pafp Cosas tontas [prompt]

Curiosity knew no bounds, and so too did Softkit often push the boundaries of what others might have considered right or wrong - there was certainly a lack of tact in some of the young she-cat's questions, ones that were far too blunt and had Spiderlily pushing Softkit to apologize for having asked what she had. Still, all her mistakes proved not much to her sense of learning, and she continued with her questions - mostly innocent ones, but there were still times when she would cross a line and be reprimanded for it. The important thing, she thought, was that she did know how to properly apologize for making others uncomfortable or upset, even if that came after the fact.
The unfortunate patsy that was the center of Softkit's questioning today happened to be Flamewhisker. Softkit had asked her various little questions, like how she felt about the snow, and did it always burn one's paws like that when they touched it, but her next question was a big one that Softkit hardly even gave consideration to before it left her mouth.
"Flamewhisker, how come you're spending so much time with Falconheart and not Stormfeather?" The kit asked, blinking up at the warrior, ever the patient one waiting for an answer. "You go on walks with Falconheart, so why not Stormfeather? Does it have something to do with why Stormfeather's in the medicine cat's den?"

| please wait for @Flamewhisker
With Acornpaw off cleaning the Elder's den, she was left with some free time on her paws. Idle paws was not something she enjoyed, so she had volunteered to help watch the kits. This was something she enjoyed dearly, but it did not fill the void she felt when she imagined herself in the nursery, with her own kits tumbling around her paws. She should have been in there, but yellow cough had whisked away their plans.

Softkit was a talkative kit, very curious and not a bit bashful about asking questions. She reminded her of Tigerpaw when she was still a kit. Even though the apprentice wasn't her kit, she still felt a motherly bond to her, even if it remained unspoken. The lead warrior flipped her tail back and forth, twitching it and inviting Spiderlily's kitten to play with it. Her plume-like tail had proven to be a fun toy for kits, and she didn't mind sacrificing it if it kept a little one entertained.

She answered Softkit's questions without any hesitation, not thinking much into her responses, until the alabaster molly asked her last inquiry. Green eyes widened ever so slightly, and she quit flicking her tail for a moment. "What...What do you mean?" she said slowly, her mouth feeling dry all of a sudden. She had been trying to balance the time she spent with each of them, but had she really been focusing more on Falconheart? Was it so noticeable that even a kit had caught on? You go on walks with Falconheart, so why not with Stormfeather? She relaxed slightly as the next question was asked, she doesn't fully understand...

Flamewhisker readjusted how she was sitting, and flicked her tail to rest over her front paws. For once today, she wasn't quite sure how to answer the young kit's question. How come you've been spending so much time with Falconheart and not Stormfeather? the question burns her mind once more. She goes to speak, but she closes her jaws. Because...Because I have to protect him. He needs to stay safe...I have to protect him. She shifts the weight on her paws, and finally comes up with an answer that she didn't mind saying aloud. "Stormfeather is still healing dear...If she were able, I would spend as much time as I could with the both of them."
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

It didn't go unnoticed, the shift in Flamewhisker's expression when Softkit's first question landed. Softkit had noticed those shifts before, once catching a warrior's somber expression, but Flamewhisker's expression wasn't somber. In fact, Softkit wasn't quite sure she knew the right word for how Flamewhisker looked, and her getting lost in thought drew Softkit's mind away from Flamewhisker's startled reaction to her first question. That, and she didn't want to make Flamewhisker any more upset than she appeared.
"Oh, I see," Softkit nodded serenely, as if suddenly everything had been made clear with Flamewhisker's explanation. "What's Stormfeather healing from? I don't think I've ever met her," she considered her next words, squinting slightly. "I haven't really met Falconheart, but I have seen him around. He's nice."
Raccoonstripe blinks sympathetically at Flamewhisker, knowing the kit’s innocent questions were driving into her like claws from an enemy warrior. The tabby pads over to sit beside his friend, giving her a friendly bump with his shoulder. He has none of the ginger tabby’s maternity, none of her gentle touch, and he does not believe in lying to kits. Softkit will be a ThunderClan warrior someday, and despite her name, he hopes for any too-long-lingering softness to harden into something fierce as she grows. She should know the truth, he thinks to himself, flicking the tip of his tail.

Stormfeather went on the journey. You were too little, still, to remember her much. That’s where she got hurt.” He exhales through his nostrils, wondering how much to say. His dark eyes narrow, then, and he says, “She was hurt by a dog. Surely your fathers have told you about dogs, and how dangerous they are.” Most nursery queens warn their children about foxes and badgers, since they’ve been known to root into queens’ nests looking for kits, but dogs had laid troubles at ThunderClan’s door for seasons.

, ”
to be reborn , you have to die first .
He rarely interacted with his clanmates, preferring the solitude over the constant twitch of annoyance, unlike his mate who seemed to glow in the presence of others. The ghostly tom enjoyed the quietness his lonely life permitted, now with his second litter, Spiderlily found solitude in a small bubble of happiness, outside of his clanmates and with his family.

Spiderlily breathed, coming to a stop beside Softkit, gaze flickering to Flamewhisker and Raccoonstripe with bland hues. “Even so, it is not your place to tell her.” He rumbled. He wasn’t like most queens, unapologetic in his lessons of death, showing his children the few skulls that remained intact since he’d woken up from a plague-ridden coma, even now, Spiderlily frowned at the thought of beasts far crueler and more willing to take the lives of others.

“Never abandon your curiosity, my love, but be cautious. If you find yourself unsure, then it is best to wait.” He spoke, glancing at Softkit, reaching down to rasp a tongue over her ears with a rumbling sigh. “Raccoonstripe speaks the truth.” His tail flickered. “Dogs are unforgiving, like death. They are not as kind as you and I.” He mumbled, wondering just when he stole Whitelion’s speech.
thought speech