CORONATION [ bananapaw's assessment ]

[ set retro to quill && twitch's abduction -- @Bananapaw ! ]

Silversmoke hadn't told the apprentice why they were heading out into the forest that day, though if she had half of her wits about her, he predicted that she could figure it out. Bananapaw was an older cat now, just a few sunhighs shy from adulthood in the eyes of the clan, but adulthood did not always mean maturity. Wordlessly, he escorted the cream and white tabby towards the Tall Pine, quick to hush away any questions or comments the kittypet may have had for him on the journey there. His limbs still smarted from a recent feud, his temper a wildfire that was only just beginning to calm itself. Silversmoke wanted to get this over and done with and use his paws more befittingly. He came to a halt, his tail gesturing to command Bananapaw to do the same. "Your mentor has abandoned SkyClan in a time of great turmoil." He closed his eyes as he spoke of Sharpeye, his betrayal stinging just as much as the wounds hidden behind Silver's ghostly fur. He wouldn't forget the other tom's face anytime soon, what started as a shared agreement between the two had turned into a situation taken too far by the seld-exiled animal, now, all the tabby could think of was giving him a piece of his mind the next time he saw him.

Bananapaw was not Sharpeye, in some ways, she was better, and in other ways, she was worse. Loyalty to twolegs and loyalty to a clan were not two things that could truly coincide, yet either out of naive innocence or a refusal to leave her privileges behind, she tried her best to make it work. Silently he wondered if she was even ready to be a full daylight warrior, but predictions would not be the decision-maker today - only results. He leaned his long flank against the trunk of a pine tree, mismatched eyes opened once more to glare studiously at the older apprentice. "That is why it is my job now to oversee your assessment to become a full..." The next words already felt acrid on his tongue. "Daylight warrior." Chrysalispaw, with his foul mouth and attitude as rotten as ShadowClan's carrion, seemed to be just as hypocritical as the lead warrior in befriending half-clanners. He had no clue what they saw in Bananapaw, perhaps a skill that Silversmoke wouldn't be impressed by, perhaps a virtue that his poor social skills had prevented him from witnessing. Maybe he would get to see it today, maybe he would be poorly disappointed - though the tabby's hopes weren't high, he tried his best to keep his actual expectations neutral.

"I don't know what skills you've learned before this - if you struggle today, that will be a sign to me that you need to learn more. Prove to me that SkyClan blood flows through your body: scale the trees of our great home and catch an adult bird. How you do it doesn't matter, but I don't want to see your paws touch the ground until you've got one in your jaws. Are we clear?" He had seen cats fall from a great height catching birds before, their heads had never been the same sometimes. It would be dangerous, but if the kittypet couldn't do it, then there was no way he could let them be a warrior. "You have until sundown. Remember, I do not want to see your paws touch the ground." He emphasised his point, and opened himself up to trickery in hopes that, if she knew what she was doing, she could hide any adjustments to her position she needed to make from his prying eyes. "Now go."

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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

It'd be a lie if there hadn't been some sort of curious output in the young cat as the lead warrior lead them through the forest. Though each question or comment was quieted by the silver tabby cat and eventually Bananapaw gave up all together. Tall Pine soon came into view and it just made her brow furrow further in confusion, what was going one exactly? Was this going to be some kind of joke? Silversmoke hardly seemed like the kind to be a jokester though, so that wasn't exactly a well thought out reason.

Then they stopped and he turned to her, stating the very obvious that Sharpeye had left Skyclan. Was this what he wanted? To rub in the face further that she was prone to disaster cause of her kittypet heritage and her disloyal mentor? Bananapaw gave a small inward sigh to herself at the notion and flicked her tail behind her idly. There was many things they could go on about- and at this point she'd welcome a chat about the weather.

Silversmoke continued onwards with that of over seeing her assessment, and it was like he choked on the words he spat out. The little cream she-cat flicked her ears back against her head slightly- did he have to say it like that? Chrysalispaw shared many of the same things as his mentor in regards to kittypets and daylight warriors'. None of it very good opinions but opinions nonetheless. Clearly he didn't think she was ready, and to be fairly honest- she didn't feel ready either. Sharpeye hadn't taught her much in her time here in the clan, but that wasn't his fault- it was the fault of her going home each night.

She didn't have the day in and day out routine that Chrysalispaw or Termitepaw had where it was training around the clock. She got to go back, back to her bed and her twolegs and she knew that made Silversmokes' skin crawl. Like mentor like apprentice or whatever the saying was.

Bananapaw straightened her shoulders slightly and gave a small nod in understanding. Paws cannot touch the ground, she must stay in the trees. To be quite honest, she hadn't done much climbing. Most of her days had been spent border patroling or hunting with a few lessons on how to fight from Chrysalispaw or Quillstrike. Though she wouldn't let this deter her too much, she was a quick learner! How hard could it be? She was Skyclan after all! Regardless of what others may think.

Tawny and white paws moved the second Silversmoke issued the go ahead to start. Leaping up onto a tree root, then claws dug into the bark of the sycamore tree. This was just like climbing her cat tower back home! Less furry, but it was easier to grasp with her nails than her cat tree was. Bananapaw pulled herself forward and up, up, up the tree she went until she reached the first branch.

With a desperate paw, she grasped onto it and inched her way onto the thicker branch. Bananapaw huffed with exhaustion as that took a lot more energy than she had anticipated it would. Though she made it! She was in the trees! Catching her breath, the young cat nodded in determination at herself before looking down over the edge of the tree.

Big mistake.

Bananapaw felt her head swim and her vision blurred slightly at the sight of the ground below, and she grappled onto the branch for dear like. Okay, don't look down. Never look down. Taking a few deep breaths, Bananapaw managed to calm her need to throw up and get back up onto her paws at least. Okay, now for the hunting part of this expedition.

A small head lifted into the air, mouth agape as she tasted the breeze that blew by gentle. Trying to pick up something in the trees but found nothing of the sorts, and she twitched her ears slightly. Maybe she should go further into the trees and try it that way- she could go all over the territory she just can't touch the ground.

A quizative look crossed her half-white face before the young cat crouched down with her leg muscles bunching up before springing. Front paws out stretched, her toes graced the branch and managed to grasp it just barely onto the next branch over. She felt her heart leap into her chest from the fear of falling to the ground, and she gave a quick couple of breaths before pulling herself upwards onto it. Bananapaw shook herself out to get rid of the almost dying feeling before looking up into the trees.

If she was a bird where would she go?

It also had to be an adult bird too- but what kind of adult bird? A sparrow? A robin? As she picked her way across the more intertwined branches, Bananapaw had a slight idea yet there was still hesitance behind it. There was the prospect of a pigeon. Those guys where round and large, and usually up high in the area but the issue at hand was that she'd have to go to the twoleg place. Silversmoke didn't say anything about where it came from or where she went to get it- it just had to be an adult bird.

Was that cheating though? She had pulled that with Sharpeye, Ashenclaw and Termitepaw when they had their compeition. But, what was the harm? It'd be an adult bird nonetheless. Bananapaw looked back towards where she had left Silversmoke on the ground and then towards the greyish outline of twolegplace through the branches.

Judt don't touch the ground.

Little paws moved along the branches carefully, focus glimmering in deep green eyes as the young apprentice moved. Each paw step a chance, a gamble, and she held her breath with every waking step. She didn't know how long it took her, but it took her a while it felt like and then the trees started to thin out. No longer so tightly woven, and evetually it came to a head where she would need to jump across or climb higher.

Bananapaw looked up at the branches above her head and took a breath- higher it was then.

Carefully, she moved along the branch until she reached the trunk of the tree and then reared up to sink her front claws into the bark. It was softer, more moist, and had a rotten log scent to it. She seemed to ignore this and climbed up anyway with a little more ease as they where not that far up. Alright, next time won't be so easy of course.

Eventually, there was the next hurdle on the adventure; the gap between the forest and the twolegplace. It was a wide open stretch of land with only grass and fences beyond that, and there was no way she'd be able to jump that gap either. Not without seriously hurting herself on the way down. Green hues looked around for something of a solution to the issue. Was there a way to get across without touching the ground? Then her gaze locked onto the saving grace of the problem; those black tendrils that hunt from the sky.

They where on tall, brown trees that didn't have branches or leaves on them. They where just tall, wooden cylinders. But, they had those black wires that strung between them and those would be perfect for her to get across on! Bananapaw grinned to herself and scooted closer to the tall tree before looking out at the wire.

It was no bigger than a whiskers width, rubbery and swayed with the once gentle breeze. She swallowed hard as her heart started to pound in her chest as this idea seemed a lot more dangerous than she had invisioned. Bananapaw looked back for a second before towards the wire once more, reaching out a front paws to carefully balance on it. It stuck between her toes, and she had to take it very slowly, but surely she inched her way across the wire.

Though things changed of course.

The breeze picked up suddenly, causing it to drip and sway under Bananapaws' body weight and she gave a loud squeak in surprise. Gripping on before breaking into a light trot the rest of the way that was thankfully only a tail length long. Down onto the fence she went and she gave a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Alright, what was next?


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons. chatty.
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, previously mentored by Sharpeye.
    — overly friend, likes most

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

It was with a stalwart vigilance that the spotted tabby kept an eye on Bananapaw's movements, his mouth pressed into a thin line and his large form disappearing into the foliage of SkyClan's gracious soil. Occasionally he would appear, a ghostly figure wandering from one piece of cover to the next, otherwise, he was silent. Even when fear rippled through the apprentice's body and he instinctively jolted forwards to tell her to be careful, the flash of teeth and strict words never came. She could climb, that was at least something. Now, it was time to see if she could hunt. As Bananapaw maneuvered through the trees, Silversmoke weaved past their trunks on the ground, tail lashing as he saw a small brown figure dart across the ground away from him. Birds would only try and escape upwards... briefly, he wondered if his close presence would end up being an advantage to the kittypet after all. Silversmoke didn't get time to consider it further before he squinted towards the younger cat, his head beginning to tilt as she stepped upon a wire and ended up ending right into the Twolegplace.

'What the- where are you going?' He wanted to ask, his maw creasing as he silently sneered. His paws were weighted as he tried to lift them again, feeling the pressure of entering the human's territory as if he'd been hit by a monster. He looked down to the developed earth and back to the Bananapaw, who traipsed the wire as if it were second nature - how dare she look more comfortable in this wretched place? The wind carried a squeak and Silversmoke pushed forwards, fearing she'd fall. No such circumstance occurred and before long, she was able to regain her balance and the Lead Warrior realised that he had stepped over the boundary. The smell of rotten trash and fumes filled his nostrils, the corner of his vision darkening as his chest began to tighten and tighten. Bananapaw became less of a cat and more of an amalgamation of shapes. He wasn't too far away from where the incident had occurred, the longer he looked around, the more that fact settled.

He wasn't immediately greeted with a callous rogue or twoleg but the thought remained, festering in the old wounds his mind refused to mend. Feeling his breathing grow more and more erratic, Silversmoke tried to ground himself with thoughts of home. A warm den, Auburnflame's presence a light in the darkness, the feel of the wind on his whiskers and the sounds of chirping birds to remind him he was alive. He was alive. He wouldn't die here. He was stronger now. He had to be. Wordlessly, he would continue to shadow the older apprentice, melting into the gloomy shadows of the twolegplace like he'd missed its noxious bite. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

With a plan in mind, the young she-cat didn't take notice of the silver tabby cat following her or anything- she was set in what she was aiming for. Small, white paws moved across the ground expertly as she narrowed her eyes in focus; there was a pigeon not too far. It was sat upon a roof pecking at the tile for scrapes of leaves or twigs. It was plump with a rounded body and wings fluttered ever so slightly in the wind as it billowed past. Bananapaw crouched low to the ground with her ears flicking back against her head and moved forward quietly.

Then there was a shift in the wind.

It moved from against her bringing the scent of pigeon to her nose to bringing her scent to the bird itself. It raised an alarm call shortly after and took off into the sky to which she was quick to leap across the fence and up onto the roof. Paws weren't quick enough though as the whole group of pigeons fluttered into the sky in panic at a cat in their midst. The young cat swore to herself softly and lashed her tail back and forth annoyed. Seemed this whole hunt was going to be harder than she expected.

Though now her choice of prey had fled into the air, and it left her on the roof of the twoleg den almost disgruntled. Would she pass her assessment? At this rate it felt like a failure, like some deity was against her from the beginning, but she shook herself. No time to sit and be sad! Bananapaw needed to be a warrior. To prove to Chrysalispaw she could do it, that she was more than just some kittypet wanna be warrior. Plus what would Quillstrike think? He would give her some sort of advice or comfort in a situation like this.

Bananapaw puffed out her chest slightly, lapping at it to brush aside any other thoughts of self-doubt, before giving a firm nod to herself. The cream she-cat then turned to head back into the forest, back the way she had come with a newfound target in mind; a squirrel. Those had to be in the forest! They where large and fat too, so they should be an impressive catch for Silversmoke! It was the perfect back up plan and there was no way this could fail her.

Back in the confines of the trees, she lifted her nose to the air and hummed to herself in thought. The wind gave way to moving off to the west, carrying with it mice and other small rodents but not what she sought for. Better keep going! Banananpaw moved through the trees carefully towards that of the sandy hollow, her breath leaving her as it was more effort to stay up on a branch than originally thought. The concept of falling terrified her. Also if she fell, she'd fail her assignment.

The prospect of failing was not an option, and she looked up at the sky to see the sun had started to dip in the sky. She wasn't sure when they started but she knew she had until sunset to get this assignment done otherwise she'd be stuck as an apprentice for another moon. There was a huff of air through her nose as she moved over another branch into what appeared to be a cluster of leaves and twigs. The object had tufts of downy feathers in it or other soft things like moss or twoleg things.

What was this?

Bananapaw looked around in question, her nose twitching as the scent of a kestrel was rather scarce from where she stood so it was an old nest. Yet there was one peculiar thing in the nest- acorns. Like another creature had come up here to use the abandoned nest for something of storage. It was odd to say the least but with hos structural sound it was- she didn't blame the animal that was holding acorns up here.

Though it would seem the creature wouldn't appreciate the same sentiment.

There was a loud squeal sound from behind Bananapaw and she was quick to whip around in time for this protective squirrel to lunge at her. It was pretty big animal and it caught her enough off guard that it caused her paws to slip. The branch that had been her solace was quickly ripped away as air consumed her body, and panic ripped through her chest.

She was falling!

Tawny and white figure had to think quickly before she hit the ground, and it was coming up at a rapid pace. Bananapaw twisted in mid-air to avoid landing on her back, but she was going to break a leg or something if she didn't catch herself. Panic made her heart pound in her chest at a loud volume that she couldn't hear anything outside of it. Green eyes moved around for something, anything, to grab onto to soften her fall.

The trunk was her only option it seemed.

White paws reached out for the trunk, and she managed to sink her claws into the rough bark and slide down the trunk for a good tail length before suddenly stopping. She was about a few whisker hairs away from touching the root, but she was still in the tree! Still off the ground even if it was at the edge of her life. She took a few breaths to calm her palpitating heart before forcing herself to climb back up the oak tree and onto the lowest branch. She sat on it with a heavy breath and her shoulders burned from the tension of trying to catch her fall by her claws. She was going to have a hang claw or something for a week now.

A white muzzle turned upwards towards the froth of branches above her, and Bananapaw forced herself to her paws even though a large part of her wanted to give up. She almost fell out of the tree. She could've been seriously hurt or broken something or even died!

Was being a warrior really worth her life?

The thought hit her like a freight train, and she gulped slightly in her realization.

For the majority of her life, it had been centered around being a warrior and being free in the forest. It was any young cats dream to be a feral and wild animal! To be something they're not, but what if Chrysalispaw was right? Was if Silversmoke was right? What if ever daylight warrior question-er was right? She just wasn't good enough to be a warrior. She would always have some sort of softness to her, some sort of disadvantage. Though there was Orangeblossom, deputy of Skyclan and she shared the same kittypet blood Bananapaw did. Sheepcurl was a lead warrior from kittypet blood and even Blazestar himself had been a soft house cat at one point.

So what made her different?

Maybe it was the lack of training, the lack of putting forth the effort into her work like they had. Sharpeye had been a great mentor, but he didn't really teach her a whole lot in his time in Skyclan. Was it because of her blood that he thought she wasn't worthy of training? Bananapaw flattened her ears against her head and kept moving through the trees, she just had to get this over with. Just had to prove she was something to someone and then all would be right with the world right?

Quillstrike is whom came to mind.

He'd always believed in her. Always was some sort of confidant, a friend, and he wouldn't want to see her fail. Bananapaw missed sharing a den with him, of sleeping beside him at night, and if she didn't become a warrior this new leaf- then she wouldn't get that for another moon. Maybe more if she kept failing at her task.

Orangeblossom was another one that came to mind.

Her sister was her biggest supporter. Always cheering her on from the sidelines in her own Ora-way, and she wants to make her sister proud of her. Cloudberrypaw would become a warrior the same time! If she didn't graduate with him- then she'd be alone. Of course there was Chrysalis and his siblings up next for warriorhood, but that was a whole moon away still. Besides, she'd get to share a den with her sister again.

The tawny and white apprentice moved over clusters of tree branches, the sun was starting to level in the sky and turn an orange color with the start of twilight. She didn't have much time- but there was enough. An adult bird. She just needed an adult bird and then it would be okay- a scent catches her nose. She lifts up her head with nose twitching and whiskers flicking ever so slightly as the scent carried on the wind.

Across the path that lead between the trees was something she didn't expect to find- a baby owl.

It looked to have just left the nest, and was picking at a dead rodent with its beak. Bananapaw knew it was a risky chance, but it was one she was willing to take. It wasn't an adult bird, but it was something nonetheless. There was just one problem- getting over to the other side of the path without getting down from the tree.

It didn't seem to notice her, downy feathers twitching slightly, and the jump was just enough if she was lucky enough to make it.

Bananapaw crouched on the branch, backing up a bit, before taking two large bounds and leaping off of the branch. She soared through the air for a brief moment before crash landing onto the birch tree just barely sticking out far enough for her grab onto with her front claws. The young Skyclan cat dangled for a while there, back legs trying to pull themselves up but her paws started to slip.

No this is now how it will end!

With a great heave, she yanked herself up with her front paws and found purchase with her back on the trunk. She pulled herself up and up till she got to a stable branch, then panted heavily from the exertion. Bananapaw though had little time to waste in catching her breath before she was on the move once more towards the owl. White paws where quick across bark and leaves shivered under her weight, but she was determined. Stubborn and determined.

The owl took notice of her and spread out its softer wings for flight, but this time- Bananapaw was faster.

The young cat collided with the baby owl and they both went tumbling off the side of the branch. There was a loud screech from the baby bird as it tried to escape white paws, but with a messy lunge- Bananapaw ended its life.

Then she hit the ground. Hard.

With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
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Silversmoke watched as a flurry of pigeons flew up from the rooftops, relief piercing through his growing anxiety - thank the Stars he could be rid of this retched Twolegplace. His eyes practically popped out of his skull when he saw Bananapaw again, empty-pawed and looking more like a fish out of water than ever as she meandered towards... the forest. His fur bristled in flustered agitation. 'I am going to kill her....' Hyperbole brought about by a severe disinterest in seeing his old stomping grounds. What had been the point of sending him this way just to run back to the treetops?! Sneering to himself, he followed in the shadows once more, only stopping again when she went to assess a nest. A squirrel jumpscare was nothing compared to the horrors of the Twolegplace, but he still winced as she went flying towards the ground, catching herself but a breadth away from an instant failure. He was half-tempted to stop the test there, the constant endangerment too much for the maine coon's heart, though seeing Bananapaw's determination, he decided to give her one final chance. It seemed to pay off... until he saw her jump head-first toward an owl.

The Lead Warrior jumped out of his hiding spot, paws squared and prepared to jump to highground and wrestle the bird of prey away from the idiotic apprentice, instead, Bananapaw was able to cut its hallowed cries short, relief flooding in. Until.... she rolled right off the edge of the branch with her catch in tow. Silversmoke was grateful he was not a cat with a predisposition to stress-induced heart attacks, for this rollercoaster of an assessment would have given him four at best. He raised a paw to cover his eyes as the Daylight Apprentice landed against the ground, ears flat against his skull at the sound of the impact. Egads, what was it with Kittypets diving from trees like maniacs?! The forest floor was not as cushioned as their luxury dens, why did such a fact constantly seem to abate the minds of his least favourite type of cat? Worry gnawed at his gut as he let his vision return to him, assessing the apprentice from a short distance away. Was anything broken? Her neck seemed fine, he hoped the owl had cushioned her fall somewhat. It would take some explaining if an apprentice had died on one of his assessments, but more importantly than that, it'd mean the loss of a SkyClanner who meant a helluva lot to a helluva lot of cats.

He stood over Bananapaw, his tail lashing. "Are you alright? That was quite the fall." He nudged her with a white paw, lowering his head in preparation for dragging her back to camp if need be. His wide gaze briefly hovered over the owl, nostrils flaring as he took note of the down still clinging to their chest, the last drop of innocence that marked the owl's youth. By his own standards, she'd failed. All that back and forth between the Twolegplace and the forest, the risk of death, all of it had been for nothing. His ears twitched in disappointment, prepared to give the verdict to Bananapaw when he paused. The silence was deafening as he considered several factors: the lack of warriors left to devote their time to Bananapaw, the accusations of anti-Kittypet bias that could threaten their place in the clan (he didn't think her any worse than the Daylight Warriors, anyhow), the fact that she'd caught something as big as any adult bird, the fact that it died before she splashed against the ground.

He sighed, his brows creasing together as if met with a sudden headache. "You've passed, but before you go jumping for joy, know that your performance was... questionable. You are an indecisive and reckless hunter, I guess you take after your mentor in that regard. If circumstances were different I'd advise you to have another moon of training. It would've been no punishment to have to train more if it meant you did not risk an early death. Try as you might, you won't grow wings." He'd continue whether the apprentice was out for the count or not. It was important information and... she'd probably be alright, right? The corners of his taciturn frown rose, revealing a neutral expression - perhaps the closest thing to joy the Lead Warrior could offer in company he didn't know too well. "But... killing an owlet is impressive, and you didn't touch the ground despite all the setbacks. You should be proud of the potential you've shown and the bellies you will feed tonight. I will let Blazestar know that you have earned your Warrior name, congratulations. Use your newfound freedom to improve and strive for greatness." 'And I may just call you an equal yet'.
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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The world around her spun slightly as her bearings left her entirely, and she was left reeling on the floor of the forest. Bananapaw didn't know if she should move or stay still until the dizziness subsided but the sound of Silversmokes' voice had her bolting upright. She bristled slightly in response to her fall and him asking if she was okay. She felt- fine? Her shoulder stung slightly and her head pounded, but otherwise she felt relatively normal. There wasn't time to verbally respond if she was okay or not to him before she picked herself up slowly. Her right shoulder felt stiff from where she had landed on the forest floor and she looked down at the owlet she had been able to tackle to the floor.

Silversmoke then gave her the best new she could've asked for.

Bananapaw brightened a thousand fold in response to being told Silversmoke would be talking to Blazestar about her ceremony! She as going to be a warrior after all! She bounced in place despite the criticism, which she expected cause she was in fact indecisive on most things, but reckless hunter? She wasn't that reckless was she? Regardless, she was getting her name! She was going to be a warrior!


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png