Dec 20, 2022


    cw: violence, gore, & death mentioned in paragraph four

    Terzo was born to parents, Sorella and Nihil on September 1st, 2020. His parents live in the twolegplace, taking shelter in the alleyways and were the "heads" of a small group of rogues; which called themselves the "dark shade rogues". These rogues believe in a dark deity, and the sources of this faith are unknown. The rogues believe in a deity called "Nox", whom is, always present in nature; and can be found hiding in the shadows... lurking in the creaks and crevices. Darkness is a common fear among most cats, as danger can often lurk in it, but Terzo would be taught to revere it. Terzo would be "mentored" by his older half siblings- Primo and Secondo, but he would not get along with them. They do not approve of Terzo's father as one of the heads, and thus look down on Nihil's offspring.

    By the time Terzo is a little over 12 moons, his parents have one more kit; Copia. Surprisingly, Copia resembles Terzo in his fur coat and shares their father's eyes just like Terzo. Copia couldn't be more different than Terzo in personality, but that doesn't stop the young kit from practically getting attached to Terzo's hip. Later when Copia is deemed old enough to be "apprenticed", Terzo becomes responsible for "mentoring" him. This only strengthens the two brother's bond.

    Moons upon moons pass, and as Copia "graduates" their father is forced out as a "head" due to his growing old age. Sorella begins to question if her sons with Nihil are worthy of one day taking over the dark shade rogues, as numbers and food have been low. One day, when the two rogue members were out searching for food, Sorella decides to take matters into her own paws. By ordering the deaths of her children, fathered by Nihil.

    The two cats, Terzo and Copia, are attacked by Dewdrop, a long time member of the rogue group. He catches the two off guard, and leaves a nasty wound to Terzo's throat & nicks his right ear twice. Believing Terzo to be good as dead, he focuses on Copia; whom manages to get the upper hand. Dewdrop runs off to get reinforcements, and in the moment they have alone, Terzo tells Copia to run. Devastated to leave his brother behind, Copia races off and Terzo believes he'll soon be dead- but Nox looks out for it's subjects in mysterious ways.


    Terzo is taken in by twolegs vets and later rehome him to twolegs; while Copia seeks refuge in SkyClan. Copia believes his brother is dead, until Terzo shows up to SkyClan's borders, whom finally escaped from his twoleg imprisonment....

    for a more detailed backstory, please check out copia's backstory for further details!

    - Terzo is little over a year older than Copia (born October 1st, 2021). Terzo was born on September 1st, 2020, making him 48 moons old as of this being posted. He ages once per month on the 1st.
    - Here is more information on copia if needed!
    - He is 100% ex-rogue & a former kittypet. Besides his npc parents, half-sibling npcs, & Copia, he does not have any immediate connections to outside clans or cats.
    - Copia has been in SkyClan since July, Terzo was taken in by twolegs after the attack and was healed up at the vet. He was later adopted out to a twoleg family, forced to be a kittypet, and upon getting adopted, will escape their nest & join SkyClan!
    - Copia & Terzo mostly get along pretty well! As their personalities clash a bit, the two might often bicker/tease each other; but down the line they do care & support each other!
    - the ooc naming theme is directly from ghost's lore- terzo means "third" in italian!
  • TERZO — claimed by TBD
    - Terzo (AMAB) is a black smoke tom with low white. He has heterochromia eyes- one green and one gray eye. You can find his reference HERE.
    - Terzo is a charismatic, outgoing, decisive, and flamboyant figure; whom cares about those deemed close to him, and has a strong sense of loyalty. He is quick and intelligent, but the former rogue be overbearing, manipulative, and a little bit entitled.
    - Terzo is inspired by Papa Emeritus III/Terzo from the band Ghost, but artistic liberties are absolutely welcome! (Honestly there isn't much information on Papa III/Terzo, so there's no pressure at all for being an "exact" replica!)
    - Terzo: name given to him by his parents, means "third" in italian

    - This thread is not first come first serve! Any application form is accepted though!
    - This adopt does not have a set closing date, but that is subject to change depending on the amount of interest this adopt gets!
    - Please do not change his name or alter his appearance. I would prefer if his personality is kept mostly the same, but feel free absolutely expand on it!!
    - He won't take on a clan name upon passing his assessment! Furthermore, please keep him in SkyClan!
    - Activity wise, I would really like it if you were active with him! I've been aiming for 10 posts per month with Copia (might increase), so a minimum of 5-10 posts a month is perfect to me! Furthermore, I'd also love to see him develop past being Copia's brother!
    - I reserve the right to rehome him if there are 3 months of inactivity & zero communication! I'm typically pretty lenient when it comes to this, I would rather try and see if something can be worked out before rehoming! <3
    - Terzo (and Copia) does not believe in StarClan! He was raised into their own belief, and while they might one day acknowledge the existence of StarClan, they won't believe in it!
    - Once adopted, if you have a toyhouse I will transfer the character profile to you <3
    - If you have any questions, please holler at me in SkyClan's discord server!! My channel there is called #copias-clergy!
    Parents genetics:
    Sire: SH chocolate w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute)
    Dam: LH blue smoke w/ low white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)

    - Terzo is a G1 ex-rogue. His parents are npcs. He is brothers with Copia, and Primo & Secondo are his older half-brothers.
    - sh black smoke with low white, with one green and gray eye.
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