll be for me and all of my friends!" Patchkit announced brightly before she began to search around. Even though the makeshift "den" was in clear shot of the rest of the camp, this didn't seem to bother her much, if at all. "I just need one more stick..."

"Oh. What about this one?" He pointed to a nearby stick still laying on the ground, and Patchkit happily trotted over with a thank-you and lifted it up with her teeth. Once she had stuck it into the wall of the makeshift den, she sat back, satisfied and proud of her work.

"It's perfect! Now: off to find friends!" Cherrykit snickered at this, but Patchkit's resolve was stronger than that!

While the question was... undeniably a little daunting, Patchkit was up for the task. She immediately set out back to the nursery, peering at the different kits nearby before her eyes set on one particular kit that had their back turned to them. Crescentkit! She looked friendly enough. Actually, she was quite pretty, too. Maybe if Patchkit offered her the first spot, she could make a new friend! Cherrykit watched on, and at seeing the expression on his sister's face, quickly spoke up in alarm.
"Uhh, Patch, I wouldn't--"

"Hi! You're Crescentkit, right? Patchkit chirped excitedly as she strode up to the other kit. "I'm Patchkit! You wanna be part of my super-duper-cool kit clan?" She leaned closer to whisper, "I've even got a secret den for it! Built it all myself!
out of all the kittens that come from the infamous blazestar and little wolf litter, crescentkit was no doubt one of the fussiest things around. unlike the rest of her siblings who ran amock and lacked grace, the young tortoiseshell point practically prides herself on carrying herself with poise and lady-like manners because one of them has to. most who've been around the kit would know just how particular she is about a wide range of things, always voicing her displeasure if something is even a whisker off or bossing around clanmates older than her to get something she wants lest they want a tantrum to be thrown.

today she is sat down a few mouse-lengths away from the nursery, a slight frown etched onto her features as she is complaining to one of her littermates about how the flower she had worn behind her ear has long since wilted and wants a new one to replace it which will hardly be easy considering most flora has long since succumbed to the early frost. mid-complaint another voice is calling out for her attention which caused her to peer over her shoulder to see it was none other than patchkit who bounded over with glee in her tone before rambling on about a project and a clan? an ebony nose would be quick to wrinkle in mild offense at the prensence of her denmate, she didn't really know much about patchkit nor her brother cherrykit but wasn't incredibly bothered to care.

"first of all, don't get close to me i don't want whatever germs you might be carrying. second of all, a super-duper-cool kit clan? surely that isn't the actual name you gave it–" spoke the point, saying the words 'super-duper-cool' felt so incredibly wrong and clunky on her tongue.
[ penned by cobi ]

Even though Jaypaw was an only child (as far as he knew, though he's begun to notice in the Thunderclanners that usually cats have them in litters...), he's come to understand kits from his time in the nursery. At least, on a basic level. They come up with something silly and he's forced to play along because when it comes to the fragile emotions of the youngest cats, 'no' is an evil, evil word. How silly and dumb what they're doing doesn't matter, it's just better to go along with it as an older cat. However, it's not often he sees kits stick their nose up at each other and the conversation he over hears brings his orange ears high up toward the den ceiling.

One ear sweeps to the side as he stands up and pads his way over, looking between the runty kits. He should probably stay out of it but, "What are germs?" He's never heard of those and slowly his attention turns toward Patchkit and, not wanting her to feel bad he says, "Well, I'd join your duper-super, uh, super-duper-kit... Uh, the cool secret kit clan instead. But, I'm not a kit... I could be a guard or something?" Every kingdom needs warriors, he'd think.

On an off handed thought, he adds on, a little deviously and for a reaction from the fussy one of the bunch, "I understand if not. I mean, it's so exclusive! I bet only the coolest, superest kits get to join it..." Jay sighs and pulls his paw to his forehead in an exaggerated swoon.
When she was still a wee-bitty-kitty, if one of her friends had PERSONALLY invited her to their super-duper-cool kit clan, she would have accepted it in LESS than a heartbeat, she bets. 'Cause if she's gettin' asked personally, chances are she was one of the FIRST to be asked, which means she probably could've claimed the deputy role! And if it was already taken- actually it WASN'T because she would BATTLE TO THE DEATH FOR IT!!! Almost-not-really-to-the-death because she was raised well enough to know murder is bad (unlike SOME cats)!

And... Crescentkit was built different. Like... so different it was kinda weird (and she's like 90% sure it's because Little Wolf's mates with a you know what) but that's FINE! She'd... grow out of it and stuff. "Um??? I thought you were a super-duper-cool kit, Cressy?" she asks. It's partly her trying to subtly convince her cousin not to be... insert nicer word for an asshole, and partly a genuine question. Only lame kits would decline such an offer, surely? She snorts at Jaypaw's show of swooning over the kits. It certainly was a strategy. "Yeah! This shrimp's willing to be your servant for FREE! You love those, don't you?" servant, bodyguard, basically the same thing probably.

All this sudden support from older cats startled Patchkit, but she quickly overcame it and welcomed both of them with a happy squeak. "I have no idea what germs are either, but I'd be thrilled to let you both be cool bodyguards!!" She happily leapt around in excitement. All of these new friends and cool newcomers to her super-duper-cool kit clan! She could teach them how to act as bodyguards!

Patchkit bounds around happily, giggling to herself. "I'll make room for all of us then! And of course not, silly goose, the name isn't super-duper-cool kit clan! It's S--S..." She pauses for a minute, as if realizing she didn't have a name for it. Oh well! She could think one up on the fly! "I could name it Tree Clan! Or--or what about Spider Clan? Oooh, maybe we can do AwesomeClan! AwesomeClan it is!" Out of all of those names, she had to choose the one stupid name, but Patchkit seemed to be happy with it as she bounced around with glee.
"You can even be the deputy, Crescentkit! I'll be the leader! I can be... Patchspot! And-and then you can be Crescent-moonlight!"

Evidently, she hadn't exactly gotten the hang of all these new names yet, but Patchkit didn't seem to care as she bounced back to her little den. Maybe they would all follow her, and she'd be the best of friends with everyone! She didn't seem to give notice to Crescentkit's pompous attitude either, though, as she corraled her, Jaypaw, and Woldfind, towards her tiny makeshift den.
"Come on, come on! I'll show you the whole den! I have no idea if you two will fit, but we'll make room! You get a cool nest to yourself and everything!"