copy my sound ☼ scorpionpaw


aerate the embers
May 26, 2024

Emberpaw strides across camp as she finally completed her tasks for the day. A faint rumbling of her stomach makes her stop in her steps and glance to see if anyone heard her stomach. She clears her throat as she spins on her paws and grabs a plump squirrel as she heads off to the shade to settle down until a familiar figure of @SCORPIONPAW catches her attention. The only person she was close to was Cherryblossom, and she viewed the young deputy as an 'older sister' in a way. But anyone else? She didn't have many relations with others besides occasionally talking to Scorpionpaw whenever he noticed she was nearby. Her tufted tail flicks as she places the squirrel between her paws and awkwardly calls, ”Scorpionpaw, would you like to share this squirrel with me?” Was this how one made friends by initiating to the other? While Emberpaw seemed to inherit skills similar to a prodigy (especially if it came to fighting), the usual extroverted tasks of extending herself out were difficult. Her face always seemed disinterested in others and rarely showed emotion, and her body language always gave off the air of authority. Her smoked paws idly touch the squirrel, and she hopes that the cream striped tom doesn't notice her strange behaviors. This was not one of her strong suits, after all.

His striped hackles twitch, a particular glint of anger in his grey sights as he stomps away from the apprentice he had been arguing with. They had lost a bet to him and refused to pay up, so naturally he’d hatch a plan in the night to take that which he was owed. A brilliant plan glistened behind his eyes but the tides shift as Emberpaw calls out to him.

A bright smile suddenly reaches across his face, and he pads toward her. He wasn’t used to her calling out to him, normally it was him making it his job to bother her. In truth, she was cool. Quiet and mysterious, a bit serious but that only added to her element. Perhaps it was just a way for him to polish his own reputation by sharing tongues with what he considered the elite of their respective ranks. A sort of, shifty enterprise upon his social network. Luckily, he wasn’t obvious about it, because he was kind to most. " ello Em " he greets.

" feels a bit undeserved considering… I’ve had the whole day off " he snorts, but drops down to join her regardless. " but I’m sure you heard why…. " his mentor had retired, but he still had two whole moons to catch back up on training before his apprentice trial. He wasn’t worried, but he was often too busy with other things to focus on what gave him anxiety. " but yeah- I can eat. I can always eat " he admits, reaching his chin forward and snapping his teeth around a leg.

" you hear who I’m getting reassigned to? …. guess " he speaks around a mouthful of squirrel fur. The thought of his new mentor, well, he didn’t know how to feel because he barely knew him. Maybe Emberpaw would have some insight.

  • TEN MOONS | ages on the 11th
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    Brother of Coyotecrest and Eveningpaw
    — mentored by TBA
    — muscled short 1/2 curly 1/2 spikey cream and white tabby with grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • qrHZneX.png


Scorpionpaw seemed to have a quarrel with someone and her flaming gaze follows the apprentice that he was formerly talking to. Were they bullying him or blackmailing him? A fictional eyebrow raises until she can feel the gaze of the tom on her, and blinks at the bright smile on his lips. Seeing his bright smile made her feel awkward, and she couldn't comprehend why he was smiling brightly. Her lips curl into an awkwardly yet rare smile, attempting to return the smile. The cream and white tabby had an interesting personality, and he often made the air around him lighter, unlike her. His nickname catches her off guard and it wasn't something she'd experienced before. A vibrant gaze blinks at him as a gentle yet genuine smile fits on her scarred lips before she clears her throat, her ears burning in embarrassment. ”Mm. Hello.” Was this what it was like having a friend? The only people she was remotely close to were Cherryblossom, who was like an older sister and Oakrumble, who'd been a sort of adopted aunt. Her long tufted tail twitches slightly as she mreows, ”Were you being bullied? I'm um... here for you, if you are.” It would be easy to kick someone's rump for being rude to their friend in a friendly practice of a 'spar'.

Scorpionpaw mentions his unproductive day, which she heard through the vines, his mentor had retired. What was the reason for retiring again? ”I'm sure you'll catch up fast. You're smart. I'm always here as well help you practice,” Emberpaw would respond as she attempts to comfort him as she saw others do. Was she doing this friend thing right? Many assumed Emberpaw was naturally a prodigy because she seemingly flawlessly picked up skills, but she practiced day and night. She never allowed herself to fail. If she fell on her rump, then she got up and went back, regardless of how many times she failed. The cinnamon smoke listens to Scorpionpaw with an intense gaze, quietly chewing a piece of squirrel until he inquires her. She squints in thought as she ponders who'd become the tom's new mentor, and he didn't seem overly happy (so it had to be someone he barely knew). ”I haven't heard, but you don't look excited, so it's not your dad. Who is it?” Emberpaw inquires with an owlish tilt of her head.